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Hidden in the finer print of this otherwise unremarkable Bill giving legal protection to the ADF personnel, following lawful instructions while on service, is this extraordinary extension of emergency Commonwealth powers –

Item 4: subsection 123AA2 provides for a general emergency power for the Defence Minister to deploy the AFF. Such directions do not need to be published, they are not time limited, and the Minister does not need to consult with the states and territories on the Nature of the emergency – the emergency does not need to be defined. These declarations are not disallowable by the parliament!

This is tantamount to full Dictatorship Powers and We the People of Australia will not condone any legislation which restricts our God Given Freedom and Powers.

The word “Emergencies” are undefined. Could they include industrial actions or large-scale peoples protest actions or any other

24 HOURS LEFT (please share)

The federal Government are trying sneak this through.

If you don't want to be at the mercy of FOREIGN FORCES next "emergency" you must demand this component in the amendments of the Bill be stopped by tomorrow 5pm (Thursday 15th October 2020)

FOREIGN FORCES (armies, police, storm troopers) can be brought onto Australian soil at the direction of the ‘minister’ with complete IMMUNITY from CRIMINAL or CIVIL LIABILITY in certain cases while performing duties to support civil emergency and disaster preparedness, recovery and response.

What could possibly go wrong???
Why would we be ok with giving Foreign Forces, any forces for that matter, full immunity???

This is what I was sent to challenge it - includes link to the bill on the Australian govt website

The Australian Defence Force is trying to give itself unlimited, without time restrictions or sunset clauses, access to call an Emergency and to bring FOREIGN ARMED MILITARY ONTO THE STREETS OF AUSTRALIA.


PLEASE COPY AND PASTE the following onto a Word document; name and sign it; and email it off the the Committee Secretariat Defence Legislation Amendment (Enhancement of Defence Force Response to Emergencies) Bill 2020

On 8 October 2020, the Senate referred the provisions of the Defence Legislation Amendment (Enhancement of Defence Force Response to Emergencies) Bill 2020 to the Senate Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Legislation Committee for inquiry and report by 4 November 2020

Committee Secretariat contact:

Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Committee Department of the Senate
PO Box 6100,
Parliament House Canberra, ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 62773535
Fax: +61 2 62775818

To: The Committee Secretariat

Bill Details: Defence Legislation Amendment (Enhancement of Defence Force Response to Emergencies Bill 2020)

From: _____________________(Name) – please state do you want your name public or private Subject: NO! Approval of this Bill is Denied! The Australian Defence Force is not given any further powers!

To the Committee Secretariat,

The People of Australia can no longer trust the Parliament of Australia; the Judiciary System; The Police of any State or Territory and The Federal Police, nor the Department of Defence to act in our best interests.

We will NOT provide the Australia Defence wForce members, other Defence personnel nor any other members of foreign forces, with any immunity of criminal or civil liability in any cases, whether “certain cases” or not, whilst performing any of your duties. We do not support this Bill to Amend the Defence Act 1903, Defence Reserve Service (Protection) Act 2001, Australian Defence Force Cover Act 2015, Australian Defence Force Superannuation Act 2015 and Military Superannuation and Benefits Act 1991, and we will not condone any legislation which takes away the Rights of We the People of Australia. Further, we also say NO to you allowing any foreign countries armed Militia or United Nations armed Militia occupying power over We the People of Australia, and will consider this a further Act of Treason.

We are fully aware of the well documented Australian Defence Force’s 2009 and 2013 War Crime breaches of the Geneva Convention in both Timor and Afghanistan, including the killing of children, and how you covered them up. We are aware that when asked to face these crimes in the “International Criminal Court” in the Hague, that you avoided accepting ANY responsibility and ignored your Human Rights obligations and then stated that “You do not recognise the International Criminal Court”!

In addition to the vital matters herein previously described, there are very worrying implications in this “Defence Legislation Amendment (Enhancement of Defence Force response to Emergencies) Bill, 2020” being considered in Federal Parliament, including.

