Fellowship of the Flurks

Гео и язык канала: не указан, Английский
Категория: Блоги

We go through the shit, memes and news so you don’t have to. Just sit back and enjoy whats coming!
“Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is a success.” – Henry Ford

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Burn the coal pay the toll


Репост из: Lee Dojo Chat
Great question.

There are multiple planes of existence - the mental, the physical, the digital, the spiritual and the transcendtal.

The mental, phsycial and digital planes are manifestations of 3Dimensional reality - which encapsulates everything you can perceive, conceive and interact with. The 3d consciousness is deeply rooted in the material world and relies completely on the 5 senses. This plane of reality is bound by time and matter and is governed by 3 fundamental laws;

1. The law of gravity: Gravity does not exist by itself. It is the effect of the interaction between two bodies with mass which causes them to inflence each other.
2. The law karma: For every cause there is an effect, for every action a reaction, for every decision a consequence.
3. The law of duality: There is not a single stand alone phenomena in the observable world. Everything exists as a twin - day & night, right & left, life & death, masculine & feminime, positive & negative.

The 5D reality (spiritual plane) represents a higher state of consciousness, where the ego begins to dissolve and the innerconnectedness of all things becomes apparent. You start to see through the illusions of time and death. You become more sensisitve, perceptive and creative. The fundamental laws at play here are;

1. The law of vibration: At the atomic level, everything vibrates and has it's own frequency. When an electron absorbs energy, it can "jump" to a higher energy level (a higher vibration), and when it loses energy, it drops to a lower level. The same applies to you. The law of vibration is the working principle behind the law of rythm, the law of resonace and the law of attraction.
2. The law of polarity: When duality is viewed through the lens of awareness, it becomes a polarity. This means that extremes don't exist as opposites, but as two ends of a spectrum, two sides of a coin, or two rungs of the a ladder. Cold and heat, for example, are not separate entities, but varying degrees of temperature.

The transcendetal or cominc plane is 7D. On this plane all phenomenon become non-existent. There is no separation between the self and the universe. Everything simply exists and flows as one (the law of oneness). The past, present and future happen concurrently - which means that there are infinite timelines, infinitie universes and infinite possibilities.


It's simple - stay connected to your Awareness. Your awareness is the bridge between 3D and 5D. Think about - if everything you perceive and conceive exists in 3D, then the Awareness behind all that you experience is automatically a different reality. Transcendental meditation is the fastest way I know to reconnect with your Awareness.

When you unlock your chakras, intensify your vibration and elevate your consciousness, the portal to 7D opens up by itself. Keep in mind that these are all fancy terms. You have to understand the essence behind them. Or as Bruce Lee once said: "Look at the moon, not the finger pointing to the moon".

Another way to quickly shift planes is to embody the characteristics of higher consciousness and surrend the traits of lower consciousness. From fear to trust, from worry to gratitude, from judgement to acceptance, from apathy to purpose. Remember, everything is a polartiy. Sadness is just happiness on low vibration . Always employ this understanding to transmute your consciousness and alchemize your reality 🤍.

Репост из: Lee Dojo

Freedom is a radical refusal to be owned by anything. Not your family. Not the governement. Not even your own mind. Everything in this world is bidding for your soul-stocks ($SOUL). The more you let the world own you, the more you lose touch with yourself. And this is why most people in the world today are schizophrenic. They don't even know who they are, much less being their authentic self.

To quote Seneca:

"You act like mortals in all that you fear. And like immortals in all that you desire."

This means that you only ever act with a sense of urgency when your survival is at stake. But that same level of desperation should be employed in chasing your goals.

Why do you postpone your dreams?
Why do you remain enslaved to your vices?
Why do you entertain friendships that bring out the worst in you?

The greatest act of courage is to assume full responsibility and agency for your life. The bitter truth is no one can save you but you. And even if someone else saves you, then you automatically become their slave. Why not make today the day you say enough is enough?

