There is no point really getting triggered by the constant humiliation rituals and psyops. To overcome the sorcery we have to find our strength inside and be vigilant with the language we ingest.
Spells that shape words have the power to influence our consciousness and the world around us. And we have to remember that the fate of our ancestral magic is not an Abrahamic apocalyptic death cult.
Maybe we have to undo the subversion of our spirituality and reclaim the magic from those who stole it, who melted down the sacred gold of the ancient temples and hid it away in vaults. Who forced us into submission as their pedophile priests burned our warrior castes, our sages and seers and our folk who knew the wisdom of the natural world.
Maybe we have to water our native roots and reclaim our connection with nature, then Dharma shall be restored. 🌞
Spells that shape words have the power to influence our consciousness and the world around us. And we have to remember that the fate of our ancestral magic is not an Abrahamic apocalyptic death cult.
Maybe we have to undo the subversion of our spirituality and reclaim the magic from those who stole it, who melted down the sacred gold of the ancient temples and hid it away in vaults. Who forced us into submission as their pedophile priests burned our warrior castes, our sages and seers and our folk who knew the wisdom of the natural world.
Maybe we have to water our native roots and reclaim our connection with nature, then Dharma shall be restored. 🌞