E-pub Rabbit Hole

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David Hoggan-The Forced War.pdf
Another monster in physical form, this one is out of print and hard to come by. The author goes over some of the hardships in compiling this volume at the beginning of the book. This entails the years between the world wars and the tensions between the nations are broken down. Enjoy!

This one is a monster, I have 2 physical copies. If you have an interest in archaeology or ancient history this volume is invaluable.

^^^ It wont all be epub, I do have pdf's and kindle books I will be coming across. I recommend ebook reading apps that can handle all forms. Calibre is a great resource for changing formats and reading purposes.

Be Wise As Serpents (1991).pdf
Be wise as serpents- Fritz Springmeier

Crossing the Rubicon - Michael Ruppert.epub
Michael Ruppert is an interesting individual, started getting big on his peak oil documentary around 2011. He passed in 2014, some believe he was suicided, and some that he killed himself. Ill leave that for you to determine but here is his last work before passing. Enjoy Crossing the Rubicon: The decline of the American Empire at the end of the age of oil

Bjerknes - The Manufacture.epub
The manufacture and sale of SAINT EINSTEIN- The truth behind this abhorrent jew.

A Wanderer's Handbook - Carla Rueckert.epub
Book on ET wanderers, Ive not read this one. Abductees? Aliens? You be the judge!

9_11 and peak oil - Michael Ruppert.epub
Michael Ruppert- 9/11 Peak oil. Captions will probably work a bit better for keeping these organized and allowing easier browsing, who would have thought?

From the first until White papers- skull and bones are mainly secret society and bloodline based books, below that until You are being lied to are general government, and free energy geared books. Enjoy, I will be putting more up soon.

When They Kill a President - Roger Craig.epub
When they kill a president- Roger Craig

They rode in spaceships - Gavin Gibbons.epub
They rode in spaceships- Gavin Gibbons

Показано 20 последних публикаций.


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