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Гео и язык канала: не указан, Английский
Категория: Лингвистика

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Гео и язык канала
не указан, Английский
Фильтр публикаций

📊 GRAMMAR: Fill in the gap:💡 - I'm so bored. What shall/should I do? - You can ... .
  •   1) look out the window
  •   2) look out of the window
  •   Both options are correct
  •   Both options are wrong
22 голосов

📊 IDIOMS: Choose the wrong sentence, if any:💡
  •   1) He was over the moon.
  •   2) He was over the moon about his new motorcycle. 🏍️
  •   3) He was over the moon with his new motorcycle. 🏍️
  •   All (of) the sentences are correct/right
  •   All (of) the sentences are incorrect/wrong
37 голосов

📊 ВИКТОРИНА НА РУССКОМ: переведите:💡 "Пробежав поле, я упал и повредил стопу."
  •   1) Running across the field, I fell and hurt my foot.
  •   2) Having run across the field, I fell and hurt my foot.
  •   Оба перевода правильные
26 голосов

1 предложение также может значить "Снимая туфли, Рэм вошёл в дом". Такое предложение вполне возможно в определенных контекстах

Advanced Grammar in Use by Martin Hewings. Unit 58

📊 ВИКТОРИНА НА РУССКОМ: выберите правильный перевод:💡 "Сняв туфли, Рэм вошёл в дом."
  •   1) Taking off his shoes, Ram walked into the house.
  •   2) Having taken off his shoes, Ram walked into the house.
  •   Оба перевода правильные
33 голосов

📊 GRAMMAR: Choose the wrong sentence, if any:💡
  •   1) The music stinks.
  •   2) To my bitter disappointment, the music stank.
  •   3) When I was in that club, the music stunk in there.
  •   4) The music has stunk, so I'll never go there again.
  •   1, 2
  •   1, 3
  •   2, 4
  •   1, 2, 4
  •   All (of) the sentences are correct
  •   All (of) the sentences are wrong
32 голосов

📊 VOCABULARY: What kind of sentence is it?💡 "The room is filthy, and it stinks."
  •   1) Formal
  •   2) Informal
  •   3) Literary
  •   4) Neutral
45 голосов

Первый вариант тоже правильный

📊 VOCABULARY: What does it mean?💡 "It stinks."
  •   1) It smells very unpleasant.
  •   2) It's extremely bad or unpleasant.
  •   Both
  •   Neither
72 голосов

📊 VOCABULARY: Choose the similar sentence:💡 "It's quite impossible."
  •   1) It's completely impossible.
  •   2) It's possible.
  •   Both options are possible
55 голосов

📊 VOCABULARY: Choose the similar sentence:💡 "The series is quite good."
  •   1) The series is fairly good.
  •   2) The series is very good.
  •   Both options are possible
84 голосов

📊 VOCABULARY: Is the chairman a man or a woman?💡 "Our new chairman is coming at 10." * A/The chairman is in charge of a meeting, organization or department.
  •   A man
  •   A woman
  •   We can't know it for sure
49 голосов

📊 PASSIVE VOICE: Choose the correct alternative to the following sentence in the Passive Voice:💡 "My friends have done their homework." - Active Voice
  •   My friends' homework was done by them.
  •   My friends' homework has done by them.
  •   My friends' homework has been done by them.
48 голосов

📊 VOCABULARY: Fill in the gap:💡 "I'm afraid the jackets are ... . We're going to order new ones."
  •   1) in stock
  •   2) out of stock
55 голосов

❓ SURVEY: Do you love spicy food?🔥
  •   Yes, I do
  •   No, I don't
  •   I've never eaten spicy food
65 голосов

📊 ВИКТОРИНА НА РУССКОМ: корректно ли перевести предложение "Он ходячая катастрофа" следующим образом:💡 "He's a walking disaster." ?
  •   Да, корректно
  •   Нет, это калька с русского
55 голосов

📊 GRAMMAR: Choose the right sentence, if any:💡
  •   1) Where's the crossroads?
  •   2) Where're the crossroads?
  •   Both sentences are right
  •   Both sentences are wrong
71 голосов

📊 VOCABULARY: Choose the wrong sentence, if any:💡
  •   1) Who broke the bedside table?
  •   2) Who broke the nightstand?
  •   3) Who broke the night table?
  •   All (of) the sentences are right
  •   All (of) the sentences are wrong
68 голосов

📊 REPORTED SPEECH: Choose the wrong sentence, if any:💡
  •   1) John said me, 'I'm tired.'
  •   2) John told me, 'I'm tired.'
  •   Both sentences are correct
  •   Both sentences are wrong
73 голосов

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