🔗 LetsExchange Launches EVER Cross-Chain Bridge
Our partners at LetsExchange.io have launched a powerful cross-chain bridge, enabling seamless swaps of $EVER tokens between the Everscale and Ethereum networks.
No wallet connection or gas tokens are required, making the process simple and hassle-free. Additionally, LetsExchange supports trading $EVER with over 5,000 other cryptocurrencies, offering unmatched flexibility for your transactions.
➡️ Try the bridge!
Our partners at LetsExchange.io have launched a powerful cross-chain bridge, enabling seamless swaps of $EVER tokens between the Everscale and Ethereum networks.
No wallet connection or gas tokens are required, making the process simple and hassle-free. Additionally, LetsExchange supports trading $EVER with over 5,000 other cryptocurrencies, offering unmatched flexibility for your transactions.
➡️ Try the bridge!