ENGOURCAPT. #FindingTimeTravellers

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Hast sacrosanct-salacity inclinathe tremendous perception amidst themselves; embarks those ‘Infinity Stone’ hitherto engulfed thoroughly themselves–molded them into solitary, Loki. Engulf amidst @EngourcaptBot onwards @Engournote’s obscures-porethas.

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In balmy lull, flowing silently a letter in a haul of elation. Words could heretofore be expressed melted into beams and mirth. Solely belongs to the benevolence notions, each memoir of joy bequeathed sumptuous leniency. Qua the quintessential of pageantry, commemorate sacrosanct torqur solemnly. Indeed, extol the tremendous magnificence amongst the sphere's tumultuous memoir, yet, they absquatulates sorrow from their lovely hearts. Therewith, moments passed along with aplenty of jubilation. An enormous clinquant to ever knit a camaraderie with your sincere wraith. Generously demeanor exuded by affluent bliss. Pristine splendour wreathes your chateau, Happy Monthly Mensiversary for best embodiment; @TriumphOfOlympus @TheInfernoClan @deBrasserie @Thewinpooh and @AlleOfDevotion. May glory perpetually encircling you as you keep providing everyone the beauteous creation. May spellbinding concurrence incessantly lives within your cohort. May gracious triumph perennially accrues innan your laurel andlang abundant mercy. It's always been an honour for us to be your mutual! Have a glory mensiversary, gorgeousness creatures!

In all sincerity,

Репост из: [XVI] Castelobruxo — Espírito Caipiro
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 ‎   ‎     ‎ [XVI] — Legalmente, Espírito Caipiro.

A castle esoteric in conundrum, surrounded by an eerie verdant coppice, gives a shudder to anyone who passes through this area. And our castle triumphs over the strongest wizardry; Daulphine, Sylphs and Undine are the throis mighty symbols of slickness. And the density in inches of each sphere gives a mystical efficacious in all directions, but the beatitude and accord will continue to be rouses because the eclipse will not penetrate the boundaries of the sanctity of this place, because the spell of the enchanter will always convey infinite glee today for @MarkTechnology, @Engourcapt, and @TheDenethor.

Therefore, take vantagem of the mercy that we convey because it has been codify with various great wizardry in our alcazar, similar to sincerity and kosher for your place there, shelter and lugar seguro we will bless with the magia o’ eternal placid.

Incomparable kudos soletrar, Castelobruxo

Репост из: THE REQUITAL.
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Quelle belle journée pour nous, surtout aujourd'hui. Cordially and keenly we enunciate a sorted phrases viz, Happy Monthversary; a monthly thereto departs along not counting thou sophisticated insofar thou posses demonstrated concurrently ceaselessly albeit built a bond gainst comdradeship and association whether all involved amounts toward precise delighted of. Toward prevail esteemed forasmuch straightaway you-all equal stationary assembly and constitute fought afresh unto fabricate a communal. Therewith, countless cherished apparatus willingness occuring towards alterum and desire inherit subsequently, we withal certainly bestowing virtuous wishes. For the audacious communities; @AdorableMinji @MarkTechnology @Engourcapt @PINKLADlES @LadyLure @Thedenethor @PERFECTSIONs @kallety and @RivalryThrob!

Sincerely from along with expressing our sympathetic felicitations  — @TheRequital.

Репост из: WE SO! #Capable
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Hear the whistlings, see those shiftings! As the sun came to be the brightest light, we’re excited to hail and wish for the delight!”

Thither the dreamlike day where all the dreams come true; The brightest sun we shall go through, the sky is blue with no rue, and cool air blows illustrating the finest view. Longed by those who have faith in better days are coming, the cordial climate and unbreakable zeal become the reason to dampen the ocean of mourning. A spine-tingling day is now descending, we’re standing proud to utter you the hell-bent cheering. To the lotusland and all its wonders, show your grandeur and shower { @Engourcapt, @TheDenethor, @Villonese, @RivalryThrob, @AdorableMinji, @MarkTechnology, and @LadyLure } with your favor, make them forevermore abide within your salvation till they could repeat the same moment over and over again. Their tale shouldn’t end quickly for there are many exhilarate chronicles that must be conquered! Together we’re strong and together we seize the world for @WEareSO capable of being the conqueror!

Репост из: Linoscious Bakery.
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The daylight on the eastern skyline, seagulls whistle comely. Steam condensed on the goblet, and the chime of the oven timer indicating the bread was ready. Golden-yellow, sweet aroma that enchanted the sense of scent, and the doorbell that jingle every time a visitor arrives. A toasty loaf with a fresh look was bring out from the rotisserie. Once beguile the visitors with a delicious aroma. Blest baguette that is only unengaged on glorious day, that's why I set-out it for mensiversary precisely to the hereunder frolics, @LadyLure and @Engourcapt as a lucid bequest but leaflet an impress on the soul of each beneficiary. “Best wishes on your prestige so far” I said. That's all I can convey, myriad of compliments gathered in this greeting.

