Фильтр публикаций

🎉 Happy holidays everyone!
Hello and Thank you for all your support!

It was a difficult year, big thanks to everyone who supported us from the start and continues to. Since our original product didn't have much success, we decided to announce the project's transformation. Stay tuned for the news that is coming close, and is not to be missed.

Shortly, in the next few days, we will start a counter on our site, by the end of which we will reveal news about the further fate of the EncryptoTel project. Hold on and #hodl your tokens for further instructions 😉

Q1-Q2 2022🚀

#EncryptoTel Team 🌲

🎉 Happy holidays everyone!
Big thank you goes to the community for supporting us during this difficult year, we appreciate it very much. Stay tuned, for next year should be awesome:

Coming next year:
- New roadmap
- Apps that use $ETT
- Token swap
- Globalization
- Partnerships

...and that’s not all. Details? See you in Q1 2021 🚀

Yours truly,
#EncryptoTel Team 🌲

Let’s remind ourselves how big articles look like (while we’re preparing something big for you, stay tuned☝️)

Read: https://hackernoon.com/interview-with-encry-decentralization-and-privacy-j1gc2gd3

Andrey Chmora from Encry Foundation will give speech at Digital Summit 2020! Don't miss out!

Директор по технологиям и инновациям #ENCRY FOUNDATION Андрей Чмора выступит на Digital Summit 2020


Показано 20 последних публикаций.


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