Guests were talking about their years and their past Christmases as they listened to the rhythm of the cogs beneath them. Colton Ashford sat and talked with Old Man Jackson.
“Shame about that kid Thisslewick, huh?” Said Ashford, addressing the elephant in the room.
“Sho is, tho he wadnt much fun fo a yung mane,” replied Old Man Jackson. “Ans I don’t much think he’d come round as a believer in the nigh mane regardless…” Ashford nodded in agreement as he took another sip of his coffee.
The train came to a sudden stop, sloshing some of Ashford’s coffee onto his shirt. “What in the HELL…?”
All the guests began to murmur about the sudden stoppage.
“Ah HELL. Ah FUCK!” Came the shrill voice of Grumby from outside the train. “There’s a damn TREE on the TRACK!”
“Shame about that kid Thisslewick, huh?” Said Ashford, addressing the elephant in the room.
“Sho is, tho he wadnt much fun fo a yung mane,” replied Old Man Jackson. “Ans I don’t much think he’d come round as a believer in the nigh mane regardless…” Ashford nodded in agreement as he took another sip of his coffee.
The train came to a sudden stop, sloshing some of Ashford’s coffee onto his shirt. “What in the HELL…?”
All the guests began to murmur about the sudden stoppage.
“Ah HELL. Ah FUCK!” Came the shrill voice of Grumby from outside the train. “There’s a damn TREE on the TRACK!”