Гео и язык канала: Индонезия, Индонезийский
Категория: Блоги

Amidst the cradle of autumn's tender caress, atop the ensorcelled arboreal sentinels, a @ssculptors surrendered to the ardor of affection's amorous allure. As their hearts danced in an @ephidiasbot exquisite waltz, reminiscent of timeless tales woven.

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Гео и язык канала
Индонезия, Индонезийский
Фильтр публикаций

selamat malam pidi

📝 QnA with admins & talentt ephdias😋

👤 Spill momen yang paling ga bisa dilupain bareng cust

👤 spill yang suka brondong

👤 Spill yg gemes gemes

👤 spill yang paling sering galau

👤 talent yg typ nya paling jamett

👤 spill admin/talent yang paling random banget

👤 spill yang paling ribut/rame di gc siapa

👤 Spill talent / CT yang paling jametie

👤 talent ter introvert siapa

👤 admin pernah capek gak ngurusin talent?

👤 ada gak talent yang jamet banget sama admin yang jamet banget juga?

👤 Talentt yg suka typing imoet siapaa, terus yg dede gemess dsnii

👤 Gwenchana 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺

👥 13 people have voted so far.
📖 Anonymous Board

hari ini gimana? good or bad??

selamat malam pidi

bosen ga sih?🤔🤔

selamat malam pidi🤗

selamat siang pidii😎😎

We extend an invitation to all who seek to avail themselves of the opportunity to lease our esteemed residence, @ssculptors. Your application may be conveniently submitted via our automaton servant, @EphidiasBot. Furthermore, we extend our assistance for any queries or matters that may require clarification. Wishing you a most pleasant evening, Pidi!


[In the spirit of verity, I would be most honored if you could disseminate this heartfelt missive through your enchanted conduit.]

The autumnal tableau lent an aura of retrospection to each rendezvous. Strolling hand in hand along tree-bordered promenades, they reveled in the sonorous rustle of fallen foliage underfoot, sharing hushed chronicles of EPHIDIAS' OPEN GATE FOR AN ORDAL METHODS. The setting sun cast a mellow, redolent glow upon their visages, evoking the ardor that enveloped their spirits in one another's presence. As the season of spice-scented moments yielded to winter's frigid approach, their love story flourished, undaunted by the ceaseless march of time.


Greetings, Esteemed Ephidias! I wish to ascertain a matter of importance. Might [the name of the talent] be procurable for an extended lease spanning [the number of days desired], as delineated within the carefully curated selection denoted as [the specific package]? Commencing on [the precise date, month, and year]. Profound gratitude shall be extended for your kind attention to this inquiry!


Greetings, Esteemed Ephidias! I wish to ascertain a matter of importance. Might [Ephidias] be procurable for an extended lease spanning [3 DAYS], as delineated within the carefully curated selection denoted as [VVIP]? Commencing on [16/09/2023]. Profound gratitude shall be extended for your kind attention to this inquiry!

PAVE IT AWAY TO @EphidiasBot.

Through m
issives inked with sentiment and pilfered interludes partaking in steaming cocoa, their connection grew unassailable. The reminiscence of that indelible autumn became a lodestar, guiding their odyssey through the years, a perennial remembrance of the enchantment that sparked eons ago.

Howzit, Pidi! We hope this message finds you well. We wanted to inform you that, due to unforeseen circumstances, our agency will be temporarily closed for a short period. Rest assured, this is a temporary measure, and we plan to resume our operations as soon as possible.

Please feel free to reach out to us via our robot @Pidiasbot for any urgent matters or questions. We will do our best to respond promptly.

Thank you for your understanding and continued support. We look forward to serving you even better when we reopen. Stay tuned for updates on our reopening date, which will be communicated through our channel.

Sincerely, Ephidias’s Admin.

Sepi banget nih pada kemana


Hi, morning!


We extend an invitation to all who seek to avail themselves of the opportunity to lease our esteemed residence, @Sculptorss. Your application may be conveniently submitted via our automaton servant, @EphidiasBot. Furthermore, we extend our assistance for any queries or matters that may require clarification. Wishing you a most pleasant evening, Pidi!

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