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⚡️🚀"EXACT ACADEMY" Ingliz Tili O`quv Markazi ertalabgi guruhlariga qabulni boshladi !

✅ Siz sifatli va natijali Ingliz tilini o`rganmoqchi bo`lsangiz, kurslarimizga yoziling:

- General English
- Prezident Maktabiga tayyorlov kurslari
- Boshlang`ich sinf o`quvchilari uchun

👩🏻‍🏫👨‍🏫Darslar xalqaro va milliy sertifikat ga ega bo`lgan ustozlar tomonidan olib boriladi. 19-Sentyabrdan boshlanadi.

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Frustrating - asabiylashtiradigan
Chaotic scene -daxshatli sahna
Stretching back -orqaga choʻzilib
Inching forward -oldinga intilib
Halt again -yana toʻxtamoq
Signal turns red - qizil chiroq yonmoq
Air is filled with....- havo bilan to`lmoq....
Sounds of honking horns - mashina signallari
Occational shout-vaqti vaqti bilan qichqiriq
Impatient driver - sabirsiz haydovchi
Glance at watch -soatga qarash
Anxious about smthng - biror narsadan havotirlanmoq
Sidewalk - trotuarlar
Impatience - sabrsizlik
Curiosity - qiziquvchanlik
Cautiously - ehtiyotkorlik bilan
Standstill traffic - tirbandlik
Sight of brake lights -tormoz chiroqlarining ko'rinishi
lowing red - yonayotgan qizil
Palpable tension -seziladigan kuchlanish
Urban commuting- shahar qatnovi

Traffic jams in front of traffic lights can be a frustrating and chaotic scene. Picture a long line of vehicles stretching back, each car inching forward as the light changes from red to green, only to come to a halt again as the signal turns red once more.

The air is filled with the sounds of honking horns, engines idling, and the occasional shout from an impatient driver. Some drivers tap their fingers on the steering wheel, while others glance at their watches, anxious about being late.

Pedestrians may be seen waiting on the sidewalk, watching the cars with a mix of impatience and curiosity, waiting for their chance to cross. Bicyclists weave cautiously between lanes, trying to navigate the standstill traffic

In this scene, the combination of impatience, noise, and the sight of brake lights glowing red creates a palpable tension, highlighting the challenges of urban commuting.

We’ve written Task 2 in the morning group, If you know, you know😁

10.08.2024 CDI TEST 💻

TASK 1📊:
Two trends show population of southern pacific ocean countries from 1950 and projections of 2040, one by urban/rural country, and the other is breakdown by age group

TASK 2📝: Some people believe that teenagers should be required to do unpaid community work in their free time. This can be benefit teenagers and the community as well. To what extent do you agree or disagree.

‼️ Oylik to`lovni qilmaganlar kelayotgan darslarga olib kelsin yoki click qilishsin

6262 5700 0992 9235
Jamshid H

to prefer ❌ = to be drawn to .....ing ✅

People are often drawn to living in the countryside for several reasons.

REJUVENATE - refresh/relax

Example: the exercise and fresh air rejuvenate me.

Jaw dropping ability-jag'ni tushirish qobilyati(gulga nisbattan)
Traps-tuzoqqa tushirmoq
carnivorous diet-yirtqichlar dietasi
trigger hairs-tetik sochlar
trapped-qopqonga tushgan
Lined with...-...bilan qoplangan
sharp teeth-o'tkir tishlar
•capture-qo‘lga olish
•incredible adaptions-ajablanarli moslashuvlar

The Venus Flytrap's
Imagine a plant with a jaw-dropping ability : it traps and eats insects! Its leaves are like two hinged jaws, lined with sharp teeth. When an unsuspecting fly or spider lands on the leaf, tiny trigger hairs sense the movement. Snap! The jaws close, trapping the insect inside.

The Venus Flytrap's ability to capture insects isn't just cool, it's essential. It lives in nutrient-poor environments and relies on this carnivorous diet to thrive. This makes it a fascinating example of how plants have adapted to survive in unique conditions.

