European Way

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Heroic, Noble, European!
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The Truth about Racial Policy in the Third Reich - This is Not Told in the Lying Media and Educational Institutions

"These six races [Nordic, Faelid, Western, Eastern-Baltic, Eastern, and Dinar] are called Aryan in accordance with our legislation.

Thus, Aryans in Germany are those people who belong to one of these six races or carry the properties of these races in a mixed form. Non-Aryans are Orientals and Near Easterners or crossbreeds of these two races with other races, such as the Jewish people represent crossbreeds."

Richard Rein. Race and Culture of Our Ancestors. 1936

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Race and National-Socialism

"We have made Race the basis of our worldview and placed it at the center of national life. In doing so, we have consciously set ourselves against those people who dream of "humanity". If they do not recognize racial differences or even want to overcome them, then we know for sure that "humanity" does not exist and never will. It does not exist as a biological unit, because people are divided into groups, which are called races in science."

"The World in the Mirror of the Racial Soul", 1941, Kurt Brenger

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The National Socialist film "Eternal Forest" (Ewiger Wald)

This film compares the German people and nation to a forest that lives forever.

Break up the waiting soil. Strike out the sick and that of foreign race. Out of many tribes create a new people of the eternal forest, the eternal forest of a new people. The Maypole blooms like you and me. Beneath the Maypole the nation calls you and me. Sing a new song of today! The nation stands like a forest in eternity.
Ewiger Wald, 1936. Hanns Springer

European Way


Our Truth

National Socialism is an worldview of natural roots. The idea of ​​separating civilization and nature partially reflects the contradiction of the modern world, when we see people torn away from their origins, torn away from nature, having lost their inner unity, lost in the concrete jungle of ugly megacities.

We do not see the truth and some true beginning around us, but, on the contrary, every day we see humanity approaching the darkness of complete chaos. When it comes to our future, people do not connect it with their roots, they talk about technology.

Technology is good. But only as long as it does not try to displace a person's inner beginning. Our teaching, based on human nature, and not on artificial constructions and skillful lies, is called upon to protect this beginning from complete destruction in the horror of Marxism and neo-Marxism.

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Horst Wessel Lied - Rare Orchestral Version (1944)

Look into the eyes of these people. The end was so close, but they knew - victory would be ours. And if not in that war, then in the next one.

With the same hymns, with the same faith in your hearts, comrades, go to your dream and freedom!

European Way


◾️Will There Be Another Chance?

The chance that not only Germany itself, but also Europe, lost with the defeat of NS Germany is a truly grave loss for the entire history of white humanity.

It's not just that we've lost a fundamentally new world order. We've also lost the opportunity to take revenge here and now: the complete ban on the NS worldview and its discretization by fake "crimes" has made it virtually impossible to implement the original NS principles.

However, the gradual transformation of the world will inevitably lead to the final racial conflict of the dying white race with those who replace and destroy it. At that moment, we will have a choice: return to the principles of the National Socialism or be destroyed.

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Heinz Linge. Last man Hitler spoke to

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Who are "people of color"?

For diversity, against white genocide!

One of the most popular cliches in the West is to call blacks and other races "colored". But the irony is that black, mongloid and mixed races are essentially a complete lack of individuality. Neither blacks nor Asians have any diversity. Different shades of black and brown - that's all they have.

The white race, on the contrary, abounds in all shades. Blue, green, brown, violet, gray eyes. Brown-haired, brunette, blonde, red-haired. Skin with pink shades or with a healthy tan. This is all the white race. A unique creation of divine nature.

And we must preserve our uniqueness, our inimitability in the face of the threat of extinction and substitution.

We are unique and we must not disappear

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"The struggle between the people and the hatred amongst them is being nurtured by very specific interested parties. It is a small, rootless, international clique that is turning people against each other, that does not want them to have peace.

It is the people who are at home both nowhere and everywhere, who do not have anywhere a soil on which they have grown up, but who live in Berlin today, in Brussels tomorrow, Paris the day after that, and then again in Prague or Vienna or London and who feel at home everywhere."