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2020... Everything is COVID

#Birthcontrol agenda (including through vaccines as exposed by #Catholic Doctors and the #Vatican) is part of a #Jewish #eugenics program that has existed for eons.

It is explained in #Europa - The Last Battle Part 5

#Kalergi-#Coudenhove plan
Summarised by Jewish #BaruchLevy in a letter to Jewish #KarlMarx:

“The Jewish people as a whole will be its own Messiah. It will attain world dominion by the dissolution of other races, by the abolition of frontiers, the annihilation of monarchy, and by the establishment of a world republic in which the Jews will everywhere exercise the privilege of citizenship. In this new world order the Children of Israel will furnish all the leaders without encountering opposition. The Governments of the different peoples forming the world republic will fall without difficulty into the hands of the Jews. It will then be possible for the Jewish rulers to abolish private property, and everywhere to make use of the resources of the state. Thus will the promise of the Talmud be fulfilled, in which is said that when the Messianic time is come the Jews will have all the property of the whole world in their hands.” (Baruch Levy, Letter to Karl Marx, La Revue de Paris, p. 54, June 1, 1928)

Capitalism (which leads to oligarchies controlled by the most devious, unconscionable psychopaths) and Marxism are two sides of the same coin for the same agenda:
“Marxism, you say, is the bitterest opponent of capitalism, which is sacred to us. For the simple reason that they are opposite poles, they deliver over to us the two poles of the earth and permit us to be its axis. These two opposites, Bolshevism and ourselves, find ourselves identified in the Internationale. And these two opposites, the doctrine of the two poles of society, meet in their unity of purpose, the renewal of the world from above by the control of wealth, and from below by revolution.” (Quotation from a Jewish banker by the Comte de Saint-Aulaire in Geneve contre la Paix Libraire Plan, Paris, 1936)

We are going to see another Bolshevik "Revolution", this time on a global scale, unless people recognise the reality of who it is that really has the genocidal agenda and replacment theology.
“The Bolshevik revolution in Russia was the work of Jewish brains, of Jewish dissatisfaction, of Jewish planning, whose goal is to create a new order in the world. What was performed in so excellent a way in Russia, thanks to Jewish brains, and because of Jewish dissatisfaction and by Jewish planning, shall also, through the same Jewish mental an physical forces, become a reality all over the world.” (The American Hebrew, September 10, 1920)

Sources of a number of quotes on #WORLDDOMINATION:

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To discuss these truths and deeper truths with a critical thinking that speaks to facts and evidence and doesn't take unsubstantiated BS from "believers" of any cult or belief system as "truth", but rather sees truth as that which is evident from sufficient context of facts, go to:

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Humour: Learn how a special rock protects you from Covid-19 😂😂🎉🎉🎊🎉😂😂

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To discuss these truths and deeper truths with a critical thinking that speaks to facts and evidence and doesn't take unsubstantiated BS from "believers" of any cult or belief system as "truth", but rather sees truth as that which is evident from sufficient context of facts, go to:

Part 2/2
It is also contrary to some anecdotal claims of feeling dizzy, lightheaded, faint, flushed or even passing out.

It is our expectation that the problem could be related to potential ventilation issues for those with already weaker lungs perhaps making the lungs work harder. There could also be a psychological perspective that causes some people when wearing a mask to shallow breath.

So it is not a good argument to use on its own that "masks reduce oxygen".

There obviously needs to be some more research into this with testing over a much wider audience.

The tests from ones such as Dr Buttar and the fireman that many have seen that measure O2 or CO2 at a point inside the mask itself are extremely unscientific and not a good way of testing this at all. Extremely misleading results are the conclusion from these types of tests.
The air volume in a mask is also very small, the placement of the probe in this would be critical and is probably not directly in the air flow path. It would be extremely easy to distort such a test with an ulterior motive.

