For The Believing Women

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Severe Threat From The Messenger Regarding “Dressed But Naked”

In The Name of Allaah, The Most Merciful, The Bestower of Mercy.

Abu Hurairah [may Allaah be pleased with him] reported that Allaah’s Messenger [pease and blessings of Allaah be upon him] said,

“Two are the types of the inhabitants of Hell whom I did not see: people having flogs like the tails of the ox with them and they would be beating people, and the women who would be dressed but appear to be naked, who would be inclined (to evil) and making others inclined towards evil. Their heads would be like the humps of the bukht camel inclined to one side. They will not enter Paradise and they would not smell its odour whereas its odour would be smelt from such and such distance.

Imaam Muhammad Ibn Saaleh Al-Uthaymeen [may Allaah have mercy upon him] said: This has been explained to mean that they will wear short clothing that does not cover the parts of the body one is obligated to cover [i.e. the entire body of a woman is to be covered besides the face and hands]. It has been explained to mean that they will wear revealing clothing that does not prevent one from seeing the woman’s skin. And it has been explained to mean that they will wear tight clothing which covers the body, but reveals that which leads to trial through a woman.

NB: Regarding the statement “They will not enter Paradise, nor smell its fragrance, even though it can be found from a distance of five hundred years of travel”.

Imaam Abdul Azeez Bin Baaz [may Allaah have mercy upon him] said, “The sinners [i.e. those who die whilst committing sins lesser than Shirk] are under the will of Allaah- if Allaah wishes, He will either punish or forgive them straight away, or He enters them into hell for some time and paradise thereafter, just as Allaah said:

[إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ لَا يَغۡفِرُ أَن يُشۡرَكَ بِهِۦ وَيَغۡفِرُ مَا دُونَ ذَٲلِكَ لِمَن يَشَآءُ‌ۚ –

Verily, Allah forgives not that partners
should be set up with him in worship, but He forgives except that (anything else) to whom He pleases]. [Surah An-Nisaa. Verse 48]

He Wants To Test The Real Person You Are

Beware of falling into despair lest answers to prayers take a long time because Allāh is the Sovereign Possessor (al-Mālik), the Most Wise (al-Ḥakīm) and Best Planner and the One Who knows the best for your affairs. You need to heed to the fact He wants to test the real person you are, to see your devoted supplications to Him and to reward you for your patience (ṣabr).

Know that He tests you with delaying the answers of your supplications to combat the whispers (waswasa) of Iblīs. Each one of these reasons is enough to increase the level of your hope in Allāh's grace and calls for thankfulness (shukr) of Allāh because He preferred you with trials in order to turn to Him—for it is nothing but affluence when a person becomes in need, and then turns to Allāh for His help.

[Book: Captured Thoughts by al-Ḥāfiẓ Abū'l-Faraj Ibn al-Jawzī, p. 316 | Translated from the Original Arabic | Dār as-Sunnah Publishers]

*Performing Good Actions – Shaykh Saaleh Aal-Ash Shaykh*

Giving preference (to others) in actions of gaining closeness – meaning:

That the issue, if it is referring to gaining closeness to Allaah, The Glorified and Exalted, then giving preference to your brother (in Islaam) in that act is Makrooh (Disliked).

Because this contradicts the racing (to good deeds) that we mentioned to you the proofs for (earlier) and hastening towards good and mutually competing.

So for example, there is a gap in the first row (for prayer) or a place further forward behind the Imam and you and your Muslim brother are standing

so you say to him “Go ahead” and he says to you “No, you go ahead”, you say (again) “Go ahead”, so the likes of this is not appropriate because it is disliked.
Rather what is appropriate is hastening to achieving this act of drawing close (to Allaah) and that is the virtue of being in the first row.

(Another) example; a man comes and he is in need of an extra 5000* Riyaal in order to remove his poverty. And you are capable (of helping him) and likewise your Muslim brother is capable (of helping him)
so you say to him (your capable, Muslim brother), “Help him, I’m giving you the opportunity, go ahead and help him.” and he says “No, you go ahead”
(and all of this is said) from the angle of love (for one’s brother). Meaning that each person puts forward his brother, then the likes of this is also disliked, and is not appropriate. Because in this area (what is expected) is hastening and competing in actions of good.
Likewise from the angle of reading – reading (some aspect of) knowledge upon the scholars – and taking the opportunities to obtain acts of obedience and striving and what is similar to this.
So these matters are known as good deeds i.e. acts of obedience . So giving preference to others in acts of obedience, i.e. those good deeds, is not appropriate, (rather it is) disliked because – as we have mentioned – it contradicts the command with hastening, racing and mutually competing in goodness.