- Adolf Hitler

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Racial Mixing Is Unnatural. Or How People Subconsciously Feel Strong Dislike for Mixed Marriages

Most people feel a visceral revulsion toward interracial couples. Two psychology researchers, Allison Skinner and Caitlin Hudak, found back in 2016 that a part of the brain known as the insula, which is activated when people see something disgusting, becomes active when they see photos of interracial couples.

It is especially telling that students were tested, and young people are known to be most susceptible to liberal propaganda. However, their brains are disgusted by racial mixing, which scientists compared to a "vomit reflex". And this is despite the fact that most of the participants in the experiment admitted before the test that they support "diversity".

That is why we say that our Worldview is Natural. We are not talking about hatred of other races, but about the importance of maintaining racial purity for all races of the world. And that's how we were created.

European Way


Smoking in the Third Reich

German doctors were the first to write a scientific paper linking smoking to lung cancer. After this report, smoking was banned in restaurants and public transport. Cigarette advertising was heavily regulated and tobacco taxes were increased. For example, during the war the average worker's salary was about 190 RM (today - $1,500), and a pack of cigarettes cost 4 RM ($30).

There were also campaigns against alcohol consumption. It was recommended to eat plant foods: fruits, vegetables, wholemeal bread and not overuse fats. Leading medical figure Klein predicted that cancer results from poor diet.

The magazines published warnings about the consequences of smoking. Posters were distributed demonstrating the harmful effects of tobacco. They were hung in cities with the help of the Hitler Youth. It was the most powerful anti-tobacco campaign in the world.

Adolf Hitler has said once: "Currency should be spent on something useful, and not on importing poison"

European Way


Even dead you are with us, even dead you are a threat to them

On August 17, 1987, after decades of imprisonment, European peacemaker and martyr Rudolf Hess was assassinated. The Allies cynically called the murder a suicide. But Hess's murder did not kill his spirit or his memory.

Hess's burial site became a place of pilgrimage for Europeans, and therefore immediately began to irritate Jews and the authorities of the occupation regime.

In 2005, city officials banned memorial marches by, quote, "amending the law on freedom of assembly". Sounds pretty free, doesn't it?

However, even this did not destroy the memory of the martyr.

Then the church cancelled the lease agreement for the grave until October 2011. This was taken advantage of by the warriors with the graves, who, having waited until night so that no one would see them, demolished the grave, burned the remains and scattered the ashes over the sea.

We will not forget, we will not forgive!

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The Jewish Version of Hitler vs Real Hitler

And so they lie to us about everything.

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German aesthetics in the paintings of Wolfgang Willrich

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▫️The Economy Must Work for the People

Adolf Hitler on the economic principles of National Socialist policy and its priorities.

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Dark Age

"The last era is the Iron Age. During the Dark Age, every civilization loses its sacredness, every civilization knows and exalts only the human. Against such forms of decline rises the idea of ​​a possible cycle of restoration, which Hesiod calls the "heroic cycle". Here the word heroic should be understood in a special, technical sense, which differs from its usual meaning. According to Hesiod, the "generation of heroes" was created by Zeus, that is, by the Olympic principle, to realize the possibility of restoring the original state, in order to give life to a new golden age."

Julius Evola, The Mystery of the Grail

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The Jewish teaching of Marxism rejects the aristocratic principle of birth and places the size of the mass and its dead weight in place of the eternal superiority of strength and individuality. Marxism denies the value of the individual in man, it disputes the meaning of nationality and race and thus takes away from humanity the prerequisites for its existence and its culture.

If the Jews, with the help of their Marxist creed, managed to win victory over the peoples of the world, his crown would become the crown on the grave of all mankind.

But don’t think that it’s all over, the Jews continue to destroy all the non-Jewish peoples of the world through the media and ideologies.

However, we must also remember that eternal Nature mercilessly takes revenge for violation of its laws. Therefore, to fight Jewry and its destructive ideological weapons means to fight for the cause of God.

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▫️What Is National Socialism?

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“In 1943, 90% of white Americans said they would rather lose the war [to the Nazis] than give full rights to American blacks.”

Now, so many years later, we see the consequences of the victory that was brought to us by people who didn't want to be equal with blacks.

Today, their descendants have become an ethnic minority in their own country, and their opinion has long been of no interest to the authorities.

From Cheryl Lynn Greenberg's book "Troubling the Waters", page 81.

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