Гео и язык канала: не указан, не указан
Категория: не указана

don't ever you try to plagiarism my art
handle by Jadit Rengkoro (@Pxudu)
status : Open September 24
other admin : Ciao @Xciaowei
contact cs : @colourntbot
mutuals : @cntmootbot
archive : @foIlder

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Гео и язык канала
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Репост из: Aphros Rent: OPEN.
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(To all our BA mutuals, or whoever having kind hearted and saw this. Would you mind to help us by share this to your channel? It'll means a lot for us, thank you so much!)

Best regards to the ladies and gentlemen! With a happy heart, we invite Valoriest and everyone to attened @TheValory x EXO "Power" 3rd batch! Event which will be held at 19.00 WIB on 22 September, 2021.

We're accepting max 5 days for ordering. To complate and enliven the 3rd batch, we have prepared you guys some links that will make it easier for you to choose.

Order Regulations
Pre-order Form
Our Pricelist
Type of Albums
Contact Person

Репост из: Wordsaurus : OPEN!
[ To my precious mutual business or anyone who perceives this. Lacking diminishing our reverence, can we inquire you to please forward this message to your business channel? Thank you for your mercy, we are flattered! ] ♡

If phrases can assuage the heart, the soul may attend to tinier. Those emblems are as valuable as so much weed. Say slight, and let out, can a deeper joy give than an anthology of utterances that reach the head but never touch the heart. But for directly, everyone crucial remarks to express her beliefs that she couldn't imply.


Wordsaurus is here among us all! Which can inaugurate you to all manners of Wording. Don't think twice to scrutinize our catalogue, and don't be uneasy to ask qualms, we will invariably encourage you the favorable we can!

[To all of our BA mutuals & people who see this, can you help us to forward this message? Thank you]

Pandora, the land of harmony. One of the presents that Helios and Selene gave lives here. Sun Eater is the name of the gift. The people of Pandora believes that Sun Eater is a blessing for them. "A person with a beautiful visual and stunning manner," said one of the people. They always treat Sun Eater with full of affection and joy. Little do they know, a catastrophe will come to Pandora.

@Penufhora is about to begin their part ii of the second chapter with their beloved sibling, Eos. Come, take a visit to our universe, and we’ll greet you with lots of love.

Репост из: 𝐁untears : open.
[ for all of my BA mutuals or whoever sees this, can you help me by spreading this message? glamorous thank you. ]

meet and greets, 𝐁𝐔𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐒 is serving! best icon needs provider, @buntears is finally open with unlimited slots:D oh!

don't forget the affordable price we offer you! the price range is start from IDR 7.000


come and see, just a little peek wont hurt you, right?

smooch, buntears.

Репост из: BHUBBLE : OPEN ♡
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[For my dearest mutual's or everyone who see this can you help me to forwad this message? i would be so thankful]

𝗬𝗜𝗣𝗣𝗜𝗘 𝗬𝗔𝗬 ¡! @BHUBBLE is 𝐎𝐏𝐄𝐍 now! adakah yang sudah menunggu opennya store ini? SEKARANG KAMU UDAH BISA JAJAN! toko serba ada ini will always fill your needs 𝒶𝓃𝓎𝓉𝒾𝓂ℯ! mulai dari 1k kamu sudah bisa membeli lho^^

⛤ tersedia [wording, manips, yearbook, zepeto needs, pulsa dan kuota, jastip, coin nitroseen, coin line, coin webtoon, diamond game, skin ml, up view, replit, juga apk premium] INGAT! start from 1K Menggunakan DANA & QRIS aja kamu udah bisa belanja 😍

WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? come and shopping here! we're ᎯℒᏇᎯᎽЅ Ꮎℙℰℕ. kamu cukup baca tnc, && langsung kirim format! pesananmu akan diproses segera!

with love, @aubunrn

Репост из: 𝐌oskal open!
[ To dearest BA mutual and everyone who reads this message. Can you help us to forward this message? Its help a lot for us, Thank you! ]