Entire patissier,

Репост из: Quilliance Celestial. #FindingPrincesses
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Epoch lengthened wondrous finale creatures paragraph phrase towards continoues towards increase endurance. Certain regularly contained newspaper seeking containing luxurious gaze supposititious certain ‘tis not easy towards get through the point here. Cheerful epoch essence towards spoken bright paramount regarding amorousness overmore attachment certain exquisite through the floor, reaching whereas happiness certain created. How does singular memoirs atmosphere certain there reason towards stay comfortable dwelling-dwellers laughter overmore gratifying joy, against any sense regarding falsehood towards consistently keeper in some arrangement? Greatest it wanted was towards chant gesture certain unparalelled was some lengthened journey, seekenf whereas faith where their predecessors summarized boundary betwixt mid–century overmore allowed towards gain satisfaction. Thing that was delivered form containing an arrangement, congratulations to @MarkTechnology @TheDenethor @RivalryThrob @PERFECTSIONs @PINKLADlES @Engourcapt @LadyLure @AdorableMinji @Villonese. Atmosphere given that we offer perfection kinds of prayers overmore thanksgiving, justice given through socialization, beyond thank you towards being given an opportunity through partner within mutualism certain we can also celebrate their event in commemoration of the year, overmore some of the goals. There's singularity in the given verse that we unparalelled forget hereabouts returning the main favor established into an boundary information, on the mensive showing here as a core character guessing into the corner of some sweeteners.

Репост из: ISAVERSE
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Dates hath passed with memories equally hath passed. ‘tis starts with hard, joyous, and crying. Solely stands foreordained​ be delighted when the macrocosm has shouted for its triumph. Stunning dwellers aim that essences and courage are nevertheless youthful. On this tremendous day, this eternity is proof that you carry gone through numerous twists and switches in esprit, extremely for @TheDenethor @iTeBeom @MarkTechnology @Kallety @AdorableMinji @Engourcapt and @LadyLure. We desire you a glad mensive to your luxurious dorms. Thereupon going through extraordinary and hazardous moments, this isn't the endeth of your story here, there's still a lot of traveleth needeth to wend on in the future in handouts and big smiles. Thanks to thee for bringing the most positive vibes and making an important impression on many people. Hope you'll enjoy your day.

With full of love,

Репост из: The Chariot.
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A dazzling aurora flashed at the corner of the eye. As luck runs like a wheel in the power of the moon, the hermits try to catch up to the star. The happiness that was hoped for was melted down with disappointment, the sadness that was buried grew into the success that had been promoted. The line of destiny that continues to be connected to form a line of cards that creates a mere choice. The dreaded fortune-telling has the opposite which becomes the chance of victory in life. Happy mensiversary for : @Engourcapt, @itebeom, @PINKLADlES, @LadyLure, and @MarkTechnology. Hopefully what is hoped for will be achieved, may the fate that is expected to be real, may always be successful and victorious, may it be able to spread a lot of goodness to all audiences. I wish you a lot of great goodness, may it be granted.

Best regards,
The Chariots.‌‌

Репост из: Zachruelle Family
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‘Tis inexorably twinkling epoch permeated amidst wondrous jubilee prevailing an endeared chronology, hilarities furthest for aeons—a comely afterimage to occur tenure—veracious endured eudemonia hindmost, nevertheless dexterous abide owing to jubilations, twain O’ scrupulous chattels may defer punctilious. In a ambrosial leisure, in th’ midst O’ pulchritudinous scriptural villanelles equitable upon reveres an intriguing prodigy O’–’tis epoch! Velvet effloresce in th’ enclosures whence vernal equinox cleft flaccid, eumoirieties O’ an interval’s vincinal in furtherance O’ us to impel a behemothic refulgent luncheon. Color ’tis dwellings amidst mirthful eavesdrop hilarities nd’ mnemonics. Hereby, we wish for the delightfulness of a new chapter to our spectacular mutual; @PINKLADlES, @TheDenethor, @Engourcapt, @MarkTechnology, @AdorableMinji, @Engourcapt, @Kallety, @Rivalrythrob

Written down with the warmness
of our joy and laughter.
Regards, @Zachruelle

Репост из: Hybenosis Mic; Fervently Believes in Music.
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Where the super– loudspeakers are turned on, igniting confidence in the citizens who inhabit. A thunderous musical charisma in an era of unarmedness. Step over a new day to achieve better. Charismatic dating and places of freedom are indeed filled with shades of spirit; Who does not bestow togetherness on the collection of beautiful creatures destined to be together. And a sacred day like this should be, Januari 9 was given the most amazing celebration to @Engourcapt @MarkTechnology @TheDenethor @PINKLADlES @RivalryThrob @IteBeom. We hope for goodness to perfect your days in the future. See you in the next wonderful month!

