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The Abrahamic Dialectic

The Jews created Christianity and Islam as opposing forces which subvert their own believers and attack one another.

The Jewish Lobby in America has consistently pushed for the American Wars in the Middle East and thereby has pitted Muslims and Christians against one another.

The crypto-Jewish Dönmeh in the Ottoman Empire consistently brought Islam into war with the [Christian] West, as have the crypto-Jewish Wahabis.

The crypto-Jewish Dönmeh led the "Young Turks" of the [Muslim] Ottoman Empire who committed genocide against the Armenian Christians.

Israel attacked the American Navy ship the USS Liberty in a false flag attack meant to bring predominantly Christian America into war with Muslim Egypt.

There is overwhelming evidence that Israelis and their Trotskyite neo-Conservative [Christian] allies in the United States organized and perpetrated the attacks of 11 September 2001 as false flag attacks which served as an illegitimate pretext for the Middle Eastern Wars between Christians and Muslims.

Jews opened the gates to many Christian cities to Muslim conquerors and sold Christian females to Muslims as sex slaves.

Jews closed the gates of Toledo, Spain to fleeing Catholics and opened them to the invading Muslims under Tariq ibn Ziyad.

Jewish armies led by Nehemiah ben Hushiel and Benjamin of Tiberias joined with Persians to slaughter Byzantine Christians in the Sasanian conquest of Jerusalem.

Stanford J. Shaw documented many instances where Jews helped the Muslim Ottoman Turks to conquer several Christian cities in Europe in his book The Jews of the Ottoman Empire and the Turkish Republic, MacMillan, London, (1991), pp. 25-36. This included the assistance which the Jews provided to the Turks in the conquest of Bursa in 1324 by Orhan the son of Osman. It also included Jewish aid to the Turks during the Muslim conquest of Gallipoli by Orhan's son Suleyman Pasha of Ankara and the conquest of Adrianople in 1363 by Murad I. Large numbers of Jews moved in to replace the displaced and slaughtered Christians.

Jews opened the gates of Constantinople to the invading Muslim Turks, so that they could conquer the Byzantine Christians.

The Jews opened up the Jewish quarter of Constantinople to the armies of Mehmed the II in 1453 and assisted them in the destruction of the Christians. Mehmed II, Mohammed the Conqueror, immediately granted the Jews equal rights with Muslims.

The Jews again betrayed the Christians of the island of Rhodes in 1522, Buda and Pest in 1526 and Belgrade in 1526. Jews also assisted the [Muslim] Turks in Azerbaijan in 1534, in Iraq and Iran in 1534-1535 and 1638, and in Yemen in 1628. Süleyman the Magnificent richly rewarded the Jews for betraying their neighbors to Turkish con


From "Beware The World To Come" by Christopher Jon Bjerknes.


Muhammad The Jew

The relationship between the Prophet Muhammad and the Jewish people is complex and nuanced. Although most Sunni sources state that the Prophet’s parents were pagans, Shiite sources stress that they were monotheists, suggesting that they belonged to the Hanifs, namely, the small sect of rightly-guided Arabs who had preserved the religion of Ishmael. Some early Christian sources, however, indicate that the Prophet’s father, ‘Abdullah, was Christian while his mother, Aminah, was Jewish. As contentious as these claims may be, and as sensitive as Muslims may be about the subject, there is no doubt that the Prophet’s paternal great grandmother, Salma bint Amr was Jewish.

In the Treaty of Maqna, which is found in classical Muslim and Jewish sources, the Prophet Muhammad grants “the protection of God” to his allies from the Children of Israel. “Yours is the safeguard of God and that of his Messenger with regard to your persons, belief, and property, slaves, and whatever is in your possession.” Addressing the Jews, the Prophet reassures them that “You shall not have the annoyance of land tax, nor shall a forelock of yours be cut off.” He promises that “No army shall tread on your soil, nor shall you be assembled [for military service], nor shall tithes be imposed on you, neither shall you be injured in any way.” He guarantees that “No one shall leave his mark on you, you shall not be prevented from wearing slashed or colored garments, nor from riding on horseback, nor from carrying any kind of arms.”

