Репост из: Fearless John - @European_dissident
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◾Spanish colleague from "The other side of the Wall" channel published a magnificent X thread exposing the propaganda fakes staged by the Syrian terrorists and Turkish media regarding Sednaya prison.
According to White Helmets sources in the so-called "Assad's slaughter house" some prisoners were kept there for 20 or 30 years, their memories whipped out by psychological experiments and torture, the videos presented men left as empty shells, disoriented and confused.
But according to local sources the terrorists under the command of a foreign advisor took the patients of Damascus psychiatric hospital to the prison to film their propaganda videos for the Western media, nevertheless the White Helmets have been exposed staging all sorts of fakes like the chemical attacks of 2018, it's no surprise they had prepared an elaborate media campaign with the full support of foreign intelligence services.
According to White Helmets sources in the so-called "Assad's slaughter house" some prisoners were kept there for 20 or 30 years, their memories whipped out by psychological experiments and torture, the videos presented men left as empty shells, disoriented and confused.
But according to local sources the terrorists under the command of a foreign advisor took the patients of Damascus psychiatric hospital to the prison to film their propaganda videos for the Western media, nevertheless the White Helmets have been exposed staging all sorts of fakes like the chemical attacks of 2018, it's no surprise they had prepared an elaborate media campaign with the full support of foreign intelligence services.