𝐓here's a shot that will through the contents of your head but don't worry moskal here make you feel safe and happy. 𝐌oskal provide all that you need with satisfying price and service, despite The owner, has a cold soul and is very classy 🤯⚡️

Upfoll spo
Jasa bikin playsit
Gf & Bf rent

Come and see @MoskaI and contact @Mojckk for more! gOo shopping
je suis prêt à te servir. Don't worry we have a lot of tests ‼️

Репост из: Anvertrauen : OPEN
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[To All my BA mutuals can you help us spreading this message, TIA🤍]

Wohoo! Anvertrauen jastip are holding their Grand Opening Today at 16.00 WIB with massive promo!

Dengan menjadi salah satu dari 10 pelanggan pertama kamu bisa dapet gratis jasa titip selama dua hari penuh dan mendapatkan Gift Card secara cuma-cuma loh!

di @Anvertrauen Jastip hanya dengan IDR1.000 kamu bisa dapetin jasa titip yang sangat worth, kita juga ada berbagai paket menarik yang pastinya ramah di kantong kalian nih! oh iya, ga lupa juga kita ada Gift Card yang pastinya sangat menguntungkan para pelanggan. Tunggu apalagi ayo lgsg aja di order jastipnya, eitss tapi jangan lupa baca regulasi kami dengan baik ya! setelah itu kalian bisa kirim format ke @Anvrtrn_bot

Репост из: 𝐙ercline 𝐒tore
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[ fꪮr αll my mutuαl bα, cαn u fꪮrwαrd this to ur ch? thαnks ! ]

mōshi mōshi everyone ~ @storehinata now opꪮn with α new look. αnd nꪮw we will give you α bꪮst servicꪮs with α very cheαp pricꪮ. so whαt αre u wαiting for? go check up the mꪮnu

upsubs, upviꪮw, upfoll ig, uplike ig, jαstip, bf ꪮr gf rent, upsubs reg and mαin αcc, upview, jαstul, joki tugαs, jαsα kꪮtik

we're ꪮpen αlmꪮst 24 hours. so if u wαnt to αsk, ꪮrdering, help fw or wαnt to αsking fꪮr mutuαl. just cꪮntαct this bot @hinataassistbot、どうもありがとうございます!!

Репост из: Hollow Society : OPEN
[boleh tolong bantuannya untuk forward pesan ini ke channelmu? Thanks a lot!]

@HOLLOWSOCIETY's #CULTURE passes everything with replete mandate and unmatched superstitious auxiliary like dark, classy and cutesy icons ranging from 10.000-12.000 IDR.

Compile and clog in your notion to enroll the 𝕳𝖔𝖑𝖑𝖔𝖜 𝕾𝖔𝖈𝖎𝖊𝖙𝖞 using (@HOLLOWgovt) in their FIRST DEBUT BATCH on 20th of September, 2021 at 7 PM. Don't pass it up!

Order : @HOLLOWgovt

Репост из: Anteiku. OPEN
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[ To all beautiful souls in here, especially my dearest mutual or for anyone who read this message, can you help me to share this message to your channel? Thanks in advance! ]

The roar of the wind is a sign of a storm coming, but be calm. Anteiiku will calm you down, here we sell and provide various types of your needs, including the Premium App. To make it easier for you, if you use the application then you are subject to a limit or have to buy a premium first which you process yourself. So don't worry, here you will receive it right and ready to use right away! We TV, Spotify, Grammarly, Vsco, AM, Remini, Netflix, Disney, Viu, Iqiyi, Iflix, and others. So, let's visit @Anteiiku and if you are need our help, feel free to contact us on @FukurooBot.

Репост из: typifying: open!
[to our business mutuals that stumbled upon this message, would you do the honor to forward this announcement to your channel? much gratitude from us before!]

the colors of ink has been seen to shine more brighter today. euphoric urge to write finally builds up for today’s special event. dearest beings, @typifying is officially open on a daily basis for any kinds of orders which you can actually locate easily using our map!

