BY NO MEANS - kuchli inkor (Strong disagreement) ni ifodalaydi.
Gap boshida kelganda inkor mazmunga ega bo’lganligi sababli inversiyaga uchraydi va not yuklamasisiz ham inkor ma’no anglatadi.
By no means + Helping verb + Subject + Main verb
Quyida Speaking va Writing uchun misollar berilgan:
IELTS Speaking Examples:Part 1:•
Question: "Do you enjoy cooking?"
Answer: "I do enjoy cooking, but
by no means would I consider myself a chef! I'm more of a home cook who enjoys experimenting with different flavors and recipes. It's a relaxing way to unwind after a long day."
Part 2: Cue Card•
Cue Card: "Describe a time when you had a difficult challenge to overcome."
Answer: "...The project was incredibly complex, and
by no means did I have all the necessary skills to complete it. I had to learn new software, manage a team of people, and meet tight deadlines. It was incredibly stressful at times, but ultimately very rewarding."
Part 3: Abstract Discussion•
Question: "Do you think that technology is making people more isolated?"
Answer: "While technology can connect people from all over the world,
by no means does it automatically lead to greater social connection. In fact, it can sometimes have the opposite effect, as people spend more time online and less time engaging in face-to-face interactions."
IELTS Writing Examples:Opinion Essay•
Question: "Some people think that zoos are cruel and should be closed down. To what extent do you agree or disagree?"
Body Paragraph: "While I acknowledge that some zoos may have substandard conditions,
by no means do I believe that all zoos are inherently cruel. Many modern zoos play a vital role in conservation efforts, protecting endangered species and educating the public about the importance of biodiversity."
Shunga o’xshash ma’lumotlar sizga qiziq bo’lsa🔥 bosib qo’ying.
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