✉️ Durov will disclose IP and phone numbers for a valid reason
Pavel Durov published a long post, briefly about the main thing:
🔵Telegram has strengthened search security measures to prevent the platform from being used to sell illegal goods.
🔵In recent weeks, AI moderators have removed problematic content and it is no longer available.
🔵Users can report violations via @SearchReport.
🔵The Terms of Service and Privacy Policy have been updated to allow IP addresses and phone numbers of violators to be disclosed to authorities.
🔵The purpose of these measures is to protect users and prevent abuse.
BOOM | Corn | Bits | BUMS | AGENT301bot
Pavel Durov published a long post, briefly about the main thing:
🔵Telegram has strengthened search security measures to prevent the platform from being used to sell illegal goods.
🔵In recent weeks, AI moderators have removed problematic content and it is no longer available.
🔵Users can report violations via @SearchReport.
🔵The Terms of Service and Privacy Policy have been updated to allow IP addresses and phone numbers of violators to be disclosed to authorities.
🔵The purpose of these measures is to protect users and prevent abuse.
BOOM | Corn | Bits | BUMS | AGENT301bot