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Категория: Политика

Indiana Proud Boy Prez
SPLC “hate list” 25 yr alumni
Boogeyman of the left
Specifically disavowed by butt plug man

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I travel this entire country and no matter where you go you will see these cabinets locking up all the health and beauty products in the more “diverse” neighborhoods. If you point this out to a leftist they will say it’s just about economics and not demographics. Oddly enough, the sunscreen is never locked up?

No matter how poor the neighborhood.

Just throwing it out there….

Репост из: Working Men Memes
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Black Superman

Репост из: LiveLeak
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Extremely disturbing body cam footage has released that shows New Mexico Trooper (Justin Hare) stopping to help a disabled motorist on the highway, only to get shot 3 times in the head and neck.

The Shooter then stole Hare's police car and dumps his body on the side of the road where other officers found him. This footage also captured the arrest of the suspect after officer apprehended and shot him.

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This is why cops shoot these mfers at the drop of a hat. It’s not racism. It’s lived experience.

Репост из: Wholesome Nationalist Homeschool
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Training is as much a part of our curriculum as math and reading. We can never forget that freedom is only preserved and true for those men who are able and willing to stand resiliently against the threat of violence from other men.

Freedom is only a right for violent men. Those who are incapable of violence only retain freedom as a privilege granted to them by other men, a privilege liable to be revoked at any time.

Репост из: Proud Boys of Kentucky
There are currently four autonomous Proud Boys chapters in Kentucky:

Appalachian Proud Boys of Kentucky (Eastern Kentucky)

Bluegrass Proud Boys (Central Kentucky Lexington)

Bourbon City Proud Boys (Central Kentucky Louisville)

Green River Proud Boys (Western Kentucky Owensboro)

Find a chapter near you and reach out. POYBs.

Awww Mike

Репост из: Trad West

Google be so silly

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For everyone freaking out about the telegram news recently…

The idea of privacy and secrecy was always fake. I have told you guys this at every turn. Ryan and others have told you this at every turn. We told Enrique, and his butt buddies who followed him to federal prison, this at every turn. We told you this based on decades of lived experience on the far right.

Nothing has changed. They know what you are saying now. They knew before. They have access now. They had access, one way or another, before. Live your life accordingly. Communicate an act accordingly. Online, on your phone, and even in real life.

You should have been doing this from day one.

437 0 10 5 15

Репост из: Proud Boys- Multiverse

This thing of ours comes with a price. We fight to keep our brotherhood. We fight to stand against corruption and degeneracy in our communities, we fight to make a living in a world that tries to destroy and cancel anyone that dares to have a differing opinion.

It's easier to fold and just go along with whatever narrative main stream society is currently embracing. But there's something in us that refuses to surrender, even at the cost of everything we love and hold sacred.

There's times when it truly feels like you are the only one standing alone in a coliseum surrounded by enemies while the entire world is cheering to watch you get ripped apart.

You have to take care of yourself, you also have to take care of the brothers around you. You see your homie sinking, be there and be about it.

We all hit the wall, the difference with us is we don't stop, we regroup and come back swinging at life with a fucking vengeance and with the brothers that walked through the fire with us in our lowest moments.

That's brotherhood, that's Western Chauvinism. That is what a Proud Boy is.

The west IS the best and as long as we live, that dream our brotherhood will survive.

Proud Of ALL Your Boys.

Hail Perry

Tell Springfield Trump is coming…. and the black and yellow is coming with him

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Nigga finally comes out the closet and comes out swinging.

@CapnPirateGuy00 did you write this rap for him?

Every day above ground is a good day. Every day you can get called a narcissist in a hate filled windshield wiper letter is a great day :)

Fucking leftist ass Minnesota. If this fat bitch only knew…

Desperate times call for desperate measures…

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