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Репост из: Eric Striker
Instead of whining about "reverse the races", why don't we talk about this for a month? And better yet, why don't you stop preaching conservatism. Individualism is why this animal feels he can do this without the good white men in that town lynching him from a tree.

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The kosher sandwich in Hitler’s own words.

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Репост из: 🦠🚿AbolishLice🦠🚿
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Hitler's Jew Pill Experience in Vienna

Репост из: N I G G E R S
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Niggering so hard 📈


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Based non-white rant

Репост из: Eric Striker
What you're seeing in America is the result of Conservatives betraying America.

When nationalists stood up for the normal people in this country against anarchist gangsters at Charlottesville, Portland, etc the institutional right took Antifa's side and emboldened them.

Now churches, homes, stores and entire cities are burning. Random whites, from the homeless to the elderly to the polite society liberal-bourgeoisie, are being beaten and killed on sight. The cops and the president are standing back and letting it happen.

Bet you miss us now.

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Sept 1919: Hitler makes his first speech to seven men.

Dec 1919: Hitler addresses 111 men.

Feb 1920: The National Socialist programme is introduced.

Nov 14, 1920: Hitler speaks at a meeting of 1700 men.

1921: The mainstream, unable to to ignore Hitler, attempted to get rid of him via terrorism. There were regular violent collisions at NS meetings. Hitler organized the “Storm Detachment”
1922: Hitler rejected all attempts to compromise and join with other parties.

Jan 1923: The first party conference was held.

Nov 1923: Hitler makes his first attempt to overthrow the system. The rising failed, and he was arrested.

March 1924: Although found guilty, Hitler achieved moral justification during his trial. The NS party suffered. It’s adversaries were convinced that the movement was done and signed the Dawes Pact, starting the plundering of Germany
Feb 1925: Hitler’s first speech after prison before 4000 people. The NS movement had been broken, its property and money had been confiscated. Hitler had to rebuild the party from its foundations
1926: First conference of the NS party since Hitler’s imprisonment. The Marxists were convinced that their domination of Germany was unshakeable. The NS party had 49,000 members by the end of the year.

1928: Hitler assaults the system unapologetically. The social Democrats and centre mock him. Their lies and abuse were personal. The NS did not waver in their attacks on the system. The party numbered 108,000 by the end of the year
1929: Hitler continued his fight with the existing system. The doctrines of NS began to penetrate deeply into the national consciousness
1930: Hitler’s party assaults with facts. The opponents replied with lies. The centre party turned the church against Hitler. Centre party bishops and priests started an attack against the NS movement, excommunicated it’s adherents and even refused them Christian burial. Hitler held unshakeably to his convictions. By the end of the year the party had 389,000 members

1931: Hitler was proven right within months, even weeks of his predictions. By the end of the year, party membership was 806,000
1933: NSDAP earns 44% of vote. Hitler assumes power.

Whether left or right, Jews do not oppose the Zionist agenda in any meaningful way. Jews certainly disagree internally. Many Jews even hate one another deeply. But gentiles are not invited to these disagreements and they are always on the same side when it counts. Even “lefty” Jews that “oppose” the apartheid state of Israel are also vehemently against anti-semitism in all forms. Whoever they are, whatever their political position, watch every single Jew on earth kvetch when the Holocaust (and thus their power source) is questioned. A Jew is a Jew is a Jew and every single one of them intimately ties their identity to the Holocaust and kvetches if it is questioned. Every single Jew defends international Zionism when they defend the Holocaust narrative. It doesn’t matter if they are aware they are doing this or not. The result is the same for us whites so we shouldn’t be concerned with hair splitting about Jews.

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Communism vs National Socialism. Under Communism, soldiers willingly gave themselves up to the enemy and citizens were overjoyed to be “invaded”. Under National Socialism, Jewish “death camps” (work camps) look better than most of our jobs today. Every single one of the hundreds of millions of people that lived (and died) under Communism in the 20th century would have done anything to get into one of Hitler’s work camps. No question.

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