Finally after a long wait, today is day that we've been waiting for. Because our fi
pretty queens is comeback! They have
working so hard in this comeback, so please give lots ot
love and support for our 5 talented girls,
Velvet. And ... BOOM! '
Queendom' MV from
Red Velvet has released now! Happy comeback to all Red Velvet members. Also happy
comeback for all Red Velvet rp-ers.
Especially for Me a.k.a Yerisya, Renesmee, Acilla, Eileen, Sabine, Sakala, Bia, Jadev, Yelena, Journey, Cessie, Avenna, Bieven, Olanara, Maurene, Gerlaf, Raveena, Kanaya, Chalovie, Arav, Jjovara, Hellena, Gracirina, Caca, Sabiesya, Reenay, Rabella, Wavelyn, Rasseloka, Kayce, Livia, Britney, Anza, Renvayse, Beverly, Jennifer, Ayera, Aurora, Jocklane, Ayeera, Aimee, Kalulla, Satine, Mayrine, Joyanka, Hellarin, Maveena, Dischaniera, Arasya, Laaurene, Anindya, Cessie, Chia, Nadine, Clarabell, Seanne, Mendung, Clameyra, Michi, Revona, Fracyla, Wendy, Ansalula, Kelseyra, Sebyla, Juliette, Olivia, Aira, Jorexa, Safinna, Dayine, Sebylaa, Albia, Valee, Clarkee, Lolita, Ravecca, Raeswara, Zaneeta.
Congratulations and don't forget to streaming the mv y'all. Enjoy your day, also lets cheers for us! 🥂