IELTS with Mr.Fayz

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Ustoz darsda reading ishlashni o'rgatgandan so'ng o'zim bajarib ko'rsam😅

P.S. Ayniqsa TFNG, MChQ da

Choose the correct answer👇
  •   I'm sorry, I couldn't attend to the lesson
  •   I'm sorry, I couldn't attend the lesson
  •   Dhdksbfidndvslfhgnfih

Coherence and cohesion🧌

🔴 Bu criteria siz yozgan esseni oʻqishga qanchalik osonligini va yozilgan gʻoyaga qay darajada ergashsa boʻlishini baholaydi. Lekin koʻpchilik grammar va vocab ga urgʻu bergan bir paytda bu chekkada qolib ketadi.

🤨Xoʻsh unda qanday qilib reader ni gʻoyaga oson ergashtirsa boʻladi?

⚡Buning uchun dast avval vergulli bogʻlovchilarni meyorida (- no more, - no less) ishlatishni bilish kerak. Asosiysi, bitta paragraph da koʻpi bilan 2ta shunday bogʻlovchilardan qoʻygan yaxshi. Shunda ham ular ketma ket kelgan ikkita gapda kelmasligi kerak - boʻlmasam examiner ning oʻqishini sekinlashtiradi va yozilgan esseni gʻalati koʻrsatadi. Masalan, shu essay ni body paragraph larida coherence juda ham zor boshqarilgan.

🧐Ularni oʻrniga nima qoʻysa boʻladi unda?

🔸Bularni juda ham turi koʻp va essay ni savoliga qarab mosini qoʻyib ketsa boʻladi. Masalan, opinion essay larda oʻzingiz qoʻshilmaydigan body paragraph ga "they believe that...", "Another common argument cited by the ... is that.. " deb ham boshlab ketsez boʻluradi. Bularni ham albatta Suhrob teacher ni shu essesidan o'rgansa bo'luradi.

📌Hozir sizlar bilan faqat vergulli bogʻlovchilar bilan boʻlgan muammoni koʻrib chiqdik va ishonamanki, bularni siz amalda qoʻllagunizgacha men "coherence and cohesion" da yana nimalar qilsa foydali boʻlishiga post yozaman.

The next part is coming.

Репост из: BM | ACCA
Mart oyida kimlar sizga tekinga dars o'tib berishga tayyor :

1. Ozodbek Botirlaiyev - Overall band 9.0
Writing Marathon✏️

2.Sherzodbek Matyoqubov - Multilevel Expert
CEFR Marathon + 🌟3 kishiga CEFR imtihoni puli to'lab beriladi

3. Khushnudbek - Overall 8.5
Listening Marathon

4. Muallim Said - Overall 8.5
Speaking Marathon with Niners

5. Mukhammad Rakhimov - Writing 8.5
Scholarship Guidilines + IELTS Writing - 9 March

6. Ulug'bek Umidjonov - Overall 9.0
30-day Article Marathon

7. IELTS Zone - o’quv markaz.
Ramadan Challenge

8. Jafar& Sherali
30-day Reading challenge
( daxshat ekan🔥 )

9. Everestliklardan 30-day challenge
Reading Challenge

10. Bekzod - Overall 8.5
Speaking 9.0 - mock tests

i will update it when i find other posts as well

🧌If you have any questions, feel free to let me know in the comments below!

Do you have any problem with one of these in writing task 2? 🤔
  •   Task response
  •   Lexical resource
  •   Coherence and cohesion
4 голосов

Grammar range and accuracy

🤔Oʻzi bu qanaqa criteria?
Bu, oʻzini nomi bilan, grammatikani toʻgʻri ishlatilganini baholaydi. Yaʼni tinish belgilarining qoʻllanilishi, sentence structures ni har xilligi, ularni toʻgʻri ishlatilganligi va albatta Grammar error larni bor yoki yoʻqligini aniqlaydi.

