I. Due to telegram’s new privacy and policy. As the owner of this channel, i declare that i’m not the real Kim Taehyung. And also, this channel is only for roleplaying purposes which has nothing to do with Kim Taehyung.
II. Not everything i post here is mine. All those media are comes from the internet such as Pinterest, Instagram, Twitter, Google and etc. All credit goes directly to the creators.
III. Just incase if i suddenly post something that contains harsh words or anything else that is uncomfortable for you, feel free to unsubs this channel ya. And don’t forget to remove me [ @Van8e ] from your channel also. If you are a homophobic, like to have bad opinion of others, and grammer police. You can unsub this channel by asking permission first, because i don’t wanna interact with u and i don’t use CW & TW for my content, or harshword.
IV. please stop #PLAGIARISM, if you see a channel that uploads something similar to the content on my channel, or anything that smells of plagiarism, you can report it directly to my bot, or directly to my roomchat.
I. Due to telegram’s new privacy and policy. As the owner of this channel, i declare that i’m not the real Kim Taehyung. And also, this channel is only for roleplaying purposes which has nothing to do with Kim Taehyung.
II. Not everything i post here is mine. All those media are comes from the internet such as Pinterest, Instagram, Twitter, Google and etc. All credit goes directly to the creators.
III. Just incase if i suddenly post something that contains harsh words or anything else that is uncomfortable for you, feel free to unsubs this channel ya. And don’t forget to remove me [ @Van8e ] from your channel also. If you are a homophobic, like to have bad opinion of others, and grammer police. You can unsub this channel by asking permission first, because i don’t wanna interact with u and i don’t use CW & TW for my content, or harshword.
IV. please stop #PLAGIARISM, if you see a channel that uploads something similar to the content on my channel, or anything that smells of plagiarism, you can report it directly to my bot, or directly to my roomchat.