English KQuizzes 🇺🇦

Гео и язык канала: не указан, Английский
Категория: Лингвистика

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Связанные каналы

Гео и язык канала
не указан, Английский
Фильтр публикаций

📊 GRAMMAR: "I'm thirsty, I ...(want a cup) of water in this cafe"
  •   wanna a cup
  •   wanna cup
  •   ✅ Both options are CORRECT
  •   ❌ Both options are INCORRECT
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42 голосов

📊 INFORMAL CONTRACTIONS: "I ...(might have) gone to the cinema today, but I changed my mind"
  •   migha
  •   mightha
  •   migtha
  •   mighta
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38 голосов

📊 VOCABULARY: What does the noun "fortnight" mean? "We spent a fortnight being in the United States, that was a great experience"
  •   two days
  •   two weeks
  •   weekend
  •   week
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45 голосов

📊 VOCABULARY: What does the adjective "compulsory" mean? "Practice is a compulsory part of any educational process"
  •   important
  •   useful
  •   main
  •   required
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46 голосов

📊 VOCABULARY: What does the adjective "redundant" mean? "It appears to me that this sentence was redundant"
  •   mistaken
  •   false
  •   incorrect
  •   unnecessary
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64 голосов

📊 INFORMAL CONTRACTIONS: "I have ...(got to) go to work in half an hour"
  •   goto
  •   gato
  •   gotta
  •   gatta
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56 голосов

📊 VOCABULARY: What does the noun "hazard" mean? "The current economic problem can be a hazard to all businesses"
  •   risk
  •   danger
  •   ✅ Both options are CORRECT
  •   ❌ Both options are INCORRECT
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57 голосов

📊 GRAMMAR: "I am wondering whether you have already installed and configured this ... or not"
  •   program
  •   programme
  •   ✅ Both options are CORRECT
  •   ❌ Both options are INCORRECT
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53 голосов

📊 IDIOMS: "This song rang a ... but I couldn't remember its name"
  •   mind
  •   head
  •   brain
  •   bell
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63 голосов

📊 INFORMAL CONTRACTIONS: "I can't understand what you are ...(trying to) imply"
  •   tryna
  •   tryta
  •   trata
  •   tryga
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64 голосов

📊 VOCABULARY: What does the adjective "awkward" mean? "No wonder he felt awkward after he found out that he was completely wrong"
  •   strange
  •   bad
  •   embarrassed
  •   confused
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57 голосов

📊 IDIOMS: "I have finally found my ... in this new job"
  •   hand
  •   feet
  •   heart
  •   finger
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90 голосов

📊 INFORMAL CONTRACTIONS: "I ...(must have) done this much earlier, it would have been very helpful right now"
  •   mustva
  •   musta
  •   musa
  •   masta
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67 голосов

📊 VOCABULARY: What does the adverb "overseas" mean? "We almost always go overseas in the summer"
  •   here
  •   there
  •   abroad
  •   home
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75 голосов

📊 IDIOMS: "Having a rest with friends is cool if in small ..."
  •   doses
  •   amounts
  •   volumes
  •   quantities
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73 голосов

📊 INFORMAL CONTRACTIONS: "I ...(would have) gone outside if I had known that it had stopped raining"
  •   woulda
  •   wouldna
  •   wouldva
  •   wouldhav
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59 голосов

📊 VOCABULARY: What does the exclamation "farewell" mean? "Farewell! It was great to meet you, I hope we will see each other soon"
  •   hello
  •   goodbye
  •   good morning
  •   good evening
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66 голосов

📊 IDIOMS: "Whatever happens, she always looks at the world through ... glasses"
  •   blue-colored
  •   yellow-colored
  •   white-colored
  •   rose-colored
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66 голосов

📊 GRAMMAR: "His true whereabouts ...(be) still unknown, but we don't stop looking for him"
  •   is
  •   are
  •   ✅ Both options are CORRECT
  •   ❌ Both options are INCORRECT
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55 голосов

📊 INFORMAL CONTRACTIONS: "I would like to ask ...(you), where is ...(your) watch?"
  •   u
  •   ur
  •   yula
  •   ya
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63 голосов

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