Dear users!
As you know the main and reserve domains of the exchange have recently been suspended! One of the main reasons for this incident is massive fake complaints to the domain registar.
We know that one of the well-known characters of the former exchange BTC-E sent these "complaints" using some script.
We ask you to help us protect the current domain of the exchange by writing a counter letter to the domain registar.
You can find the letter example here. Send this letter to the following addresses:
Thanks in advance to all concerned users! Don't forget to share with us your participation in the general chat (@btceclubchat).
As you know the main and reserve domains of the exchange have recently been suspended! One of the main reasons for this incident is massive fake complaints to the domain registar.
We know that one of the well-known characters of the former exchange BTC-E sent these "complaints" using some script.
We ask you to help us protect the current domain of the exchange by writing a counter letter to the domain registar.
You can find the letter example here. Send this letter to the following addresses:
Thanks in advance to all concerned users! Don't forget to share with us your participation in the general chat (@btceclubchat).