The Prophet Muhammad also freed Jews from oppressive taxation: “No disgraceful charges shall be brought against you, and you shall not be as other [non-Muslim] poll-tax payers.” Since they were equal citizens, it was the duty of the Muslim State to provide for their needs: “If you ask for assistance, it shall be granted to you, and if you want help, you shall have it.” As the Messenger of God stated, “Not a shoe-lace of yours shall be cut.” In other words, justice was to be dispensed equally. The Jewish citizens of the Muslim State were allowed to enter mosques.

What is more, the Prophet specifically stated that they would not be “precluded from governing Muslims.” As an autonomous community within the Muslim State, the Prophet assured them that “You shall have no other ruler except out of your own midst, or from the family of the Messenger of Allah.” The funeral rites of the Jews were to be respected. In addition, all Muslims were to hold the Jews in honor on account of their high station and the station of Safiyyah, the Jewish wife of the Prophe


From "Islam and the People of the Book: Critical Studies on the Covenants of the Prophet" by John Andrew Morrow.


The Symphony Of Life

In the earliest times the deep affiliation with the natural world created an ecology of metaphor; all things were seen to be related. The natural world and its shifting patterns of change were no more than an extension of the processes that created humans themselves. It was a time when our pagan forebears walked, ran, grew, loved and died as part of the whole symphony of life.

All things were alive. There was no division of sacred and profane. All life was spiritual. Our indigenous mythologies with their archetypical Gods united man with nature and the universal laws to which we are eternally subject. Nature mirrored the people and the people mirrored nature, and the two participated in an existence where there was no sharp separation between the


From "Temple of Wotan" by Ron McVan.


Ancestral Deicide

The Jews have often been accused of Deicide for killing the God Jesus Christ, but it is actually Jesus Christ and the Christians who commit Deicide by eradicating the Pagan Gods.

Christians have mass murdered tens of millions of fellow Christians, as for example in the Thirty Years' War. They have left dead the entire Pantheons of Egyptian, Babylonian, Greek and Roman Gods, among the many other Gods of their Pagan ancestors. Christian bloodlust will not be sated until all of humanity has departed the Earth for the heavens in plumes of smoke and ash.

Has it never occurred to Christians that Jesus is not their friend? Christians have burned Pagans and blasphemers at the stake as human sacrifices to [the Jewish God] Yahweh and [the Jewish messiah] Jesus. They have also set fire to the beautiful Pagan temples of their ancestors. They eat and drink the body and blood of Christ like vampires. They curse and kill any and all who do not embrace their patently absurd Christian mythologies. How have they convinced themselves that they are the good guy


From "Satanic Secrets of Jesus Christ Volume II" by Christopher Jon Bjerknes.


The Flood Myth

The story of Noah and Noah's Ark is taken directly from tradition. The concept of a great flood is ubiquitous throughout the ancient world, with over 200 different cited claims in different periods and times.

However, one need look no further for a pre-Christian source than the Epic of Gilgamesh, written in 2600 BC. This story talks of a great flood commanded by God, an ark with saved animals upon it, and even the release and return of a dove, all held in common with the biblical story, among many other similaritie


From "Zeitgeist: The Movie".


The King Of The Jews

“Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw [Jesus'] star when it rose and have come to worship him.”
- Matthew 2:2

"Going at once to Jesus, Judas said, “Greetings, Rabbi!” and kissed him.
- Matthew 26:49

Paul, a servant of Christ Jesus, called to be an apostle and set apart for the gospel of God—the gospel he promised beforehand through his prophets in the Holy Scriptures regarding his Son, who as to his earthly life was a descendant of David.
- Romans 1:1-3

"Do not think that I have come to abolish the [Mosaic] Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them."
- Matthew 5:17

"[Jesus] went to Nazareth, where he had been brought up, and on the Sabbath day he went into the synagogue, as was his custom."
- Luke 4:16


An Infectious Disease

Christianity, which in the Middle Ages spread like an infectious disease throughout the Roman empire, never succeeded in extinguishing the native pantheist religion of heathen Germany.

