😱😱 Check Your $SIDE Airdrop Eligibility & Reserve Your Airdrop.
⚡️⚡️ Go Here :- https://genesis.side.one/
•• Check Your Bitcoin Taproot Address
•• Check Your Address If u Participated In TestNet.
•• Submit Taproot/Native Segwit Address (Any of them).
🔗🔗 Note :- It's FCFS So Register Your Wallet As Soon As Possible.
•• Page Server is Down :: Keep Trying.
⚡️⚡️ Go Here :- https://genesis.side.one/
•• Check Your Bitcoin Taproot Address
•• Check Your Address If u Participated In TestNet.
•• Submit Taproot/Native Segwit Address (Any of them).
🔗🔗 Note :- It's FCFS So Register Your Wallet As Soon As Possible.
•• Page Server is Down :: Keep Trying.