It's not just a cool survival strategy, but also a captivating display of nature's ingenuity. Imagine a plant that can "hunt" and digest its own food! It's a reminder that the natural world is full of surprises and incredible adaptations.


Nimanidir yomonlamoqchi bo`lsang:

...... is/are often criticized for ....ing, which can/may verb......

Traditional schools are often criticized for adopting a one-size-fits-all approach, which can disregard individual abilities and interests.

Supermarkets and other types of shopping outlets are often criticized for utilizing false marketing, which can interrupt consumers`individual choice of product

Many celebrities and influencers are often criticized for leveraging their fame to have more power, which can impress their followers negatively

The line graph shows changes in the percentage of telephone subscribers for mobile and fixed-line phones in Africa from 1994 to 2004.

Overall, by the end of the period, a higher percentage of people subscribed to mobile phones compared to fixed-line phones, with the gap between the two widening significantly in favor of the former as the period progressed. It is also clear that the percentage of people using fixed-line phones remained relatively stable throughout the period.

Until 2000, a relatively higher percentage of people used fixed-line phones compared to mobile phones. Fixed-line subscriptions began at 1.7% in 1994, significantly higher than the mere 0.06% for mobile phones, which was the lowest point on the chart. However, after 1994, the growth in fixed-line phone subscriptions was minimal, while mobile phone subscriptions began to increase exponentially. By 2000, both types of subscriptions had reached an identical 2.5%. After 2000, the situation reversed dramatically. The percentage of mobile phone users continued its rapid increase, reaching a peak of 8.8% by the end of the period— marking the highest point on the chart. Meanwhile, the gap between mobile and fixed line phone users widened significantly, as fixed-line phone subscriptions saw only minor changes, ending the period at 3.1%.

09.12.2023 Exam Task 1

Репост из: Hamidoff

serene - soki, tinch
inviting - o`ziga jalb etadigan
foster - improve
concentration - e`tibor
creativity - yaratuvchanlik
features = has
positioned near = ga yaqin joylashgan
flood - oqib kirmoq
neatly stacked - tartibli taxlangan
stationery items - o`quv anjomlari
filled with - bilan to`lgan
an array of - ning to`plami
classic literature - klassik adabiyot
modern non-fiction - zamonaviy badiiy bo`lmagan
ergonomic - shinam/zamonaviy
discomfort - noqulaylik
muted- tinchlantiradigan
adorn - bezamoq
calm atmosphere - tinch muhit
ornamental plants- manzarali o`simliklar
a touch of greenery - yashillik xissi
cozy - qulay
relaxation - dam olish
adjustable - moslashtirsa bo`ladigan
stylish - zamonaviy
late-night - kechki kungi
overhead light - yuqoridagi chiroqlar
ambiance -muhit
perfect blend - ajoyib uyg`unlashishi
functionality - amaliylik

Репост из: Hamidoff
The study room is a serene and inviting space designed to foster concentration and creativity. It features a large, wooden desk positioned near a large window, allowing natural light to flood in during the day. The desk is organized with a laptop, a lamp, potted plants, and neatly stacked stationery items like pens, pencils and notepads.

On one wall, there’re two bookshelves filled with an array of books, from classic literature to modern non-fiction, providing both inspiration and knowledge. A comfortable, ergonomic chair sits at the desk, ensuring long hours of study can be spent without discomfort.

Soft, muted colors adorn the walls, creating a calm atmosphere, while a few ornamental plants add a touch of greenery and life to the room. A cozy armchair in one corner invites relaxation, perfect for reading or taking breaks.

The lighting is adjustable; a stylish desk lamp provides focused light for late-night studying, while soft overhead lights create a warm ambiance.

Overall, the study room is a perfect blend of functionality and comfort, making it an ideal environment for learning and creativity

Репост из: Hamidoff

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