Репост из: petally; SOON
{my dear petally-pals! bring forth a sumptuous mandate of ginormous bliss. please forward this message throughout your channel, dear pals}
petally emplanes on a capricious to find a glamourous nebulous mutuals, seeking the serendipitous convergence of hearts and minds amidst the kaleidoscope of possibilities, they remains tenaciously hopeful eager to unearth a profound consolidation that transcends the predominant bonds of companionship. kindly hit @pteallybot to be our pals!
only allowed profneeds especially writing needs, your resolute support is highly prestiguous!
petally emplanes on a capricious to find a glamourous nebulous mutuals, seeking the serendipitous convergence of hearts and minds amidst the kaleidoscope of possibilities, they remains tenaciously hopeful eager to unearth a profound consolidation that transcends the predominant bonds of companionship. kindly hit @pteallybot to be our pals!
only allowed profneeds especially writing needs, your resolute support is highly prestiguous!