Reminders & Quotes: Argumentation is a Characteristic of the Misguided – Shaykh Saalih Aal Ash-Shaykh


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The Suitable Age For Marriage

What is the suitable age for marriage for men and women, because some young women do not accept marriage from those who are older than them? Likewise, some men do not marry women who are older than them. We request a response and may Allaah reward you with goodness.

I advise young women not to refuse marriage from a man due to his age, such as being ten, twenty or thirty years older than her. This is not a reason, because the Prophet, sallallaahu alayhi was salam, married 'A'ishah, may Allaah be pleased with her, when he was fifty-three years old and she was a girl of nine years old. So being older does not harm. There is no sin in the woman being older, nor any sin in the man being older, because the Prophet, sallallaahu alayhi was salam, married Khadijah, may Allaah be pleased with her, when she was forty years old and he was twenty-five years old, before the Revelation came to him, sallallaahu alayhi was salam; that is, she, may Allaah be pleased with her, was fifteen years older than him. Then he married 'A'ishah, may Allaah be pleased with her, when she was small - six or seven years old and he was fifty-three years old.
Many of those who speak on the radio or television deter people from marriage between men and women of differing ages - this is all wrong & saying such things is not permissable for them. It is obligatory for a woman to look at the (prospective) husband, and if he is righteous and suitable, she should agree, even if he is older than her. Similarly, a man should devote himself to finding a righteous, religious woman, even if she is older than him, if she is still young and still fertile. In short, the age should not be an excuse and it should not be considered something shameful, as long as the man is righteous and the woman is righteous. May Allaah reform the situation of us all.

Shaykh `Abdul-`Azeez Bin Baz
Fatawa Islamiyah, volume 5, The Book of Marriage, page 169-170



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Reminders & Quotes: Characteristics of The Truthful Sincere Salafi – al-Allaamah Rabee’ ibn Hadee al-Madkhalee


❃ 𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐖𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐧 ❃


Reminders & Quotes: A Servant’s Need for the Mu’awidhatayn – Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah


❃ 𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐖𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐧 ❃


Reminders & Quotes: Loving Ahlul-Bayt Within The Legislated Limits – Imaam Zayn Al-‘Aabideen ‘Ali Ibn Al-Husayn


❃ 𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐖𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐧 ❃


𝐀 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐏𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐓𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐬 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐟𝐢̄ 𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐡𝐚𝐣

L22: Newly introduced matters in to the Religion. Those who introduce innovations (bid’ah) are cornered by Imaam Ash-Shawkaanee!

🎙️ Shaykh Abū Khadījah ʿAbd al-Wāḥīd خفظه الله


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Part 22 Sittings In Ramadhaan By Abu Khadeejah 080715 Newly Introduced Matters

Репост из: Majmoo 'al-Fataawa of Shaykh Ibn Baaz & the Permanent Committee
Women Wearing Strong Perfumes, Especially when Leaving Home

Q: What is the ruling on using perfume like musk, ‘ud (a name of perfume), rose scent, and the like by a woman especially when leaving home? What is the ruling on a woman who incenses and perfumes her female visitors as a way of showing them hospitality?

A: It is prohibited for women to go out while wearing perfume. She has no right either to do that to herself or to her female visitors and guests. Rather, she should excuse herself telling her guests the ruling of Shari’ah on this matter. This way she would be nice to her guests without doing something Haram (unlawful).

[Majmoo ’al-Fataawa Ibn Baaz, Vol.: 10; pg. 42]

Know Your Status!

O brothers, you should know your noble (sharaf) status as a human being, and protect your essence from debasing it with the regret of sins because you have been favoured over Angels. So beware of being lowered to the rank of animals because of your sins!

