Dork Diaries

Гео и язык канала: не указан, не указан
Категория: не указана

Shitty words about shitty feelings...
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Here's where us dorks be!!

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Фильтр публикаций

I told you I hated liars, but you went ahead and lied to yourself. You told your heart it was in love...and it believed you.

😍😍😍 My only direction! ❤️❤️


I no longer want to be a fish forced to climb a tree when there's a whole ocean for me to claim as my own. 🖤

Don't try to put out my fire. Let it burn away my skin of make believe. This might be the last chance I get...


Guys listen to this...🖤

I'm a misfit...fucking so what?




I'm gonna marry the night..🎵🎵


I'm drowning in your ecstasy...🥀🥀


🖤🖤🖤 Me too


She was a broken girl with a smile on her face,
He was a broken boy with a frown on his face.
They met over a sad song playing on a broken record player. Its vintage they were told.
They tried, they really did, to find the rhythm when the spotlight was on them and the world told them broken was the new beautiful.
The only beautiful she knew was from magazines,
The only beautiful he knew was his mother. His mother who often wore a smile.
The world never made sense, all colors were the same.
"What's a favorite color?" She had asked.
"Aren't they all the same,?" He had thought.
When the sun was colored as the moon and roses looked the same as blank pages... What's a favorite color indeed, to someone who sees none.
They still try to dance when their song comes on. She still puts on a smile along with her black dress. He still puts on his frown along with his blue shirt.
Two broken souls dancing to a sad song under the spotlight, feeling pressured by the look of cover girls and tied by the principles once was taught...


Показано 20 последних публикаций.


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