⚡️ Feed
We at X Empire use Telegram daily for both work and personal life, and we’re all fans of this platform.
To help Telegram become even better and more user-friendly, we've identified a significant issue: there’s no unified feed for viewing posts from all the channels you follow, and the search for channels isn’t very convenient. We’re here to change that.
We’re currently developing a brand-new app called Feed, and we’re excited to share some of its features:
— A user-friendly list of channels from around the world, categorized for easy navigation.
— Global search by keywords to find channels relevant to your interests.
— The ability to customize your feed by highlighting the channels you want to see.
— Options to share curated channel collections with friends.
— Collections of channels recommended by celebrities and influencers.
— AI-generated daily summary of what’s happening across all your subscriptions, providing a concise digest of the day’s highlights.
The next phase of X Empire involves launching several utility applications that will be useful and accessible to every user. This way, we aim to provide convenient and beneficial tools for all X Empire users, regardless of our diverse audience.
This is just the beginning!
We at X Empire use Telegram daily for both work and personal life, and we’re all fans of this platform.
To help Telegram become even better and more user-friendly, we've identified a significant issue: there’s no unified feed for viewing posts from all the channels you follow, and the search for channels isn’t very convenient. We’re here to change that.
We’re currently developing a brand-new app called Feed, and we’re excited to share some of its features:
— A user-friendly list of channels from around the world, categorized for easy navigation.
— Global search by keywords to find channels relevant to your interests.
— The ability to customize your feed by highlighting the channels you want to see.
— Options to share curated channel collections with friends.
— Collections of channels recommended by celebrities and influencers.
— AI-generated daily summary of what’s happening across all your subscriptions, providing a concise digest of the day’s highlights.
The next phase of X Empire involves launching several utility applications that will be useful and accessible to every user. This way, we aim to provide convenient and beneficial tools for all X Empire users, regardless of our diverse audience.
This is just the beginning!