CRAIG KELLY - Keeping the bastards honest.

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Good to see the Qld Labor Govt get smashed with a swing of 7% against them

However, Pauline Hanson’s One Nation result was sadly disappointing

They only managed 7.8% of the vote & didn‘t win any seats

And although One Nation was up a notional 0.7% from the last QLD state election - this is substantially ⬇️from 13.7% they got in 2017

The reality is that 43% of people that voted One Nation in QLD in 2017 have abandoned the party

If these numbers are repeated at the Fed election next year One Nation wouldn't win a seat in the Senate. It would be a national tragedy if we lost both Senator Malcolm Roberts & Gerrard Rennick

Could I suggest to One Nation that we love your cartoon series, but by making Albanese “the star” all you are doing is shifting votes away from Labor to the LNP - with no benefit to One Nation.

Their policies are what Australia needs, but the voting shows that the message is not get through & they need a re-think

Anything you can suggest that One Nation can do differently/better?

663 0 7 19 35


There is something fundamentally wrong, when in working class Minto in south-west Sydney, two of the big petrol chains, Coles & 7-Eleven both have unleaded at $2.09.9 per litre, while a stone’s throw away the independent METRO has unleaded at $1.64.7 when it’s exactly the same petrol from the same refinery.

That’s an incredible 45 cents a litre saving - that’s $31.50 extra it would cost for a 70 litre thank if you filled up not at METRO.

When everything seems so expensive in the supermarket, thank you METRO for saving me from the Highway robbery from the big corporate chains.

We need to send a message to these big retailers and get out their and support the independents like METRO.

6.1k 0 62 53 326

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There is nothing that people hate more than privileged "elites" telling the peasants that they must go without, eat ze bugs, and pay more for energy - while these elites travel the world in private jets & luxury yachts.

DiCaprio’s endorsement of Kamala will cost her votes.

Trump is going to win in a landslide.

4.9k 0 60 48 338


Dan Andrews crippled the Victorian economy so it‘s no surprise that crime rates in Victoria are skyrocketing.

And as I warned, Victorian police’s brutal response to Covid would result in the collapse of the public’s trust in the police, resulting in long term damage to society.

For a society to be successful, there must be mutual trust & respect between the police and the citizens - Dan Andrews broke that.

Victoria is the latest example that Leftist ideology destroys everything it touches.

The number of criminal incidents recorded by Victoria Police in the year to 30 June 2024 was 410,108, up 10.7% from 370,613 incidents recorded in the same period last year.

7k 1 69 193 329

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Where were you when we needed you Peter ?

And "little protest" ?

- hundreds of thousands of Australians marched in the streets protesting against government during Covid - the biggest demonstrations in Australia’s history - and at the time you were the Chairman of NINE (that along with the other media) that lied to the public and falsely report the crowd numbers.

And where were you when I was fighting in Parliament against the lockdowns, government over reach and mandatory injections - and forced to resign from the Liberal Party ?

Although it’s good you are finally speaking out now, someone with your standing joining me in the fight would have made all the difference.

You could have led the charge and saved your nation, but you elected to hide under your desk when the bullets were flying.

8.4k 0 181 91 512

Trumps firms yet again

1.57 into 1.53

While Kamala’s campaign continues to implode, she’s blown out further 2.40 out to 2.50

5.4k 0 7 15 181

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NSW State By-Elections - Epping, Hornsby & Pittwater this Saturday.

Send a message - Vote 1 Libertarian Party

9.7k 0 22 201 248

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10.6k 0 28 57 123


Can you help fight the woke agenda ?

Can you help this Saturday, 19th October for an hour on any one of the by-election booths in either Epping, Hornsby or Pittwater (in Sydney’s northern suburbs) to hand out some How to Vote cards for the Libertarian Party ?

If you’ve never done it before, it’s a great experience - and a way to fight back.

With 3 Liberal MPs resigning, forcing these by-elections don’t be taken for granted.

Message me on this platform - or email me at

If you can help out an hour any time Saturday it would be greatly appreciated.

10k 0 18 14 110

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The inflation, the border crisis, the wars, the attacks on freedom of speech - she should be 100-1.

10.2k 0 67 47 315

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Fanatical leftist Michael Moore gives the reason why Trump is smashing it in the most recent polls.

8.1k 0 121 46 230

Under Victoria’s proposed new "hate speech" laws, sharing a meme on social media saying men with hairy penises shouldn’t be in girls bathrooms could put you in jail for 6 months.

For the fanatical leftists that have seized power in Victoria "hate speech" is simply speech that they hate.,of%20their%20race%20and%20religion….

9.5k 0 107 16 329

Serial peddler of Misinformation Paul Barry posts FAKE NEWS that the Golden Plains Wind Farm receives "no subsidies"

The truth is that this wind farm will receive around $160 million in subsidies (paid for by electricity consumers in hidden green taxes) in its first year alone under the Large Scale Renewable Energy Target.

And where is anyone in the Liberal Party or the media calling this out ?

If you understand how the renewable financial subsidies work, you’ll quickly realise that Wind Farms are a scam - and that’s why they spread misinformation & fake news - they don’t want you to know.

7.8k 0 78 23 379

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CBS Caught in HUGE Scandal doctoring Kamala Harris interview

And these are same people that want new rules to censor the public for posting "misinformation"

8.7k 0 109 24 320

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The old wind-bag and peddlar of the Russian Collusion Hoax now wants to jail people she deems of spreading "misinformation"

7.1k 0 39 48 392


And these losses are all paid for by the Australian taxpayer.

But it’s actually much worse than that.

The Government (taxpayers) have tipped in $40 billion in equity, and if the NBN was sold, much of this would havebe written off, especially now the NBN is facing a more efficient competitor in Elon Musk’s Starlink.

That’s why Albanese doesn’t want to sell it, because that would crystallise the loss - adding to the budget bottom line deficit - and it the final accounting on this Labor disaster dreamed up Kevin o’Lemon.

7.9k 0 83 17 183


They lost $12,839,000,000 over the past 5 years, they are getting smashed by Starlink, but 5 employees at NBN are on more than a million dollars a year.

I bet they don’t want the NBN privatised.

And don’t feel too sorry for the bloke that only received $708,884 - as that was for just 8 months work.

See page 125

7.1k 0 50 11 204

Although Hurricane Milton will result in much destruction and likely cause fatalities, many Climate grifters shall be disappointed that it had weakened to Cat 3 when it made landfall, and has since weakened again.

However will all the excitement, it’s worth remembering that the frequency of major hurricanes is well below the average (and it shows no trend over the past 40 years) as is the amount of Global Tropical Cyclone Accumulation Energy.

6.8k 0 33 13 155


Due to record unprecedented levels of migration, last year Australia’s population grew by 631,300

`The average household size in Australia in 2.5 people

Therefore we need to build 252,520 homes to keep up with the population.

However last year "only 176,100 homes were completed across Australia.

That leaves us 76,429 homes short

Or 191,050 people looking for a place to live.

We have the most incompetent government in our nation’s history

5.9k 0 54 25 288
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