Dr. David Duke

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CBN Tells Christians How wonderful it is that Israelis are Supporting the Invasion of Europe! https://davidduke.com/cbn-tells-christians-how-wonderful-it-is-that-israelis-are-supporting-the-invasion-of-europe/ … pic.twitter.com/9dPcOGKd00


Dr Duke & Mark Collett – Is the Coronovirus Panic purposefully fueled by Zio Media and Banking to Destroy Trump? https://davidduke.com/friday200228/  pic.twitter.com/isqqEW48eS


Dr Duke & Mark Collett – Is the Coronovirus Panic purposefully fueled by Zio Media and Banking to Destroy Trump? https://t.co/xDYsdZzXi0 https://t.co/isqqEW48eS

CBN Tells Christians How wonderful it is that Israelis are Supporting the Invasion of Europe! https://t.co/Ca5lwe7whT https://t.co/9dPcOGKd00

Dr Duke & Eric Striker on the Zio Troika Family Feud of Bloomberg, Steyer & Sanders! & Charlottesville Judge Office Hypocrisy!



Dr Duke & Dr Slattery Expose JTA Euro Poll showing 20% Say a Jewish Network Dominates Politics and Media!



@LouieJenkinsDK What are cows evolved to eat? Grass. Better for them and for us.

The NY Times has 8 Zionist Jewish activists who control 90% of controlling stock. Been totally owned and run by Zionists and Communists since 1895. That's why it supports Israel and wars for Israel, that's why it hates Christian Russia that overthrew Communism!

Zionists go in overdrive to destroy Sanders campaign. Even though Sanders has voted for hundreds of billions in American Taxpayer's money for the Zionist State. Even though he viciously condemns Christian Russia because they dared overthrow the ZioCommunism that ruled them!

@slithrael yes & calcium heart scan too. I am in the top 95 percentile of heart and carotid health for my age. Plant cultivation kills FAR FAR more animals and does environmental damage than raising and providing red meat! All those billions of dead animals with "faces" your veg diets did!

@slithrael https://t.co/5wkBAyEDg9 actually 55 percent for people. 35 for animals. And I would love to see these grains NOT used for animal feed. Grass fed is better for the animals and people. So plant eating humans cause the huge animal deaths of agriculture. Shame on you Vegans!

Today's show: agriculture for our plant foods has been the greatest destroyer of the environment, and of trillions of animals! The incredible fact that Veganism causes an apocalypse of death and suffering for more animals than does eating large animals!



Dr Duke & Andy Hitchcock of UK Special Mardi Gras Show on Why Vegan Agriculture Kills Billions more Animals than Meat Eaters! & the Fall of Zio Weinstein!



TRUE TRUE TRUE. EVERY WORD SPOKEN IN THIS VIDEO. America under incredible Zionist influence and power has been supporting the Saudis and the rise of ISIS & al Qaeda for Israel. And fighting tooth & nail against the nation that defended itself: Syria!

ZioHypocrisy goes on every day all over the world. Reminds me of the old adage, "do as I say, not as I do." Israel-such a shinning example of true diversity and multiculturalism, open borders and human rights. Remember! The ADL is a Human Rights organization, and don't forget it!

Dr Duke & Dr Slattery on Sanders-Bloomberg-Steyer Open Zio (((Takeover))) of the Demo Party!


"We're going to win so much. You're going to get tired of winning. you’re going to say, ‘Please Mr. President, I have a headache. Please, don't win so much. This is getting terrible.’"

It's okay to point it out.

It's okay to notice.

Dr Duke & Collett – Zionist Neocons and Neocomie Predators Fight over the Corpse of America!



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