ChatGPT Regular Account vs Plus Account
💻 Regular account
🟢uses ChatGPT 3.5
🟢unlimited questions
🟢no expiry
🔴if demand is high, you may not be able to use it
👑 Plus account
🟢includes everything in regular account
🟢uses GPT-4 (better AI, with a message limit)
🟢can use ChatGPT even when demand is high
🔴1 month subscription for GPT-4
💻 Regular account
🟢uses ChatGPT 3.5
🟢unlimited questions
🟢no expiry
🔴if demand is high, you may not be able to use it
👑 Plus account
🟢includes everything in regular account
🟢uses GPT-4 (better AI, with a message limit)
🟢can use ChatGPT even when demand is high
🔴1 month subscription for GPT-4