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🇺🇸🇺🇦 US Gov's "Voice of America" Features Nazis in Video Using US-made Javelin Missiles

▪️US-funded media "Voice of America" features Azov Nazis with visible Nazi patches on their uniforms in video on US-made Javelin anti-tank missiles in Ukraine;

▪️Azov has used different  variations of Nazi Germany's wolfs hook on their flag & uniforms since its founding by admitted neo-Nazi Andriy Biletsky according to BBC;

▪️The US had banned arms/funding/training for Azov because it was a Nazi formation, only recently lifting the ban despite Azov's continued commitment to Nazi ideology including open use of Nazi symbols as seen in VOA's recent report;

▪️US had dismissed concerns of Nazism in Ukraine's military despite itself banning openly Nazi units, apparently now choosing to support it as desperation grows to keep Ukraine fighting on;

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🇺🇸🇨🇳TELEGRAM VIDEO: Reuters Report on Pentagon Disinfo a Limited Hangout - Omits US State Department's Role

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🇺🇸🇨🇳🇻🇳 US Policymakers Search for Disposable Proxies to Fight China, Including "Non-Democracies" like Vietnam

▪️Mary Kissel, a career political commentator & think tank employee, focused on preventing the rise of China (and Asia), spreads lies about the threat of  China to justify increasingly indefensible actions against China;

▪️Before US Congress, she proposes not only using politically captured nations in Asia (Philippines/Japan/S. Korea) as Ukraine-style proxies again China, but also nations like Vietnam with historical tensions with China;

▪️Kissel's plans to volunteer Vietnam as a proxy vs. China demonstrates how self-serving & ultimately dangerous "cooperation" with the US is;

▪️Despite past tensions, China today is Vietnam's 2nd largest export partner (US is Vietnam's largest export market) & largest import partner, has built Vietnam's first urban metro line, has connected Vietnam's rail network to Europe via China, and much more;

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Репост из: The Duran
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Germany's Habeck in China, pushes trade war

Репост из: The Real Politick with Mark Sleboda
My latest longform discussion of the geopolitics & endgame of the conflict in Ukraine...and beyond.
With Nima Rostami Alkhorshid on DialogueWorks @dialogueworks01 21/06/24

🇺🇸🇨🇳NEW VIDEO: Reuters Report on Pentagon Disinfo a Limited Hangout - Omits US State Department's Role

▪️Reuters exposed the US Department of Defense's global spanning disinformation campaign aimed at undermining China while endangering human health in supposedly US "allied" nations;

▪️Reuters admits the Pentagon created fake accounts on US-based social media platforms to spread disinformation about Chinese medical aid;

▪️Reuters admits the US government has conducted similar campaigns attacking other aspects of Chinese relations with the rest of the world;

▪️Omitted however, is the US State Department's role in marshalling opposition groups created via its National Endowment for Democracy (NED) to not only spread anti-China disinformation, but also take the US State Department's disinfo into the streets with violent protests;

▪️Nations need to protect their information space from foreign infiltration as seriously as nations protect their borders, shores, and air space;

▪️Russia and China can offer nations the means to protect their information space through IT solutions just as they offer options to protect physical domains through military hardware;


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🇺🇸🇨🇳 US Propaganda Cycle Seems to be Tilting Back Toward China

To head off renewed claims of "Uyghur genocide," it's important to remember the only nation on record mass murdering and torturing Uyghurs was the US itself...

▪️NBC News would report in 2018 a US B-52 strategic bomber set a record for most precision-guided munitions dropped in a single strike bombing Uyghur militants in Afghanistan.

▪️CNN in 2021 would concede the US detained Uyghurs in Guantanamo Bay detention facilities, where it is acknowledged detainees were denied due process and subjected to abuses including torture;

▪️Conversely, claims of Chinese detention, torture, and "genocide," depend entirely on US government-funded organizations presenting "testimony" from supposed "witnesses," many of which have been verified false;

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🇺🇦Absolutely incriminating quote by Zelensky’s advisor Mykhailo Podolyak justifying the death of civilians in a recent ATACMS strike on Crimea including children via the UK Telegraph...

Ukraine claims Crimea is their territory, that it's occupied, but treat the civilians who live there and lived there long before 2014 as an infestation to be exterminated. Even the Telegraph commentator was unable to defend the statement.

This is the threat that festered on Russia's border for 8 years before launching the SMO.

The quote can also be found published in pro-Ukrainian media here.