[Book: Captured Thoughts by al-Ḥāfiẓ Abū'l-Faraj Ibn al-Jawzī, p. 204 | Translated from the Original Arabic | Dār as-Sunnah Publishers]

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Should You Wear Makeup Outside? Can You Wear Jewelry?


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Dr. Mohammed bin Ghālib (@m_g_alomari_eng) Posted:

Beware that your share of good companions becomes merely the companionship, for that might lead you to becoming accustomed to companionship without gaining any benefit from it.

When you choose a companion, look at:
- The beauty of their character
- Their ambition
- Their goodness of worship
- Their generosity and willingness to give
And strive to surpass each other in [all of] that.

And if a characteristic irritates you but can be tolerated, overlook it, and follow the saying:
If you admonish your friend for every fault
You will find none who is blame-free
So, live alone or reconcile with your brother
For he sometimes may err and sometimes refrain from sin.

*Does the menstruating woman make wudhu before sleep?*

Bismillahi wal Hamdullillah Was Salaatu Was Salaamu ‘Alaa Rasoolillah
Ammaa Ba’d:

I was asked about this issue earlier today thus i share this benefit. Concerning this issue the scholars have a number of statements. Their statements revolve firstly around the fact that the Messenger Sallallahu alaihi was salam used to make Wudhu while in a state of Janaaba.

Upon the authority of Abu Salamah who said: “I asked Aaisha -Radhiyallahu anhaa Did the Prophet Sallallahu alaihi was Salam sleep while Junub? She said: “Yes! and he would make Wudhu”
(Collected by Bukhaari (282))

Upon the authority of Aaisha – Radhiyallahu anhaa “The Messenger of Allah – Sallallahu alaihi Was Salam when he was in a state of ritual impurity, and he intended to eat or sleep then he would make wudhu like his wudhu for salaah”
(Collected by Muslim (305))

As far as this wudhu is concerned, the scholars hold that it is done for the purpose of ‘Lightening’ the Janaaba (state of ritual impurity) of the person who is Junub

After mentioning some of the ahaadeeth that indicate the issue, Al Haafidh Ibn Rajab mentions in his ‘Fathul Baari’ (not that of Al Haafidh Ibn Hajr) (1/358):
“The ahaadeeth mentioned in the chapter, indicate that the wudhu of the person who is junub (in a state of ritual impurity) ‘lightens’ his state of janabah”

That is there is nothing that prevents him from being completely pure, except him making ghusl, and what is correct is that the woman is the same as the man in that regard.

With that being the case, the question that arises is, is the menstruating woman the same as the man or woman in a state of Janaabah?

What is correct is that she isn’t, due to the fact that she has a continual flow of blood that she would not become pure from even if she made ghusl.

Thus her having a ghusl would not put her in a state of tahaarah, while the man or woman in a state of janaabah IS purified with Ghusl and similarly, if they make wudhu their state is lightened.

With the exception of one woman, and that is the woman whos’ menses has ended but she has not yet made ghusl to purify herself, this woman is benefitted by wudhu if she intends to sleep in that state.

Al Haafidh ibn Hajr mentions the statement of Ibn Daqeeq al eid -Rahimahullah who said
“Ash Shaafi’ee has stated that this is not for the menstruating woman (i.e. to make wudhu before sleep), because if she were to make ghusl it would not remove her state of impurity, while that is not the case with one who is junub, but if her flow of blood ceases, then that is permissable for her”
(Fathul Baari 1/395)

Imaamun Nawwawi has a similar statement in his explanation of Muslim he states (3/218):
“Our companions (i.e. the scholars of the Shaafi’ee madhab) are united upon the fact that it is not desirable for the woman in a state of menses or post-natal bleeding to make wudhu (i.e. before sleep) because wudhu will have no effect upon her state of impurity, but if her menses ends then she becomes like the one who is Junub.
Wallahu a’lam”

📖• L8 - My Sincere Advice To Women

✒️• Umm ʿAbdillāh al-Wādiʿiyyah حفظها الله

🎙️• Ustādh Maaz Qureshi حفظه الله



Reminders & Quotes: From The Signs of Idiocy - Ibn Hibbān


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Reminders & Quotes: The Quran Can Only Be Understood by Way of The Sunnah – The Muaddith Shaykh al-‘Albānī


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