I truly appreciate everyone still here. Thank you for the comments, DMs and emails. I apologize for getting you all worried. Had to go Zen mode to do some intensive shadow work and ascend in consciousness. The vision surely gets clearer the higher you climb. Now I'm back from the 6th dimension with lots of esoteric life changing wisdom to dish out. My only mission is to help each and everyone of you manifest your dreams and actualize your full potential.

Comment your last quarter goals, or any habit you want to quit/adopt. I promise to attend to them all.

Love love love. Light light light. 🤍🖤

Репост из: Vault of Secrets - Unpopular History
Dirk, Latvian Army, early type; E&F Horster Solingen; blade length 24.5 cm, total length 26.1 cm, Latvia, the beginning of 20ties of 20th cent., scabbard is soldered

Latvians invented stuff

Репост из: Shadowman311's Manic Musings

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Репост из: Thuletide
14-year-old girls are the most raped demographic in the UK and a rape happens every hour in London.

Репост из: [Westfalen]

Репост из: Privacy & Security Goys

We're not joking around. It's time to go.

Dissidents who are unable or unwilling to adapt and make the jump are the low-hanging fruit. Our people have had their lives ruined over edgy venting. They will make an example out of you.

Copy and paste these links in SimpleX to join us:
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Our friends at Agency International

Репост из: Intel Slava Z
✉️⚡️The Telegram messenger, whose management has agreed to cooperate with the French security forces, has begun to respond to requests from other countries as part of cybercrime investigations (c) Le Figaro

Репост из: /CIG/ Telegram | Counter Intelligence Global
🇺🇸☢️ US firm to open Yorkshire nuclear reactor factory

South Yorkshire has been chosen as the home for an American company's factory making nuclear reactors.

Holtec, the world's largest exporter of capital nuclear components, said it planned to build small modular reactors (SMRs) at the factory to serve the UK, European and Middle East markets.

📎 https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cvglxne40p4o

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@FlurkFellows Me if I had a windows license

Репост из: Thomas Sewell
Absolute legend hahaha

Репост из: etherialgandalf archive
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Репост из: Intel Slava Z
✉️⚡️The Telegram messenger, whose management has agreed to cooperate with the French security forces, has begun to respond to requests from other countries as part of cybercrime investigations (c) Le Figaro

Репост из: /CIG/ Telegram | Counter Intelligence Global
🔋Molten salt battery can replace lithium devices, works in heat without catching fire

The demand for safe and increased energy storage in a device is driving innovations worldwide. Conventional lithium batteries aren’t safe enough, especially in high heat, and have certain limitations that hamper innovation in such devices.

To overcome multiple challenges, a Tennessee-based energy company has introduced a new type of battery aimed at replacing traditional lithium batteries.

BioLargo Energy Technologies claims that its molten salt-based battery thrives in heat and can be a better alternative for traditional energy storage devices.

🔸Salt-based battery won’t catch fire

Randall Moore, President and CEO of BioLargo, stated that there have been a number of fires related to lithium-ion batteries in New York, including in E-Bikes. “This cell won’t have that problem.”

“I think the main goal is to provide a cell that people don’t have to worry about having in their homes and their factories, that’s not going to be a safety concern. That’s the biggest issue is trying to find a better way to meet an immediate need.” Moore said.

The high-temperature battery uses molten salts as the electrolyte and offers multiple advantages compared to conventional energy storage devices. The new batteries have longer cycle, higher energy density, and can operate at high temperatures.

Suited for heavy-scale energy storage applications, the new system can be used as grid storage and renewable energy integration, due to their robustness and efficiency. The new devices can advance sustainable energy solutions by providing reliable and efficient energy storage.

📎 https://interestingengineering.com/energy/molten-salt-battery-lithium-replacement

Репост из: Disclose.tv
NEW - Tonight a large Russian ammunition depot in the Tver region of Russia was hit by Ukrainian drones.

This site is just a few kilometers away from the other ammunition depot, which got incinerated three days ago.


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