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Youtube kanal: https://www.youtube.com/@ravshansbox
Muallif: @ravshansbox

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cURL -> HTTPie

curl ishlatadiganlar uchun httpieni ishlatib korishni tavsiya qilaman


Репост из: Josh*Developer

Yakshanba kuni, 22-dekabr soat 14:00 da, "Pinterest" kompaniyasida Senior Software Engineer Diyorbek Sadullayev bilan intervyu uyushtiramiz.

Intervyuni o’zim(@JoshDeveloper) va Shahzod aka Tursunov olamiz.

Intervyu Umumiy Frontend’dan bo’lib o’tadi. Imkon qadar chuqurlashamiz 😉

Jonli efirga LINK.

O’tkazib yubormang, ulashishni esa unutmang ✔️



"What is software architecture?" degan savolga berilgan javoblar:

⁃ “Architecture is about the important stuff. Whatever that is.” - Ralph Johnson

⁃ “Software architecture is the set of design decisions that, if made incorrectly, may cause your project to be cancelled.” - Eoin Woods

⁃ The process of defining a structured solution that meets all of the technical and operational requirements

⁃ The set of structures needed to reason about the system, which comprises software elements, relations among them, and properties of both

⁃ Software architecture is a set of characteristics that combine technical and business requirements

Sizningcha qaysi izoh terminni yaxshiroq yoki toliqroq ifodalaydi?

Quotelar "Software architectures for web developers" kitobidan olingan.

Full-stack darslarimizda http serverga nima ishlatishimizni hohlardiz?
  •   Express ishlataylik
  •   O'zimiz yozaylik (node:http)
362 голосов

"Full-stack step by step" darslarimizni boshlab oldik, alhamdulillah. Darslarga linklarni kanalda ulashib va mana shu youtube playlistga qoshib boramiz, in shaa Alloh.

Full-stack step by step
Share your videos with friends, family, and the world

2.4k 0 13 16 65

ts-node -> tsx

Node bilan ishlovchi dasturchilarga ts-node o'rniga tsx ishlatishlarini tavsiya qilaman. Ustunlik tomonlari:
- .env faylni ozi oqiy oladi, dotenv kerak bolmaydi
- watch mode bilan keladi, nodemonga ehtiyoj yoq
- esm support bilan keladi, SyntaxError: Cannot use import statement outside a module kabi xatolarga duch kelinmaydi


Fluent React

O’zbekzabon kitobxonlar uchun OReilly nashriyothonasining “Fluent React” kitobi o’zbek tiliga tarjima qilinibdi. Muallifga rahmat aytib kanaliga ulanishni esdan chiqarmaylik.


Kanal: @webiston_uz

3.4k 6 69 10 48

Репост из: GDG Tashkent
⚡️ Join the biggest Developer Festival of the year in Central Asia (Get your free tickets)!

Less than 2 weeks left until GDG DevFest returns to Tashkent once again for the 2024 season!

Get ready for GDG DevFest, the high-energy, one-day event is packed with dynamic talks, interactive workshops, and hands-on sessions, all centered around the latest technologies and innovations.

This year, we’re raising the bar - join us as we welcome an incredible lineup of international speakers, including Google Developer Experts and Googlers, ready to share their insights and spark your creativity.

It’s more than a conference - it’s a chance to connect, learn, and get inspired alongside some of the brightest minds in tech. Don’t miss it!

👀 Date: December 7, 2024
🕙 Time: 10:00
🏛 Venue: Panorama Cinema Palace
🗓 Agenda: https://bit.ly/devfest-agenda24

👉 Get your FREE ticket now:

See you at DevFest Tashkent 2024!


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