1 - Complex sentence structures:
📌Murakkab sentence structures ishlatishni TUSHUNISH kerak. Qanaqa qilib oʻylagan boʻsangiz, shunaqa yozish kerak. Koʻp oʻylasangiz ideani ham more complex qilib yuborasiz. Natijada, vaqt koʻp ketadi va yozishdagi samaradorlik pasayadi. KEEP IT STRAIGHTFORWARD.

2 - Important techniques:
📌Menga grammar xatolarimni kamaytirishga katta yordam bergan narsa bu - har bir yozgan gapimni qayta oʻqib chiqish boʻlgan. Tushunmasam, edit qilaman, OSONLASHTIRAMAN.
📌INPUT ni oshirish kerak! Kitob oʻqib, high level esselarni oʻqib, note yozish va koʻzga chiroyli koʻringan sentence structures ni oʻrganish kerak. Bu nafaqat grammar ni oshiradi, balki nuqta va vergullar qoʻllanishini ham oʻrganishga katta taʼsir koʻrsatadi.
Buning uchun men bularni tavsiya qilgan boʻlardim👇

1 - @WRITING_T - band 9 essay writer
2 - Books By Mckeown - known for his simple, clear and effective writing style!

Shunday qilib, agar boshqa savollaringiz paydo boʻlsa kommentariyada qoldirishingiz mumkin. Foydali boʻldi degan umiddaman!

Bu postda siz -

- Qanqa qilib essaylada murakkab sentence structures ishlatasiz-u, lekin ballingiz umuman oʻzgarmasligi sababi;

- Grammar section dan aslida yuqori natija olish uchun nima qilish kerakligi;

- Tinish belgilarini toʻgʻri ishlatishga nima qilish kerakligini oʻrganishingiz va

- Bularni tez va samarali usulda qoʻllash mumkinligini bilib olasiz!

Ishonamanki, bu sizga katta yutuq boʻla oladi!😊

Ertaga qanaqa qilib task 2dagi Grammar section ni 9 ga oshirish uchun bitta post yozimi😁 Oʻqisilami?! 🤔

🔥 - yes
❤️‍🔥 - yes


"Send"dan keyin shundoq ega kesa o'rtaga "to" tushmidi, chunki bu oʻzbek tilimas;

"Send"dan keyin nimani jonatvotganiz kesa, ana unda "to" db kimgalini yozgan maʼqul;

#CommonMistakes Find the INCORRECT answer
  •   I sent the file to you
  •   I sent to you the file
  •   I sent you the file
4 голосов

Don't we start a challenge in Ramadan, like other IELTS channels?!

🔥 - yes

Ramadan mubarak my dear brothers and sisters

Anybody writing? 🤔

So here's how we're gonna write


Start with a strong hook—this could be a paraphrased version of the topic or a compelling reason why it's important. Then, clearly state your position on the issue.

Body Paragraph 1:

Begin with a clear topic sentence using a simple sentence structure.

Present your idea and explain it either in a single sentence or two distinct ones—keep it concise and direct.

Body Paragraph 2:

Follow the same structure as the first paragraph, but this time, use stronger modal verbs (like must, should, or will) to emphasize your argument.

If your idea is complex, don’t use complicated sentence structures. Keep your language simple and concise.


This is the easiest part! Don't summarize your main points,but restate your position clearly. Avoid adding new ideas—just reinforce what you’ve already said. A strong, straightforward conclusion can make a big difference in your writing score.

Try to write an essay on this topic using the plan above and I'll definitely check it.

Now it's time to plan how we're gonna write the essay

This time I'll take a different approach to write an essay on this topic.

Since this is positive/negative question, we should cover both sides and depending on ideas we gathered, we should choose a side.

Possible positive outcomes:
- customers can buy food at any time
- higher salaries for employees
- your idea(optional)

Possible negative outcomes:
- more pressure on workers
- possible sleep deprivation
- your idea (optional)

In some countries, more and more shops are open longer hours every day.

What are positive and negative effects of this ?

Next time , do not say a poisonous snake.

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