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𝖂elcome and enjoy the color color playing @constatine, We hope you really like it.
Contanc : @darkbinie / @jungwheiin

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Репост из: 𝐂𝐀𝐅𝐄 𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐅 : open tomorrow at 1 PM
[ To all my business mutuals & anyone reading this, if you please help us by spreading this message to your channel. We'll really appreciate it! ]

Enormous greetings to all souls who see and read this. CAFE VERIF will be debut on the 20 at 1 PM o'clock. With our full service you will get number verification, writing services and premium apps. Before getting our consummate service, it's good if you read TnC first. Don't miss it, and if you're interested let's meet us at Cafe verif

besok last day promo ya cantik/ganteng ku 🙏🏻 serbu promo sebelum harga normal ᕦ(ಠ_ಠ)ᕤ


Репост из: 𝐍omusta OPEN
[ Untuk mutual BA aku tersayang, ataau siapapun yang melihat pesan ini, boleh tolong di forward ke channel kalian nggak? sebelumnya terimakasih banyak! (✯ᴗ✯) ]

HALOO, @Nomusta bakal lakuin Grand Opening *asik grand opening* pada tanggal 14 Februari 2021 pukul 13.00 WIB sebelum itu disini kami menyediakan Scenery icons, Themed icons, Manipulation edit, Upchar wording, Sticker pack, dan jugaa Psd icons serta licensenya.

Sebelum nanti order bisa di cek Tnc nya dulu yah, mampir juga ke katalog kita di @NomustaKatalog. Tunggu apalagi? Yuk lah jajan di nomusta😍😍😍.

Репост из: ✦ ROSECHI
[ Untuk semua mutual BA, atau siapapun yang liat ini, boleh ga kalau forward ini ke chanel kalian? maacih ! ]

Selamat pagi, siang, dan malam untuk yang melihat/membaca ini!! Aku cuman ngasih tauu kalau store ku yaitu @rosechistore pada tanggal tanggal 20 Februari 2021, pukul 14.00 sudah mulai buka untuk pertama kalinya atau bisa disebut debut. Harganya terjangkau kiww, jangan lupa mampir ya !

[To all BA mutual or anyone who see this message. Can you help me to spread message by forward to your channel. Thank you in advance.]

ㅤㅤ𝕳ello, Constatine is announcing
that we will be open now. These
ㅤare some needs that we provide :


Before that please look at the TNC
first. So what are you waiting for?
ㅤTake your pick! dan kirim formatmu
ke @darkbinie / @jungwheiin

Репост из: A Bouquet of Art
For my BA mutuals or anyone else who’s seen this, could you please send this message to your channel? Thankyou in advance.

Hello, telelings! Now A Bouquet of Art came with a new interesting product. A new product from our channel is Manipulation Edit or Manips. If you’re interested, you can see the catalogue on our channel (@artbouquets). We’ll wait for your order, thankyou.

Репост из: 𝓐stonish. [Today 06.00 PM]
Видео недоступно для предпросмотра
Смотреть в Telegram
[To all my BA mutuals, can you spread this message to your bussines channel? Thanks before]

Astonish bakal buka 1st batch pada Sabtu, 20 Februari 2021 jam 06.00 P.M. / 18.00 wib Cihuuuy!! Kami akan open order icons, manips, animated border dan psd. Open bo? Gak boleh, dosa.

Jangan lupa cek TnC dan Katalog untuk mengetahui info lebih lanjut!
Malming - malming daripada gabut mending jajan di Astonish!

Terimakasih, hatur nuhun, matur nuwun, tampiaseh, sakalangkong, amanai🙏

⠀⠀⠀⠀#Icons ๑ Gray

⠀⨳ Code Gray.

⠀⨳ Price 5k.

⠀⨳ Tap this to form and result

⠀⨳ Needed 1 Jpg

⠀⠀⠀⠀#Icons ๑ Rapp line

⠀⨳ Code Sunshine.

⠀⨳ Price 5k.

⠀⨳ Tap this to form and result

⠀⨳ Needed 2 jpg and 1 dark color

⠀⠀⠀⠀#Icons ๑ Rapp line

⠀⨳ Code Rapp line.

⠀⨳ Price 5k.

⠀⨳ Tap this to form and result

⠀⨳ Needed 2 jpg and 1 dark color

⠀⠀⠀⠀#Icons ๑ Maknae

⠀⨳ Code Maknae.

⠀⨳ Price 4k

⠀⨳ Tap this to form and result

⠀⨳ Needed 1 jpg

⠀⠀⠀⠀#Bright ๑ Flower

⠀⨳ Free for personal and
commercial use, but you
⠀⠀should buy a commercial license.

⠀⨳ Unauthorized duplication is prohibited.

⠀⨳ Don't duplicate it in any way
after getting the PSD file.

⠀⨳ Tap this to get results.

⠀⨳ If you want to buy license
or icons please chat

⠀⠀⠀⠀#Bright ๑ Brown

⠀⨳ Free for personal and
commercial use, but you
⠀⠀should buy a commercial license.

⠀⨳ Unauthorized duplication is prohibited.

⠀⨳ Don't duplicate it in any way
after getting the PSD file.

⠀⨳ Tap this to get results.

⠀⨳ If you want to buy license
or icons please chat

⠀⠀⠀⠀#Dark ๑ Side Effect

⠀⨳ Free for personal and
commercial use, but you
⠀⠀should buy a commercial license.

⠀⨳ Unauthorized duplication is prohibited.

⠀⨳ Don't duplicate it in any way
after getting the PSD file.

⠀⨳ Tap this to get results.

⠀⨳ If you want to buy license
or icons please chat

Показано 20 последних публикаций.


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