This earlier pre-Christian religion saw the earth as a place of the Gods. Its mysteries and symbols were referable to a worship of nature; in every element men adored some marvelous being, every tree revealed a deity, all the phenomena of the universe were informed by divinity. Christianity reversed this view; nature, ceasing to bear die impress of the divine, became diabolized.

Christianity, in the form of the Roman Church, turned these earthly pagan Gods into devils and repudiated all that was of the earth, so that flesh and body, which were once celebrated, are now annihilated. Not the earth, but heaven, is the home of God who rules from above through his earthly representatives, the priests.

Characterized by a deistic denial of the divinity of nature and the corresponding spiritualist negation of the body, Christianity is hostile to human nature on two scores: it provides the basis for political despotism insofar as it grants a special authority on what is right and just to a few who are said to be nearer the divine, and it represses the healthy expression of the body and the sensuous admiration of beauty. Priests are then a ready ally of political authority, while all people are alienated from their original n


From "Religion and Philosophy in Germany" by Heinrich Heine.


Tacitus Does Not Prove Jesus' Historicity

Tacitus was born in the year 56 to an aristocratic family. Between 98 and 105 AD he wrote four books, including the highly important work Histories. As it happens, not one of them so much as mentions Jesus or the Christians. But his final work, Annals, which dates circa 115 AD, does include two sentences on them. In section 44 of Book 15 we read the following:

"Consequently, to get rid of the report, Nero fastened the guilt and inflicted the most exquisite tortures on a class hated for their abominations, called Christians by the populace. Christus, from whom the name had its origin, suffered the extreme penalty during the reign of Tiberius at the hands of one of our procurators, Pontius Pilatus, and a most mischievous superstition, thus checked for the moment, again broke out not only in Judaea, the first source of the evil, but even in Rome, where all things hideous and shameful from every part of the world find their centre and become popular."

Nero, it seems, was anxious to blame someone for the Great Roman Fire of 64 AD. Apparently he placed it on a “hated” group, the Christians, “a most mischievous superstit
ion”. The passage is likely authentic but yet odd in that we have no other reference to Christians in Rome at the time of Nero, or of Nero actually blaming them for anything.

Perhaps Tacitus is recording what he heard or read elsewhere, and was unable to actually confirm. But this is not relevant here. What matters is the stunning fact that it took until the year 115—80 years after the crucifixion, nearly 120 years after the miracle birth—for the first Roman to document the Christians. And even then, he grants them all of two sentences.


From “The Jesus Hoax: How St. Paul's Cabal Fooled the World for Two Thousand Years”
by David Skrbina.


Philo of Alexandria (c. 20 BCE - c. 50 CE)

Writer, political commentator and esteemed Jewish statesman. He wrote a great deal on other Jewish sects of the time, such as the Essenes and the Therapeutae, but nothing on Jesus, or on Christianity either, even though his home of Alexandria was supposedly one of the early cradles of Christianity.

Philo was in just the right time and place to be a brilliant historical witness to Jesus. He lived before, during and after the alleged time of Christ, and he had strong connections to Jerusalem. He didn’t just spend time in Jerusalem - his family was intimately connected with the royal house of Judea.

So when Jesus’ fame and new philosophy spread all across Judea and beyond, when Jesus had his triumphant procession into the Holy City, drove the moneychangers from the temple, was crucified, resurrected and ascended to Heaven, when Jerusalem experienced two major earthquakes, supernatural darkness, and all the dead holy people emerged from their graves and made their way through Jerusalem - Philo was on the scene through all of that. In fact, he could have quite literally been on the scene for all of that.

Philo would have loved to have been able to speak firsthand with these great Jewish saints he wrote so much about. But apparently neither their return from the dead nor any of those other miracles made much of an impression on either him - or anyone else in Jerusalem - because he never makes the slightest mention of any of these ev


From "Nailed: Ten Christian Myths That Show Jesus Never Existed at All" by David Fitzgerald.


