Thuleskog censored

Гео и язык канала: не указан, Английский
Категория: Политика

Гео и язык канала
не указан, Английский
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Репост из: ᛉ ThuleSkogᛉ
The characterization of protectors of Aryan Values ​​and Ideals as violent hatemongers is a spiritually and intellectually weak and cowardly behaviour. They meet us not in debate, they ignore criticism, they deal out bad-faith arguments against us.

They have no honor beyond power, nor any ideal beyond submission.

They are parasites leeching off the Sculptors of Civilisation.

They are pests and must be dealt with as the plague they are.

This channel will from now on be inactive, new channel

Same content, new channel and ‘identity’

Репост из: Thuletide
. If you are one of these Neo-Nazi types (I'm not, my views are a mix of Old Right conservative and 19th Century Progressive), then you should listen to what the National Socialist leader William Luther Pierce had to say about you:

"Very often they are defective people. Either they are people who can't function successfully in society, that is losers or antisocial misfits, or they are escapists or adventurers who don't really want to serve our cause but are looking for some politically incorrect diversion or self-gratification."

"It's not that these people who have the wrong motivations provide us with little benefit, they are POISON to us, because they drive away the people who really can be useful to us, the people who can and will serve our cause."

"It took me a few years to learn the hard way to shun the hobbyists, to have zero tolerance for people who like to dress up in uniforms and shout '1488!' and give Roman salutes to TV cameras."

Basically, stop being a retard and do something useful instead. Anything you do, including doing nothing, is more useful than doing costumed Nazi LARP rallies.

Physical measurements/observations of Nordic men.
Last map is of the intensity of the Nordic Race.

Power of Sol

Tag der Deutschen Kunstparade (1937)

Today, Feb 13th 1945 the UK and US started their terror bombings of German civilian cities, mostly women and children.
Dresden, a safe haven for war refugees, was completely levelled with the ground by the bombings, it is estimated around 250,000 people died only in Dresden.

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