PSST, since it’s our first time opening an official batch, we will give a special 10% off for any purchases above the price of 5k. please do note that this promo will only be available until the last day of september. kindly read our terms and conditions before placing your order at our dearest auxiliary. we’ll be waiting for your presence! ♡

Репост из: aksara store, open
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[ Untuk semua mutual BA, help fw to your channel? ]

@calliopecastle is a village there is a castle that has the characteristic carving of a penguin statue. Inside, there are hundreds if not thousands of penguin statues carved in such a way. The carving of the penguin statue has each name, including:

♡ upfollowers & uplike IG RL
♡ verif all aplikasi bergaransi 1 bulan
♡ aplikasi premium
♡ koin line, webtoon, mangatoon
♡ netflix, disney, wetv, Iqiyi, spotify, canva,
harian mingguan
♡ create Gmail & Yahoo

Please visit the castle to see the beauty of @Calliopecastle! And don't forget to check 900+ testimonials from tourists who have traveled first.If you want to book a visiting slot, please contact Ayya! For payments, avail All e wallet, qris, dan tsel.

Репост из: ✰ Metanoia
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(all the BA mutuals who saw this annoucment. can you help us by spreading this bubble chat to your BA channel? because we are going to make the world explode with this latest announcement! much obliged.)

everyone would want to feel the attention, affection, and sincere warm love from someone, right? gracious regards, everyone! this with @MetanoiaRent talking. after a long time we are not open at all, with this annoucment we decided to open our batch! metanoia, the best giver of affection in the whole world will give you all the love, affection and attention you need and desire. will open the 8th batch at 7 PM Today! make sure to read the regulations first and read our available talent profile. if it is at the time specified, you can send your format to @MeetanoiaBot or @OFCMeta. make sure to fill in the detailed format and match what you want. prepare your souls for the warmth, love and affection that we will give to you that make your hearts melt.

cordially us,
metanoia rent.

Репост из: ✰. 𝐓𝐫è𝐬 𝐃’𝐚𝐟𝐟𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐬
(From east to west, this good news has welcomed all telelings. Please to everyone who sees, to spread it.)

New material after material has been gathered, pouring a scrap of old ink on a new sheet of paper to seek the meaning of some reason. On Monday, 13 Sep 2021 especially at 3 PM @Elleint welcome every old taste to stop and look up every souvenir that has been prepared.

ㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ✦ ICONS
ㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ✦ ANIMBOR
ㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ✦ SHAPES

Likewise with the many new changes, which we must make every time in order to have progress. Come soon, and choose all the items you like then give your confirmation to @ElleintBot on the listed date. We are always waiting for your presence and in your every time, with the whole team saying, see you majestic soul! ♡

Репост из: DELMORTE / OPEN !
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[ to our beloved mutuals or anyone who she this , can you forward this to your chanel ? thanks!! it means a lot for us ]

warm greetings , tele lings⚠
now , DELMORTE open for your needs in telegram on 5/08/2021. come to us on
08:00 - 22:00 WIB 🗯
here we provide !!

nokos telegram
upsubs reguler & main acc
jasa sebar list sfs reg

with affordable prices and good service you've got it all🗯🗯 so , let's 🅱UY your needs on DELMORTE 🀄
have a nice days , dearest mutuals and customers.
can wait to see you in here‼

Репост из: GeraiBe ; open.
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【 To all mutual BA or anyone who saw this, can you help us forward this message to your channels? TIA ! 】
(\   (\
( „• ֊ •„ ) =|⌒⌒⌒| bum !
.o┳⊂ )=| ∥∥∥∥ | bum!
◎┻し'◎. ◎ ̄ ̄◎. bum

안녕하세요 여러분 !
Kabar gembira untuk kita semua 🤩
Spesial @GeraiBe 1st ℳensiversary, kami akan mengadakan ℙROMO mulai hari ini, 20 - 30 September 2021 dengan harga yang pastinya sangat menarik dan ga bikin saldo kamu nangis! Karena dengan budget 800p aja kamu udah bisa jajan lho di GER♡!BE ૮ ˃̵֊ ˂̵ ა.

