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Репост из: Martinez Politix
Putin's speeches about the West are pure SJW rhetoric now. 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️

Репост из: Keith Woods
There is a long-standing debate within nationalism on if the success of a nationalist project requires rehabilitating historical National Socialism.

In my latest essay, a response to some recent posts by Joel Davis, I argue it does not:


Репост из: Martinez Politix
NATO expansion was fully justified. A minority of American officials were skeptical of it because they were fearful of the Russian response, but who knows how many conflicts there would have been if those countries hadn't joined NATO while Russia was weak in the 1990s.

If the USSR hadn't collapsed all those countries would still be under Soviet occupation. If Russia were strong in the 90s, none of those countries would have obtained real independence, and if they had tried, Russian aggression would have likely followed as we saw at various points of the Eastern Bloc with Soviet invasions of Czechoslovakia and Hungary after uprisings against communist rule.

After the collapse of the USSR, it was only a matter of time before Russia rebuilt its army and strength and started to assert itself again as a regional hegemon. That has been Putin's grand project: rearming and strengthening Russia and asserting its might around the world. He has said on many occasions that he doesn't respect smaller neighbouring countries and views them as vassals.

This is why Eastern Europe rushed into NATO while they had the chance. Ukraine was left out for some reason and the result is a brutal Russian invasion in 2022.

This sentiment was expressed clearly by Estonia's former president in 1996:

"Estonia's President Lennart Meri, has again called for a rapid integration of the Baltic states into NATO's security structure, despite Russian objections. Meri told a conference in the Germany city of Munich at the weekend that all three Baltic states need the feeling of security that NATO membership offers. He said Russia's aggressive policy in Chechnya gave reason to doubt that permanent stability would develop in Russia in the near future. 'Russia is probably the last colonial superpower,' Meri said. 'That is why the Baltic states are so interested in joining NATO.'"

It is funny that Western liberals have been willing to overlook the vast number of National Socialists fighting for Ukraine. It is even odder that Western National Socialists are willing do do the same thing.

Репост из: Martinez Politix
Trump knows he only has leverage on Zelensky so he is completely sidestepping pressure on Putin. Hence why it's so easy for the Dem side to paint him as a Putin puppet.

Looks like he will try to force Zelensky to concede to Putin's terms.

Without security guarantees the Ukrainians will be skeptical of any Trump deal that looks more like an attempt to "get the money back" as opposed to helping Ukraine ward off an invader.

If Trump were serious about peace he'll have to start putting more pressure on Putin to give something up instead of giving him a free ride.

Zelensky also needs to drop the pure defiance and come to the table. Ukraine will most likely have to give up the territories in the East otherwise the war will drag on for another decade.

Putin is recruiting cannon fodder from North Korea now. He's willing to throw untold numbers of meat sacks into the fight to hold the gains he's made. Evil shit but the fucker has the power to keep this going for a long time.

Репост из: Joel Davis
"Just on principle, every other group in the world has a right to its own homeland except White people? What? Explain how that makes sense. Either no group has the right or every group has the right. What the hell? Why are we playing along with this nonsense?" ~ Tucker Carlson

Logan Hall (@loganclarkhall)
Tucker: "Just on principle, every other group in the world has a right to its own homeland except White people? What? Explain how that makes sense. Either no group has the right or every group has the right. What the hell? Why are we playing along with this nonsense?"

I think AI is a very dangerous toy. Perhaps the only way that we can get the West to stop building it is to leverage the fact that every AI becomes "racist." That won't stop the Chinese, of course, but they’re just copying the West, so if the West stops AI, China will probably be unable to carry it further.

Liberals in America for all their faults get white solidarity better than the Right. The NATO principle is: attack one of us, and we all come at you. That is white solidarity. But in America, Republicans would rather whine about money, posture as superior, and retreat from conflict. Those instincts, of course, have put the white race on the road to extinction in America. Europe needs to go it alone. The Anglosphere will perish of cheap-labor, mixed-race plantation capitalism accelerated by Jewish malice. No need to the motherland to be dragged down with them.

These are my hopes:
1. The Ukraine war will end soon. Zelensky wants American security guarantees. Those are as worthless as the guarantees in the Budapest Memorandum. The best security guarantee will be (1) Ukraine rebuilds and rearms rapidly with European help, and (2) Russia continues to decline as a power. Putin won't live forever. Pausing the conflict puts time on Ukraine's side. Eventually, Ukraine will join the EU.
2. The US exits NATO, and Europe creates its own security architecture with Article 5 style guarantees: attack one of us and we all come at you. Russia couldn't conquer Ukraine. It is no threat to a united Europe for the foreseeable future.
3. Europe grows stronger and recovers it martial traditions in the face of enemies on three fronts: the US, Russia, and the MENA region.
4. The United States, which is under 60% white and run by retards, miraculously manages to save itself as a white homeland. The chances of this are much smaller than the first three items on the list. Europe is best off detaching itself from a drowning man.

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