A mask volume is tiny compared to the lungs, and a large portion of many masks will trap air that is not part of the airflow, dynamic apparatus dead space (VD,ap) that adds to physiological dead space (VD,phys).
It is impossible that the problem can come from preventing oxygen or trapping sufficient CO2 to be a significant problem. But it could alter breathing behaviour in some people. There also seems to be a perceived increase in heat in most that we have encountered that anecdotally experience mask breathing problems. This later effect could also alter breathing behaviour and perhaps even make subtle core temperature changes that also do so.

The far bigger and very real problem that we see with masks relates to moisture retention and the breeding of microbes, no not viruses, but bacteria, fungus and mould, all of which cause respiratory irritation directly and through toxins and even respiratory infections.

There are minimal studies such as this one that do show increased symptomology, in this case headaches, with regards to long term wearing of facial masks, particularly the tighter weave such as N95 type. However, the data is limited and it seems that they are missing something in their analysis.

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To discuss these truths and deeper truths with a critical thinking that speaks to facts and evidence and doesn't take unsubstantiated BS from "believers" of any cult or belief system as "truth", but rather sees truth as that which is evident from sufficient context of facts, go to:

Part 2/2

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This video from Med Wand Solutions with Mayo Clinic does a 5 minute assessment of SpO2 levels during exercise for
1) Surgical Mask
2) Cloth Mask

There does not seem to be any substantial drop in blood O2 reading.

This is contrary to claims of many against mask that the MSM label as "Covid Conspiracy Theorists" that claim it does lower the results.

Part 1/2

To learn truths of Covid go to @Covid19Truth channel and subscribe

To discuss these truths and deeper truths with a critical thinking that speaks to facts and evidence and doesn't take unsubstantiated BS from "believers" of any cult or belief system as "truth", but rather sees truth as that which is evident from sufficient context of facts, go to:

Part 1/2

What we are facing worldwide is a Marxist-Bolshevik-Communist takeover that has been decades in the making within the West.

“Political correctness is communist propaganda writ small. In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is in some small way to become evil oneself. One's standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect and is intended to.”
― Theodore Dalrymple

It's up to us... Join us to discuss truth

Victoria Police are WRONG again.

Watch these two videos. The two boys are exercising and carrying a sign to protest at the same time.
They are allowed to engage in their 1hr/day exercise within 5km of their homes.

Yet the police tell them they are not allowed to do so with a sign, because "protesting is illegal"

These police are just making shit up as they go along.

Even these young boys know more than the police it seems. as they ask "To show us where it is illegal to have the sign".

Of course they don't. These cops know they are bullshitting.

The cops also threaten to destroy the boys signs if they boys don't do so.

That would be "Unlawful destruction of Property".

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Facebook Fact-Checkers Exposed as Bought and Paid for By Gates Foundation.

A Ben Swann vblog.

🤔 Who is fact checking the fact checkers?

🤔 What happens when the fact checkers are paid off?

It's up to us... Join us for truth.

To learn truths of Covid go to @Covid19Truth channel and subscribe

To discuss these truths and deeper truths with a critical thinking that speaks to facts and evidence and doesn't take unsubstantiated BS from "believers" of any cult or belief system as "truth", but rather sees truth as that which is evident from sufficient context of facts, go to:

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Faulty Testing for COVID-19 - Interview with Dr. Matthew Barrett Part 1

A simple interview. Nothing we don't already know, but it is quite a nice summary of the issues.

To learn truths of Covid go to @Covid19Truth channel and subscribe

To discuss these truths and deeper truths with a critical thinking that speaks to facts and evidence and doesn't take unsubstantiated BS from "believers" of any cult or belief system as "truth", but rather sees truth as that which is evident from sufficient context of facts, go to:

🤔 There are legitimate fears and illegitimate fears. 🤔

👨‍🎓 Illegitimate fears are completely mitigated by better facts and context. 👨‍🎓

🙈 Legitimate fears that remain, are valid, avoiding them is fearing that fear. 🙈

🦁 The way to react to legitimate fears is to accept and embrace them and use courage to act to overcome the source of that fear. 🦁

To learn truths of Covid go to @Covid19Truth channel and subscribe

To discuss these truths and deeper truths with a critical thinking that speaks to facts and evidence and doesn't take unsubstantiated BS from "believers" of any cult or belief system as "truth", but rather sees truth as that which is evident from sufficient context of facts, go to:

💉💉💉 Vaccine Trials? 💉💉💉
How can they even test a vaccine when they don't even have a reliable antibody test???

