2133 days have passed since the launch of Shiba
And exactly 1216 days later on June 15, 2021
That is, 306 days before the launch of CAW, an Ethereum transfer worth 2.78 ETH will be made from Shiba Inu Deployer's wallet to the wallet at the following address.
From: https://etherscan.io/address/0xb8f226ddb7bc672e27dffb67e4adabfa8c0dfa08 (Shiba Inu: Deployer)
To: https://etherscan.io/address/0x81a0daaab45dbbce68b11e7aeddd6a0d1970bdea
And finally, on April 16, 2022, that is, 618 days ago, almost the same amount of Ethereum that the creator of Shiba gave to this wallet 👇👇👇
He had transferred from this wallet to the wallet of the creator of A Hunters Dream: Deployer
to the address 👇👇👇
Transferred and caw launched
It can be concluded that this transfer and transaction which is common between shiba and caw is definitely not without reason and indirect orientation is for those who do not have caw and it is better to have caw as soon as possible so that they will be happy and redeemed in the not too distant future.
And exactly 1216 days later on June 15, 2021
That is, 306 days before the launch of CAW, an Ethereum transfer worth 2.78 ETH will be made from Shiba Inu Deployer's wallet to the wallet at the following address.
From: https://etherscan.io/address/0xb8f226ddb7bc672e27dffb67e4adabfa8c0dfa08 (Shiba Inu: Deployer)
To: https://etherscan.io/address/0x81a0daaab45dbbce68b11e7aeddd6a0d1970bdea
And finally, on April 16, 2022, that is, 618 days ago, almost the same amount of Ethereum that the creator of Shiba gave to this wallet 👇👇👇
He had transferred from this wallet to the wallet of the creator of A Hunters Dream: Deployer
to the address 👇👇👇
Transferred and caw launched
It can be concluded that this transfer and transaction which is common between shiba and caw is definitely not without reason and indirect orientation is for those who do not have caw and it is better to have caw as soon as possible so that they will be happy and redeemed in the not too distant future.