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ㅤㅤ telegram.me/morpheusly
ㅤㅤㅤeps. ii: 22nd of July, A NEOTERIC EPISODE.
ㅤㅤ. . . “We're all searching for something,
some kind of meaning to hold onto in
this chaotic world.”
The Setting Sun, Dazai Osamu.
MORPHEUS (n.) 🌬🌬 Within this ethereal sphere, my earnest endeavor entails conferring vitality upon these lettered expressions, imbuing them with transcendent purpose and import, for you, my esteemed recipient.
“I beseech you all! To metamorphose
these words into a realm of fantasy,
wherein the readers shall be enveloped
in a wondrous tragedy of exquisite
Thus, my dear reader, clasp my hand and venture into this realm of verbiage, where the ink cascades akin to celestial particles, and the parchment resonates with the pulsations of myriad souls. Together, we shall embark upon a voyage of enlightenment, where profundity assumes the guise of familiarity, and the familiar unfurls as profundity. For it is in this labyrinth of narratives that the lexemes shall attain their purposeful actualization, brought into being by none other than yourself—the custodian of the hallowed covenant.
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ㅤㅤ telegram.me/morpheusly
ㅤㅤㅤeps. ii: 22nd of July, A NEOTERIC EPISODE.
ㅤㅤ. . . “We're all searching for something,
some kind of meaning to hold onto in
this chaotic world.”
The Setting Sun, Dazai Osamu.
MORPHEUS (n.) 🌬🌬 Within this ethereal sphere, my earnest endeavor entails conferring vitality upon these lettered expressions, imbuing them with transcendent purpose and import, for you, my esteemed recipient.
“I beseech you all! To metamorphose
these words into a realm of fantasy,
wherein the readers shall be enveloped
in a wondrous tragedy of exquisite
Thus, my dear reader, clasp my hand and venture into this realm of verbiage, where the ink cascades akin to celestial particles, and the parchment resonates with the pulsations of myriad souls. Together, we shall embark upon a voyage of enlightenment, where profundity assumes the guise of familiarity, and the familiar unfurls as profundity. For it is in this labyrinth of narratives that the lexemes shall attain their purposeful actualization, brought into being by none other than yourself—the custodian of the hallowed covenant.
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