"Antibodies typically suggest protective immunity from further infection. However, evidence is still being collected to determine if antibodies provide protective immunity against SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) specifically."

This alone should make people start questioning... that is if they have even a modicum of critical thinking ability.

How difficult is it going to be for the police to now gather all that data and identify EVERY ONE of the potential protesters with near certainty?

Everyone that took part today... Good luck... I hope you enjoyed the fun while it lasted because you were f'd over.

And they are advocating to each other to use WAZE. Do these protesters even know how to read a privacy and use policy for apps they install on their devices?

WAZE openly declares on its website for ANYONE with two neurons to rub together to see
We partner with cities, transportation authorities, broadcasters, businesses, and emergency services to put our community-driven data to work for anyone making transportation better for everyone.

And this is not new or hard to find. This article was from 2013.

It is not unusual for controlled opposition to trace back to people and groups associated with Israel and surprise surpise with WAZE...
"The Israeli-born app provides users with continuously updated map information thanks to its unique data-sharing setup"

You can read the article for yourself, but basically these protest groups have just sold the protesters down the river to the police.
"Your Waze data – including the routes you take and your speed – will be shared with the police if they demand it."



There are many strategies we can use to mitigate abuse from the police that are not even abiding by the law and learn from other protest movements for this. If people want to understand this at a deeper level there are two groups you can look to joining: - This group is for those that THINK CRITICALLY. If you are the type that holds to belief and is disinterested in rational discussion of facts and evidence, then this group will not want you. The controlled opposition groups have plenty of such people so stay where you will be happiest. For everyone that does realise that this problem is bigger than Melbourne and involves more than a politician or two and wants to know the root cause of the agendas, and is willing if necessary to give up pre-existing beliefs in favour of the evidence... then you are most welcome. - This group is about decentralising the protests. And doing so in a framework that
1) Has a purpose that WORKS
2) Makes it much harder to "police" with brutality and police that have little regard for the people or the laws
3) Is not led by egotistical small minds or controlled opposition that dictates to you every action you must comply with
4) Can be localised with people you already know, and hopefully like 😂 (eg within 5km restricted zones for applicable areas)
5) Can be incorporated in existing routines such as exercise walks or shopping

So that is what we CAN DO.

What should we NOT DO?
Today's protests organised it seems by Be Water and David SL and others from "Guardian Angel" and "Melbourne Freedom Rally" is the best example we have seen to date of what not to do.

The leaders have set themselves up perfectly for charges of incitement. All of the groups on Telegram we must assume are compromised unless you know everyone within it personally and have completely checked out each person. So no doubt all the information has been collected already by some desk jockey cop snoop.

But what have the done for the protesters today?

So ultimately what did you achieve today?

The protest achieved three things as I see it today
1) Made the protesters a laughing stock to the public
2) Alienated the public further against those anti-lockdown
3) Allowed for easy collection of everyone's ID
I do not see yet a single positive from today's debacle.

The most they did was brief one verse singalong of John Farnam "You're the voice" they videoed today in the shopping centre.
The comments on this thread show the public opinion. Read them. This is the RESULT of today. It has alienated others further.

This is one of them from a Channel 9 Reporter. "That sir, is all the proof I need. If two days of "planning" gets 25 people out the front of Coles to sing a Johnny Farnham song out of tune, I can no longer be even a passive supporter of this nonsense."

They sung "We're not gonna live like thieves" then scampered like criminals out of the shopping centre to avoid their fines and/or arrest before the police arrived and called that a success. While now causing a shopping centre full of people to now wonder if they've been infected by the "dreaded Covid". We are dealing with peoples perceptions, not reality, and that is what the public are thinking! Read the twitter comments.


