burbasicos *

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this abode emanates resplendent beauty, captivating its enchanting allure. within such an idyllic sanctuary, encapsulates the very essence of my cherished aspirations and desires.

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Репост из: Diplocus, OPEN.
[ for all mutual ba who see this, please forward this message to your respective channels. ]


The long awaited moment has arrived second by second. diplocus has opened for the first time which has a lot of attraction in every sale.

For the first time ever, we will be holding a 20% discount celebration for the 5 fastest and lucky people who can get a happy discount from us.

                             [ 1/5 ]

Can't wait to buy from all of you. Don't forget to check our regulation and catalogue first if you are sure you can send your purchase to @Diplocusbot 🩷.

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· ₊
˚ Salutations to all the bleesed beings! We are presently seeking kindred souls “MUTUALS.” to foster a reciprocal bond of support for our channel. Our divine pursuit lies in catering to every facet of profile-needs requirements.

So we hence our quest to discover other channels that fulfill similar aspirations. Anticipating the pleasure of encountering you on this wondrous journey through @BubblesicoBot.


Endeavor to explore a selection among the following: the mandates alias regulations, prearranged phrasings as known as ready-stock wordings, prearranged visual inspirations as known as ready-stock moodboards, or bespoke visual inspirations as known as customized moodboards. We shall strive to bestow upon you, dear patron, unparalleled excellence in our services.


ㅤ│  burbasico's catalogue,
ㅤ│  customize moodboards
ㅤ│  moodboard according
ㅤ│  to your request, on your own!

ㅤIt impeccably accords with your essence, endowing you with a resplendent allure, bespeaking both charm and grandeur. Such accolades were bestowed upon you as you adorned an appropriate garb for the festivity, eliciting admiration for your elegant bearing. However, the pursuit of an ostentatious facade devoid of harmony with your inherent nature holds no intrinsic worth. Embrace your authentic being, for in its unadulterated expression lies true significance.


ㅤ│  burbasico's catalogue,
ㅤ│  ready-stock moodboards
ㅤ│  moodboard ready to use
ㅤ│  after sent the order form.

ㅤIt impeccably befits your persona, casting a resplendent aura upon you, engendering admiration for your exquisite appearance and elevated demeanor. Such acclaim was bestowed upon you as you donned an appropriate attire for the soirée, exuding an air of opulence. However, the pursuit of a facade of luxury devoid of congruity with your essence holds no significance. Embrace your authentic self, for it surpasses all superficial aspirations.


ㅤ│  burbasico's catalogue,
ㅤ│  ready-stock wordings
ㅤ│  a wording ready to use
ㅤ│  after sent the order form.

ㅤAll gazes are affixed upon them, their visage resplendent, captivating all who behold. Each listener, spellbound by their words, succumbs to the irresistible allure of their exquisite voices, unable to resist the mesmerizing symphony. It evokes an ethereal reverie, an unreality akin to a fantastical vision.


ㅤㅤㅤ Herein lies a compendium of protocols delineating the preparatory measures to be undertaken before commencing the process of catalogues procurement from this domain.

✅ Become a subscriber is really recommended to give you much information about our channel, and a form of your support to us.
      Berlangganan terlebih dahulu sangat direkomendasikan untuk informasi terbaru juga sebagai tanda dukungan terhadap channel kami.

✅ Payment shall be rendered at first to avoid any irresponsible behavior such as hit and run.
      Pembayaran dilakukan di awal untuk menghindari segala perilaku tidak bertanggung jawab seperti hit and run.

✅ Payments accepted exclusively through DANA for now.
      Pembayaran hanya dikhususkan melalui DANA untuk saat ini.

✅ Graciously welcome any orders without prescribed formats.
      Menerima semua jenis order yang dikirim tanpa format.

❎ Order can't be cancelled once you sent the payment to our contact, if you still think to cancel the order, the payment will be forfeited and can not be returned.
      Pesanan tidak dapat dibatalkan setelah anda mengirimkan pembayaran, jika tetap ingin membatalkan pesanan maka pembayaran hangus dan tidak dapat dikembalikan.

✅ Facilitate unambiguous on our part which mean be detailed with your order.
      Hindari mengirim kalimat ambigu kepada kami, dan tolong detail terhadap orderan anda.

✅We only accept minor revisions and replace muse with total 2 times for moodboard catalogues.
      Kami hanya menerima perbaikan kecil dan mengganti muse dengan total 2 kali untuk katalog moodboard.

✅ Inrush order must be set minimum 1 hour before the deadline.
      Inrush order harus diberitahukan minimal 1 jam sebelum tenggat waktu.

Показано 13 последних публикаций.


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