Dè Relevation - open daily

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いらっしゃいませ; twilight orbs are handy in guarding revelation epoch, this sorcery has only one castle in sphere, @derevelation.
~ order/mutual: @relevationbot/ @tokitomuichiroz
~ custom result: @anxientyx
~ testimonial: https://t.me/anxientyx/4

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Репост из: köhler. (today, 7pm)
halo gengs! dalam rangka hari ini 2 tahunan @kohlers, kita mau ngadain giveaway e-wallet (10k) buat 6 orang yg beruntung. caranya drop angka 1-150 + sertakan wish buat köhler di comsect ini ya!

diundi random malam ini jam 21.45 wib, pakai batas waktu klaim 5 menit. kalau lebih, undi ulang ya. jgn lupa ikutan semuanya & good luck! ✌️

Репост из: 𝐅𝐎𝐔𝐒𝐇𝐄 / HIRMIN
{Kepada seluruh mutual artculous atau siapapun yang melihat ini, kami meminta bantuan untuk meneruskan pesan ini ke channelmu. Feedback segera kirim ke @artcuyousbot terimakasih!}

ㅤㅤㅤㅤ ♡. Regulations
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ ♡. Catalog
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ ♡. Testimoni
note : Jika ada pertanyaan mengenai beberapa katalog, kamu bisa bertanya lewat bot berikut @StudioartsBot atau @choyonz.

infinite power and enormous magic brought great change to the advancement of the castle at that time. yellow and red became the colors of the dawn empire. their history reaches the time of 'de relevation' is highly respected by fellows and is written in various books with special information. #LIGHT

code: choco couple
price: 10.000

'https://t.me/derelevation/172?single&comment=267' rel='nofollow'>format & detail >>

Репост из: 🥞 ꧇꧇ 𝐏ancakea
{greetings to our esteemed mutuals, may i ask your pardon it's an honor for you to spread this announcement to your other mates? i certainly appreciate it, much obliged.}

what a very bright day isn't it, croissies? thrilling announcement to say that @croissantic is hiring new bakers for some division of MOODBOARD DECO, ICONS and SCRIBBLE (lebih mengutamakan yang bisa melakukan ketiga divisi itu) but first there are certain rules that you might have to read thorough.

{I}. wajib join @croissantic dahulu agar tidak tertinggalan informasi apapun yang akan diberitahukan pada saat penutupan hiring admin kami nanti.
{II}. bisa berbaur dengan admin lain dan memiliki tata krama yang baik, memiliki pengalaman dalam divisi yang di pilih
{III}. tidak dalam masa sibuk dan ujian atau kelas akhir. jangan hanya penasaran untuk join tapi harus niat.
{IV}. mendaftar menggunakan akun utama, kami hanya menerima jenis akun B/C/P/FA.
{V}. mempunyai beberapa hasil karya divisi kalian dan testimoni nya (kirim dalam bentuk channel). pastikan kalian tidak menangani lebih dari 1 toko.
{VI}. payment menggunakan e-wallet masing masing.

"Bonjour Croissantic, I'm (name & username) want to participate being the part of croissantic’s (your choice of divison) admin and here are some results that i have along with my testimonials (include @ your channel results of divisions & testimonials)" if you're intention in this hiring admin, send it to @CROISSANTHIRINGBOT

custom result 🤍

Репост из: 𖧷.. MYTH BOUTIQUE : 𖢲 luvitours!
ㅤㅤㅤ┈ [VII: MUTUALS] 🦢 ┈

{unlocked bulletin to entire my cherish conjoints employment—prithee you encourage th's beauteous chinwag approaching your channel? gratefully, my mutuals!}

.. 𖢲 .. Bewitching aphrodite ce which mesmerized your heed, admirable physiognomy makes a heart vanish celestial is authentically warmth to the nation ubiquitous xe owns a delightful mystic district videlicet @luvitours; beauteous emporium advertises various goods! separate epoch ze felt lonesomeness furthermore didn’t possess entire buddy, occasion colloquy exist obvious analogous the hurricance, conscientious acquaintance are arduous facing bonanza therefore ze is awaiting for analogous business mutuals, wether you're inquiring within metamorphose vis current reciprocal employment kindly association @luvitoursrobot beddy-bye all!

              ㅤ  ...  ‧₊˚ ⚜ ˚₊‧  ...

Репост из: Lacework's
@RlCKYSHEN Up for sale, avail nyicil 2 minggu @kaikaiii_bot


Репост из: Heartension (soon :3)

teman teman jangan lupa mampir ke @saturnbyr & @CattieDoII, ba yg ga kalah keren!! 🤍

aariiiigatook dollie san 🤍🤍🤍

Репост из: Dollie, CLOSE!
CIECIEEE CAMAT DEBUT @derelevation hwehewhe semoga banjir orderan yaaahh


Репост из: Saturn by R! opeengg
happy debut ba cantikkkkk keren banget niee @derelevation!!! SMOGA BANJIR ORDERAN YA SYANGG

widiiih debut, moots boleh minta bantuannya untuk hfw? untuk feedback bisa ke @tokitomuichiroz 👋

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