FYI, beberapa promo bisa close kapan saja tergantung jumlah slot. Jadi tunggu apa lagi, Gerries?ご注文ください GER♡!BE。ⅅon't forget to read TNC before ordering && send your form order to @Geraibebot or @Janhde.

Репост из: LoveSoul, OPEN
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( Hello my beloved mutual BA, or anyone who see this message. If you don't mind can you help forward this message to your channel? Thank you very much )

Finally @IovesouI will be open for the first time yeay, we are open on Saturday at 10:00 WIB. Check our catalog to see pricelist and don't forget to see tnc before order!

And we give a 20% discount for the first 5 buyers, so what are you waiting for? grab it fast and happy shopping

Репост из: Mounips, OPEN!
[ To our beloved mutuals BA or anyone who saw this, may you help us by spreading this kind of message to your channel? Much obliged! ]

Bestowing our warmest greeting to everyone who probably reads this message. Finally, @Mounips has debuted and opened our batch for the first time. We provide you any kind of manipulation such as Manips Selca, Date, Daily, Photoshoot, and Group Manips.

Since we used Daily Open as our system, we'll available with a limited slot per day. And, the slots will be updated regularly on the pinned channel. But, make sure you have read our regulations first. Furthermore, fill in the form clearly and send it through our bot @MounipsBot. Have a wondrous day ahead! 🤍

[ To those who saw this message, may I ask for help to share this short message to your channel? I thank you very much and wish you a good day! ]

At this time, we want to give you the good news that many people have been waiting for. Can anyone guess? is that? you are right, finally we are debuts! This very second and in the future Arieslous will provide unlimited tickets for those who want to enter the dinosaurs archeology museum exhibition on September 14, 2021 at 10.00 WIB. There you will find displays @AriesKatalog that are very interesting to see. We are holding a ticket bonus for customers, titled “Buy One get One Ticket”. Collect as many tickets and you can choose any display for the prizes that will be received!.

What are you waiting for, visit @Arieslous soon to see in person and buy interesting displays without waiting any longer. Before running out of tickets, you don't want to be disappointed right? Ask @ArieslousBot for more information about our museum.

Репост из: Heelianthus ; OPEN
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◡̈ ☁︎︎ ⤾·˚ ༘ :: ꒱ ➷。˚𖤐☼ ⋒ ⁀✰ * #

[ Announcement! for my mutual ba or anyone who sees this message, if you don't mind, can you forward this message to your BA channel? thanks in advace! ]

🧷 ˖ The roses 𝒇𝒍𝒐𝒓𝒂𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏 on the bourgeons on favorite album, ༘ ⑅ 𝗦𝗢𝗨𝗥 ✮ ༄ belongs to the multitalented 𝗢livia 𝗥odrigo with a glamorous and violet flair. ⁕𓈒࣪ she brought a 𝗮𝗺𝘂𝘀𝗮𝗻𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗺𝗲 and make the fans enjoy her song, on every 𝗽𝗮𝗴𝗲 of the song lyrics. ♪ ♯

⇆ ◁ㅤㅤ ❚❚ㅤㅤ ▷ ↻

⭒⋆ 🧾 :: Finally! the 𝕤𝕡𝕝𝕖𝕟𝕕𝕠𝕣 of love announced for the first time, @HeelianThus will be opened! specially at 14 SEPTEMBER 2021, 07:00 AM. we provide a variety of needs at the best price, which of 𝗰𝗼𝘂𝗿𝘀𝗲 with the best theme and relieves you of 𝐛𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐝𝐨𝐦. definitely don't forget to 𝚁𝙴𝙰𝙳 our TNC before shopping 𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒑𝒊𝒍𝒚 while ℒ𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 to the SOUR playlist ♫ ♪

Best Regard, ℋ𝐞𝗘𝚕𝙞𝕒𝐧 𝐓𝖍𝚄𝕤.

Показано 20 последних публикаций.


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