Genuinely, @HybeMic 🎤🗯

Репост из: Komplek SM
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"Katanya, komplek sebelah lagi ada perayaan besar-besaran, loh!"
Indahnya pagi yang segar ini, sejuk, dingin, dan embun yang mengalir-pun menunjukkan kalau suasanya sangat menyegarkan! Kupu-kupu pun mengiringi perjalanan indah mereka, sebagai tanda rasa bahagia. Tumbuhan berlenggak-lenggok karena rasa senang yang ditunjukkan untuk hari bahagia nan cerah. Berkunjung dengan senang hati untuk merayakan perayaan hari jadi komplek mereka pada tanggal 9. Maka dari itu, @KomplekSooman channel mengucapkan bersama-sama, "Selamat hari jadi, komplek @Villonese @AdorableMinji @Engourcapt @aedreamergy & @LadyLure channel mutual!" Semoga doa baik untuk perlindungan selalu menyertai kalian, dan bersulang atas perayaan ini. Kemudian, berdoa untuk kebersamaan yang tidak ada tandingannya! ♥️

Yang terkasih,

Репост из: Constellation of Rosé.
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Promenade bursting of fortitude, stalwart without twisting. Hullabaloo and deed fortuitous things have altered to a consuetude that nobody can vicissitudes, the appellation of the mischievous has been given by juncture afterward ancient times outwardly any antinomy; under namely trustworthy. Appear crowds of fortitude, riot outwardly doubt, notwithstanding the guard dog hunched to their popliteal. What is elucidated is not outwardly the certainty, remnants we contrived are leftovers in the treasury in the ferocious world. Intermittently masses only appraise from the foreign, typhlotic to the divergent standpoint viz unusually laid-out inveigh for dearest. Trailing the cimmerian shade of the ferocious world and the topsy-curviness they have caused, only numerous masses can scrutinize the praiseworthy yet warm-hearted standpoint we have. Brick-wall with lionhearted maneuver, nevertheless nor with kinesthesia of chutzpah, we promenade vis-à-vis the entryway of their dearest one’s mensive conviviality. We smiled pleasantly outwardly at the catastrophe glimpse perpetually showed, muttered, and aforesaid, “Happy Monthversary to dearest @MarkTechnology @RivalryThrob @TheDenethor @LadyLure @JaneSavoirr @Engourcapt and @PINKLADlES. We desire entirely the pleasant things, praiseworthy masses warrant to be treated well.”

Written with love,
Hellacious Rosé.

Репост из: heart-pop!
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tenebrous light abounding the terrace, uttering the shimmering oath. amidst the chronicled boundary, the territorial of demoiselles’ camaraderie was convening a ceremonial homage. the gracefulness surges flourishing a cordiality, whimsey of hilarity, and triumphant surroundings. stood still— inaugurating the heartfelt scilicet.

an awounded heart box adorning in vivid as pink as heartstrings within’ this epistle was given to dedicated their blessings, heartfully allocated over the way— solely for the endeared mortals: @thedenethor @pinkladles @rivalrythrob @engourcapt @marktechnology @itebeom @kallety. a lovely pop club filled with generosity yet helter-skelter behavior inside. it is landed along with the sincerity of words; a perennial hug, another cat astonishments as it their crave, and all the delightful fortunes that would surrounding upon them. confining the lavish wishes, their remembrances will deeply buried in their hearts. there’s no secrets to be found to creates a memory, but amity of camaraderie would do. let their solidarity lengthen until forthcoming months, and their benedictions be engraved in letterhead! xoxo

Репост из: SEVENFOLK #LookingFor97Line
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At which heure the asylum ruge, igniting a belief in o mais maravilhoso 97. An charisma singulare utopian in the pugna of palatial century.

The chariest numerus and a sanctuary did fill with grace from the di deaeque gloriosi; who is't bestows liefhet and grace on those quis ist has't solemn bonds with the wonderful beings. And sanctus days liketh this shouldst beest given most wondrous waardering to those quis non rudentem e faustum days by repetendi the eundem datum er’y month, carouse a changeth endues dulce mutationes and endues a thousand loveth f'r the owneth'rs of perpetual venue is getting a lot of attention the cadeau day. Joyous repeateth day to thee @LadyLure @Villonese @MarkTechnology @AdorableMinji @TheDenethor @PINKLADlES @Engourcapt @RivalryThrob may valorous things and omnes sagittas of loveth shall beest given to thee the laetificans day. And may in the future joyous things at per momenta circumdedit te lætitia.

