Фильтр публикаций

Репост из: Millennial Woes
RIP David Lynch. A great loss to the world. He was one of those extremely rare people who are so talented that, whatever they make, it is worth other people's time.

Репост из: Oltre la Morte
"Ordinary life is even more horrible than war."

– Yukio Mishima 🇯🇵 | Confessions of a Mask

ᛉ 14.01.1925

F. Roger Devlin's "Sexual Utopia in Power" (2006) is one of the founding texts of the sexual counter-revolution. Devlin is back, with a new series on sex. The first installment is "Hooking Up," now at Counter-Currents. Please read, comment, and share far and wide.


That was fast!

Apparently we are not welcome on the “free speech platform.”

Показано 20 последних публикаций.