Rothschild & Waterloo

The greatest scam of the 19th century you've never heard of. Though the Rothschilds deny these claims, some interesting events followed shortly after. Such as their loans to the Holy See.

From the Wiki page:

"In the aftermath of the Napoleonic Wars, there was a return to the politics of throne and altar in Europe. Around this time, the Rothschild family of Jewish bankers from Frankfurt had arisen to a position of prominence as bankers. [...] In 1832 the Rothschilds’ agreement to provide a loan to the Holy See for £400,000 (equivalent to £3.8 billion in 2020) came into force."

The full newspapers can be found on:


Jesus In The Talmud

Some claim that the various Talmuds provide evidence for Jesus, albeit from hostile witnesses. However, the account of various figures called Jesus in the Jewish scriptures is a convoluted mess, as Frank Zindler’s “The Jesus the Jews Never Knew” amply demonstrates, and the references to Jesus that some Christians claim to find don’t appear until much later.

The name of our familiar Jesus of Nazareth (Yeshua ’ ha-Notzri in Hebrew) never appears until the last layers of Jewish Rabbinic literature in the 6th or 7th century. Or is it our Jesus?

He is confused with earlier figures of Jesus Pandira (mid 1st century B.C.E.) and Jesus ben Stada (2nd century C.E.), has connections with the government and is criticized for strange behavior like burning his food in public.

When he is excommunicated for practicing magic and leading Israel astray, a herald spends forty days searching for witnesses to testify on his behalf, but none can be found. So he is hanged on the eve of Passover, along with his five disciples Mathai, Naqai, Nezer, Buni, and Todah.

It’s hard to imagine how much of this Christian apologists would want us to accept as reliable information about their Jesus, or how the Jewish accounts can be called corroboration when they can’t even place their various Jesuses in the right centur


From "Nailed: Ten Christian Myths That Show Jesus Never Existed at All" by David Fitzgerald.


Hate your family. Love Rabbi Jesus.


The Myth Of Moses

Upon Moses' birth, it is said that he was placed in a reed basket and set adrift in a river in order to avoid infanticide. He was later rescued by a daughter of royalty and raised by her as a prince.

This baby in a basket story was lifted directly from the myth of Sargon of Akkad of around 2250 B.C. Sargon was born, placed in a reed basket in order to avoid infanticide, and set adrift in a river. He was in turn rescued and raised by Akki, a royal mid-wife.

Furthermore, Moses is known as the Law-Giver, the giver of the Ten Commandments, the Mosaic Law. However, the idea of a law being passed from God to a prophet on a mountain is also a very old motif. Moses is just a law giver in a long line of law givers in mythological history.

In India, Manou was the great law giver. In Crete, Minos ascended Mount Dicta, where Zeus gave him the sacred laws. While in Egypt there was Mises, who carried stone tablets and upon them the laws of god were written.

Manou. Minos. Mises. Mose


From "Zeitgeist: The Movie".


The Jewish miracle man never existed, nor will he ever exist. He is not coming to save you, nor will any other messianic figure. They want you to "trust the plan". They want you to be passive. They want you to be weak. They know very well that the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. The greatest act of good is to fight the greatest evil. Be active, be strong, and victory shall be ours.


Revelation 3:9

"Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee."

Christians will often quote this verse to "prove" the anti-Semitic nature of Christianity, not understanding that all Apostles were Jews themselves, including John, the author of the Book of Revelation.

When Jesus takes the Twelve Apostles to Jerusalem, he predicts that he himself will be turned over "to the Gentiles" (Matt 20:19), that is, to the non-Jews; Jesus would not speak this way unless his disciples were all Jews. Furthermore, they frequently called him "Rabbi", a term that only Jews would use.