I am going to recap some of what David SL and Be Water and the others organised today.

1. Everyone go into the shopping centre IN THEIR CAR where there are cameras recording number plates everywhere
2. Everyone arrive within a narrow time period, say 15 minutes.
3. Everyone go inside to have faces recorded on on HI-RES security cameras literally everywhere
4. Use WAZE on your phones to "avoid police". While WAZE has most likely taken your google or iphone account into their database along with your other phone ID's and GPS locations so they can "pay back" the emergency services in a mutual arrangement.
5. Everyone leave within a set time period, say 5 minutes.


Well today confirmed all of our suspicions. All of the "protest" movements in Melbourne fit into 1 or more of 2 categories

1) Controlled Opposition run to prevent any actually positive action that could open the public eyes to the truth of Covid and the lockdown

2) They are run by extremely stupid egotistical individuals that have no concept of what a protest should achieve

If the people protesting are in the majority then the audience is the ones in power, government, police, military etc.
There is no need to disseminate information... It is a show of force and disapproval.

Melbourne Victoria is NOT in that category. Those that do not fully believe the Covid narrative and are against the lockdowns are in the minority, actually quite and extreme minority.

The people in favour of following the lockdown directives are the MAJORITY. And supposedly we are in a democratic society. So the current protests are ultimately rebelling against the democratic process in Victoria. It really is very easy now to demonise the movement to this majority herd.

So the question needs to be asked with these protests.

👉Who is our audience?
The idiots think the audience is the politicians or the police. That is idiotic because you are not going to change the minds of the politicians and police by protests. If you have then entire population doing it and they were being threatened they would be carried out of office, then that would be a different story, but we do no.
And controlled opposition leaders are all too willing to use these idiots who think show of force is the answer.

So who is our audience? 👧THE PEOPLE 🧑‍🦱- The ones that are supporting the lockdown, believing the lies. It is ONLY if we change their minds that a difference can be made. The first ones of these that can be reached are those somewhat on the fence.

One of our admins has attempted to converse with some of these leaders and it has become blatantly clear that these leaders are not interested in reaching the people. The obstinately want the SHOW OF FORCE against the police.

Once it has been realised who the audience is the next question is:

👉 What is the purpose of the protest in reaching that audience?

To this, these stupid (or controlled opposition) leaders state that the purpose is "End the lockdown". Well that's just plain stupid, not because that is not what we want to do, but it entirely lacks motivation for the audience.
The audience currently wants the lockdown because they believe it is protecting them, including from "stupid Neanderthal yobbos that want to spread Covid in shopping centres" ... and that from the comments today is evident what the people are thinking from the "protest" efforts today.

The real answer for the people as an audience... is *** drum role please *** ... 👨‍🎓 Education 👩‍🎓
I know I know, it's not as exciting as running through shopping centres and away from police, but it is the reality.

If we want the public to be on our side, AND WE DO, as we want to shift the balance of numbers into our favour... Then Education is the only answer. And there are many ways to do that.

After today's debacle, we are going to take a firm stand and say that any protests must be within the law and must have the purpose of shifting the public's view to being against the lockdown. We will actually from this point openly condemn the nature of the protests that break the laws, not because we agree with those laws, but because it is turning the public AWAY from any understanding of the truth of Covid, which is not the government narrative.

We want to push towards open and rational debate where the socalled evidence of the government can be exposed.

We want to show the public the evidence that counteracts the official narrative.

Because only then can the public have their minds changed.

This is why we need to work on decentralised protests that we can do legally.

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There's a communist agenda. It does not by any means start & stop with Covid-19 Lockdowns across the globe.

Everything we see happening has been planned for decades if not centuries, refined more recently.

They have infiltrated every level of government, military, organisations, corporations & control most opposition movements as cointelpro. Obvious in that they have shutdown the world.

They hold the positions of power... but we still hold the numbers!

