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It's the latest version of StatiCall, can you beta-test it and tell us feedback?

For the least fun guy in the world, he was really fun.

Did you know that if you're near a sonar source, for upto 5km, it could instantly kill you.

Morning 🌞

Good night ✨

"ስለዚህ ስለ እነርሱ እየማለደ ሁልጊዜ በሕይወት ስለሚኖር፣ በእርሱ በኩል ወደ እግዚአብሔር የሚመጡትን ፈጽሞ ሊያድናቸው ይችላል።"
— ዕብራውያን 7:25


Thanks a lot everyone!

best book you've read recently?

888 0 5 124 4

Are you trying to burn a message to your innie into your retinas because your computer told you that's a brilliant idea?

And just when you thought it's all over, March has 31 days

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Maybe it's not a burden but a calling 💙

You are addicted to validation because you've forgotten who already calls you worthy.

Mom's fun activity includes trapping giant grasshoppers in a water bottle and tormenting me with it.

"If you don't forgive yourself after God forgives you, it's because you hold yourself to a higher standard than Jesus's salvation." 👀

I saw a dream where my YouTube was making thousands of dollars and I had to choose whether to go full-time on it or not. 😅

The board is jubilant at your ascendance. It wants you to feel appreciated and asks if you do.

Hey 👋

Good night ✨

"እግዚአብሔር ታማኝ ነው"
— 1 ቆሮ 10:13


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