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🇺🇸🇨🇳 NEW ARTICLE: Why Washington’s Plans to Turn Taiwan Strait into “Hellscape” are Fundamentally Flawed

"In a rebuttal to Washington’s “hellscape” plan published by Chinese state Global Times, Hu Xijin points out a number of very obvious, but apparently omitted factors by the Western media promoting the strategy.

Hu Xijin points out that China is capable of manufacturing more drones, for cheaper, faster, and with better capabilities than the United States. Considering the reality on the ground in Ukraine where the little success Ukrainian forces have had in drone warfare is owed not to drones developed by US arms manufacturers, but Chinese-made drones modified by Ukrainians for military purposes, Hu Xijin’s conclusions are far from bluster."


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🇺🇸🇹🇭Thai Opposition to BRICS Membership in 2 Pictures

▪️Recent anti-BRICS op-ed in pro-Western Bangkok Post penned by "academic" who associates with US State Department staff;

▪️Just as Reuters recently revealed, US uses social media to poison public opinion against their own best interests to instead serve Washington's interests;

▪️BRICS membership for Thailand will obviously serve its best interests economically, in terms of political stability, and national security;

▪️But if measures aren't taken to neutralize US influence, a BRICS bid will face US-backed media campaigns, street protests and even violence;

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Репост из: Kalibrated
Also NATO ISR directing the whole thing from the Black Sea.
There is currently an RQ-4B looking for something.

🇺🇸🇷🇺 Just as German officers revealed in leaked conversations regarding long-range Western cruise missiles, US ballistic missiles are fired at Russia (Crimea in this case) using NATO ISR, US personnel to set targets for the missiles, with Ukraine merely pushing the button if even... ↘️↘️↘️

🇺🇸🇷🇺Terror Attack Inside Russia a Reminder of Existential Threat US Poses to Russia Both on and Inside its Borders

▪️Terror attacks within Russia's southern region have hallmarks of major coordinated state-sponsored terrorism, typical of US methods aimed at dividing and destroying targeted nations;

▪️The possible involvement of intermediaries including Ukraine cannot be ruled out;

▪️Attacks followed US/NATO-enabled long-range strikes from Ukraine on civilian targets in Crimea;

▪️Asymmetrical tactics have been employed by the US and its Ukrainian proxies including by military/intelligence units trained & directed by the US CIA specifically because of a failure to effect strategically meaningful gains on the battlefield;

▪️All of this will become increasingly obvious as more facts emerge as in previous attacks;

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🇷🇺🇺🇦TELEGRAM VIDEO: Is Ukraine Using an "Elastic Defense?" Or Just Losing the War?

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🇷🇺🇺🇦NEW VIDEO: Is Ukraine Using an "Elastic Defense?" Or Just Losing the War?

Update on the conflict in Ukraine for June 23, 2024...

▪️Western narratives continue to suggest Ukraine is buying time for additional arms and ammunition to arrive at the front;

▪️However, Western military production is unable to supply sufficient arms and ammunition to turn the tide in the fighting;

- Articles discussing an "elastic defense" admit the lopsided nature of fighting in Russia's favor;

▪️Other signs of flagging Western aid is the desperate decision to delay Patriot missile orders to redirect missiles to Ukraine;

▪️The US only produces 550 interceptors a year while Russia launches over 4,000 missiles at targets across Ukraine over the same period;

▪️"Factories" Western arms manufacturers claim they are building in Ukraine are mis-advertised, and instead small repair shops with negligible strategic value;


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🇺🇸🇮🇱The US is not "Worried" About an Israeli War with Lebanon

▪️The entire point of Israel's existence in its current form is as a military forward operating base of US hegemony in the Middle East;

▪️The use of Hamas as a pretext to launch an unprecedented, region-wide military campaign was always meant to eventually involve Hezbollah, Syria, and Iran;

▪️Israel is obviously over-extending itself and risking its own best interests (as a functioning nation state) by pursuing a multi-front war, but from Washington's perspective, it is a worthwhile "Hail Mary pass" to reassert control over the region ahead of a quickly closing window of opportunity regardless of the effects on Israel itself;

▪️ Israel's relationship is similar to Ukraine's and if Ukraine were to survive 30, 40, or even 50 years in its current state as a US proxy waging war against its neighbors - it would develop just as deep a relationship with the US as Israel including support for it being a "litmus test" for Congress members - if that isn't already a prerequisite;

▪️Just as the US is willing to fight its enemies to the last Ukrainian, it is likewise willing to fight multiple nations and organizations in the Middle East to the last Israeli;

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