David Skrbina wrote:

"But what about the final Gospel, John? This appears to be the most anti-Jewish—some would say, anti-Semitic—of the four. This could not possibly have been written by a Jew, true? Not quite. We need to observe an important point here. The nascent Christian movement, occurring entirely within the Jewish community, found substantial internal dissent. Orthodox Jews did not believe that their Messiah had come in the form of this "Jesus", and they strongly resisted any claims to the contrary. In a sense, they wanted to "kill" the Jesus story (we can see where this is leading!). Paul and his small band of Jewish Christians thus had to combat the anti-Christian sentiments of the majority of Jews, particularly the Jewish elite of the day. John, then, reads much more naturally as an account of intra-Jewish squabbling rather than as a Gentile attacking the Jews."


Jesus Christ Never Existed

"Extraordinary claims require extraordinary justification. At a minimum, they require some justification. At a bare minimum, they require any justification. In the case of Jesus, unfortunately, we have no justification. In other words, we have no evidence for anything like these miracles occurring at all, let alone by a Jesus of Nazareth. In fact we have no evidence that an historical Jesus even existed, until decades after his death. We have no bodies, no tombs, no physical remains, no letters, no engravings—nothing that counts as evidence. We have no evidence.

The oldest existing Bible dates from the year 350; as we move backward in time from there, our confidence in the actual text diminishes significantly—some parts being much more uncertain than others. Expert consensus is that the four Gospels date to the years 70 to 95 AD, and Paul’s letters to 50 to 70 AD.

Paul, the Gospel authors, Jesus, Joseph, the Virgin Mary, and all twelve apostles were Jews. Many Jews had been in active and passive resistance to Rome from virtually the beginning of the takeover in 63 BC. Between the years zero and 93 AD we have absolutely no independent, corroborating evidence for such things as the Bethlehem star, any of Jesus’ 36 miracles, any of the apostles’ miracles, or any of the Christian-specific events depicted in the New Testament. Josephus’ brief reference in 93 is the first independent confirmation of the mere existence of a Christian movement, followed by Tacitus and Pliny around the year 115.

During Jesus’ entire lifetime, from, say 3 BC to 30 AD, not one person—not a Christian, not a Jew, not a Roman, not a Greek—wrote anything about the miracles, what Jesus said, or what his followers did. No one wrote anything. It’s as if nothing extraordinary happened at all


From “The Jesus Hoax: How St. Paul's Cabal Fooled the World for Two Thousand Years” by David Skrbina.


The Psychological Ploy

"But it’s in the Gospel of John that we read one of the bluntest statements of truth, wherein Jesus says, “You [Gentiles] worship what you do not know; we worship what we know, for salvation is of the Jews” (4:22). We know what we are doing, say the Jews. You Gentile Christians don’t even know what you’re worshipping—which in fact is us and our God. But that’s okay. Just leave everything to us; “salvation is of the Jews.”

Paul and his [Jewish] cabal deliberately lied to the masses, with no concern for their true well-being, simply to undermine Roman rule. This little group tempted innocent people with a promise of heaven, and frightened them with the threat of hell. This psychological ploy was part of a long-term plan to weaken and, in a sense, morally corrupt the masses by drawing them away from the potent and successful Greco-Roman worldview and more toward an oriental, Judaic view. It turned believers into weak and subservient sheep, ones whose lives are oriented around the manufactured sayings of a marginal rabbi and of prayer to Jehovah, the invisible God of the Jews.

As we know, it took some time but the new Christian religion did spread, eventually permeating the Roman world. In the year 315, the emperor himself, Constantine, converted to Christianity. In 380, Emperor Theodosius declared it the official state religion. And just 15 years later, in 395, the empire fractured and the classic (western) half utterly collapsed. In the ensuing vacuum, Christianity rose to power—and in Rome itself, of all places. The victory was complete, some 350 years after Paul’s grand vision came to him in a flash, “brighter than the sun.”

And when people—lots of people—still believe it after two thousand years, it cannot but degrade society, weighing us down, blocking us from attaining that which we are capable of, that which was only hinted at in the greatness of Athens and Rome. And all for the salvation of the Jews


From “The Jesus Hoax: How St. Paul's Cabal Fooled the World for Two Thousand Years” by David Skrbina.


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