'n siel eft to beest liber and wand’r, SEVENFOLK ☠️ 🎻

Репост из: Dwells Of Tokki.
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❀...The austere spartan yet balmy mild and amorous solicitous homey fervent of chinchillas hurdle, broaden beautifying an dexterity and endeavour for mirth ecstasy between each other l habitus. Tokki, our pseudonym to tally ephedrine tranquility with benignancy at epoch diminishes the sluggishness and congruity of @DwellsofTokki at prerogative pining to solemnize nautical when { @PERFECTSIONs @RivalyThrob @AdorableMinji @LadyLure @Engourcapt } shall assuredly felicitous to have trodden either an assemblage throng cortège or an indubitable frosty chilly bevy Syndicate and applaud deify exalt chafe languishing for troth lament that we relinquish you won’t exaggerating foremost salient is always as gnarly prodigious as the inheritance of those of us who distinguish and have a reciprocal coterie–union with you.

With the paw of rabbits,
Dwells of Tokki.

Репост из: JYP's Bistro; The Discotheque
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Scribbles carved hither are solely constructed on tier that was once disastrous while motionless has an excellent finale. Polaroid trapped toward gravy dormitory wall looks worn etherealises the memoirs inside nowise forgotten. Defences upon the depth shattered with endless despair once longing is present in the midst of melancholy. It would enhance with ‘tis dim core divert the atmosphere to a congested tavern dwelling. The aim fragrant snuffle of liquor which obliges extent, its territory that wholeness there is tamed through the demitasse of wine with an insignificant fragrance of weed. Temperature was obtainable mechanism in the midst solitude musing conclusion with convivial a beaker lilac, the vision started to blur nonetheless tranquil there was a nostalgic figure settled, they nought mien miserable even it seemed like a trivial revelry was proceeding. He approached the overflowing mirage as a relish enlivening triumph betwixt of chaotic amity to (@TheDenethor, @LadyLure, @AdorableMinji, @PERFECTSIONs, @Engourcapt, @MarkTechnology.) re-embroidered champagne that was poured into a golden beaker. Embrace o'er along millions of pieces silhouette drawn in polaroid. The flickering of the wooden planks as shades of coloured hearts amidst the return of a dim source of merriment. Take pleasure upon jovial and feast, @JYPBistro!

Репост из: 𝗟𝗶𝗺𝗲𝗿𝗲𝗻𝗰𝗲 𝗕𝗲𝗿𝗰𝗲𝘂𝘀𝗲.
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In the neighborhood of opulent remuneration, there prevails monad that is the elite and premier among all permanence vendibles. The reign of denouement is a crucial demeanour forto there are negative misconceptions when it is liberated to the society. Savoir-faire is another fundamental mien that culminates in burghal loyalty in an impresa. The parallelism that was incorporated made barnone blue blood guv’nor of a exorbitance brand have to grace with the presence gathering all lunar month for their jubilee. Simultaneously, Limerence Berceuse came withal behest epistle to commemorate occasion the grand diurnal of diverse company that had been designed. A cognominate to the association that is present moment the main attraction.
{🕊️}: @RivalryThrob, @Engourcapt, and @MarkTechnology.
As the representative that comes to extravagance moment, dithyramb is highly manifested and channelled through letters and yarns that have been altered within lollapalooza chaste. Benediction anthems were written to emerge as solace for the associations that are singing the praises of the bureau’s bicentennial. Derive pleasure fruhm the time and auf wiedersehen.

Historical megacorp,

Репост из: Triumph of Olympus
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*・゜The sunbathe fulgurated de novo on the plus one of this aeon, implicating that at present blemishes the mensiversary rendezvous for our venerated fidus Achates at @MarkTechnology, @ITeBeom, @Kallety, @Engourcapt, and @LadyLure May this day be permeated with all the benevolence sent by the protectress of amour itself; Aphrodite. We hope that this day brings you a chaplet of merriment, delirium and jouissance to you and your kinsfolk distributively. Triumph and other virtuous contrivances shall go your way on this momentous day where you call it your mensiversary. May this day bring you beam on your plague, folks.

Scrawled with philantrophy by your compadre at @TriumphofOlympus

Репост из: . * Jaemren-café.. ୨♡୧
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The weather is very supportive for us to have fun, in different ways we celebrate it happily and very naturally ♡ Like the emptiness ๑•‌᎑3< Much love will continue to arrive to you, the closeness of your group will be increasingly felt. Happy mensiversary, We wish for all the best to your group, please always give a warm hug to every members, always be happy for all of you guys! ♡

Sincerely, @JaemRenCafe. 🧁🤍

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