We all must learn the bigger picture, who they are, their strategies & ideologies.

Do not let controlled opposition manipulate you into being myopic. This is not just a lockdown battle, this is a much bigger war.

Here is an example of some of the tactics of takeover revealed decades ago in America.

Chat group to discuss this @Covid19TruthGroup

Channel for updates @Covid19Truth

👊👊👊 We will win this if we unite in a desire for truth of the larger agenda and who is actually behind it 👊👊👊

COVID-19 Lockdowns Over 10 Times More Deadly Than Pandemic Itself
Revolver Exclusive Study: August 31, 2020

The results are nothing short of staggering, and suggest that the lockdowns will end up costing Americans over 10 times as many years of life as they will save from the virus itself.

For the first time in its history, America has experienced a situation so crippling and perilous that long term financial and social stability have been legitimately threatened.

CHEAT SHEET: Back-of-the-Envelope Calculations Show COVID-19 “Cure” Is Worse Than Disease

👉 Standard approaches to evaluating epidemic policy responses, involving the Value of a Statistical Life, have conceptual problems and are biased towards the elderly and rich.
👉 Using a life-years criterion as an alternative shows that the lockdowns cost an order of magnitude more life-years than they saved.
👉 Most of the publicized cost-benefit analyses of COVID-19 lockdowns have used coarse measures like lives as units rather than life-years, which misleads politicians and the general public. COVID-19 deaths disproportionately impact the oldest members of the population, whereas the economic impacts of lockdowns disproportionately harm the youngest of the working population, who have far greater life expectancies at the time of impact.
👉 Using prior research on workforce entrants and recent graduates entering into a market marred by an economic recession, empirical estimates of life-years lost can be determined. Extensive research on job displacement can be used to estimate the economic impact in life-years of starkly increased unemployment for mid-to-late career workers.
👉 Combining these analyses, we found that an estimated 18.7 million life-years will be lost in the United States due to the COVID-19 lockdowns. Comparative data analysis between nations shows that the lockdowns in the United States likely had a minimal effect in saving life-years. Using two different comparison groups, we estimate that the COVID-19 lockdowns in the U.S. saved between a quarter to three quarters of a million life-years.
👉 Every broad age category lost life-years from the lockdowns including those 55 and older.
👉 The media and state and local governments contributed to the panic by selectively presenting evidence on COVID-19 and shutdowns of dubious benefit.
👉 Public health researchers and health economists gave poor policy advice and made selective use of the prior research literature. They will likely be rewarded, not punished, by academia for their failure because of academia’s biases.
👉 Public health in general is so biased and vulnerable to motivated cognition that it is not “not yet ready for policy analysis.”

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Please everyone be very careful about sharing potential disinformation.
It is being wildly shared that a guy chased by police has died.

It does not look like this is the case.

The left foot seems to move slightly in.

Also note these facts
1) There is no attempt to administer CPR which if he died would be expected
2) They have not put him into coma position which should be expected if he was unconscious to prevent tongue swallowing.
3) The way the cop is sitting next to him to me would indicate he is injured but conscious
4) There is no attempt to get medical gear from nearby police vehicles

At this stage I would almost certainly say the guy is not dead.


🎉Placard 600mm x 600mm File to Print for Protests!

Ok EVERYONE we have a start on the page for the protests & hashtag for this weekend!!!
It will continue to be worked on and improved during the weekend. 😊

Please encourage others to use this in placards, memes, hashtags etc to provide some focus & consistency across the groups tomorrow by sharing both slogan and webpage so we get people off of Facebook etc to Telegram.

The concept is we keep it simple. Have a repetitive message this weekend, and are able to direct people to a resource from there.

We're looking for volunteers to continue building this.
It is futile protesting to Dan or the police. They have made up their minds. They are paid to do this to the people.

We need to reach the people. Those not protesting. Those maybe believing erroneous information or maybe on the fence.

Let us make this weekend a productive #NoFreedom protest weekend! 💪

😡 #LockdownLiesCostLives 😡

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