Хед на то что Эндрилы в лагерном ау бегали курить в туалеты и за них, но потом их спалили из-за запаха в туалете. (но это не помешало им продолжить.)
Неанон Дин
[🎩]- эндрилы балуются.
перевод на английскый:
English translation:
hadcannon for that out that Andrew/Neil in the camp AU ran to smoke in the toilets, but then they were because of the smell in the toilet. (but that didn't stop them from continuing.)
Neanon Dean
[🎩]- Andrew/Neil They're messing around.
#тейк. #take.
Неанон Дин
[🎩]- эндрилы балуются.
перевод на английскый:
English translation:
hadcannon for that out that Andrew/Neil in the camp AU ran to smoke in the toilets, but then they were because of the smell in the toilet. (but that didn't stop them from continuing.)
Neanon Dean
[🎩]- Andrew/Neil They're messing around.
#тейк. #take.