Freshly Baked Polls

Гео и язык канала: не указан, не указан
Категория: не указана

I like to make polls. Share with your friends and discuss the results.

Связанные каналы

Гео и язык канала
не указан, не указан
не указана
Фильтр публикаций

Choose one of the following dead languages to be fully revived (spoken by native speakers).
  •   Ancient Greek
  •   Latin
  •   Vedic Sanskrit
  •   Gothic
  •   Sumerian
  •   Akkadian
  •   Ancient Egyptian
  •   Phoenician
  •   Etruscan
  •   Other
81 голосов

Best videogame era?
  •   1970s
  •   1980s
  •   1990s
  •   2000s
  •   2010s
  •   Current era
37 голосов

Most based philosopher?
  •   Plato
  •   Aristotle
  •   Nietzsche
  •   Kant
  •   Descartes
  •   Leibniz
  •   Thomas Aquinas
  •   Confucius
  •   Other
  •   Sun Tzu
44 голосов

You can visit one of the following mythical/lost cities.
  •   Agartha
  •   Atlantis
  •   City of the Caesars
  •   Atlantis of the Sands
  •   Shambhala
  •   El Dorado
  •   Hyperborea
  •   Shangri-La
  •   Seven Cities of Cibola
  •   Vineta
31 голосов

Greatest role model?
  •   Socrates
  •   Jesus Christ
  •   Buddha
  •   Moses
  •   Muhammed
  •   Goethe
  •   Julius Caesar
  •   Alexander the Great
39 голосов

Choose one of the following geopolitical blocks to be granted world domination.
  •   Western globalist world government (USA - Commonwealth - EU - NATO)
  •   Eurasianist world government (Russia and allies)
  •   World caliphate (Iran)
  •   Chinese CCP Empire
33 голосов

You are given the power to grant one of the following separatist movements their independence. Choose one.
  •   Kurdistan
  •   United Ireland
  •   Scotland
  •   Texas
  •   Catalonia
  •   Tibet
  •   Chechnya
  •   Quebec
  •   Basque Country
  •   Bavaria
49 голосов

Most based mental illness?
  •   Bipolar / BDP
  •   Autism
  •   ADHD
  •   Obsessive-compulsive disorder
  •   Kleptomania
  •   Schizophrenia
  •   Psychopathy / Sociopathy
  •   Paraphilia (any kind)
  •   Nymphomania
  •   Hoarding disorder
48 голосов

One of the following will be gone forever. You must choose one.
  •   Fiction books
  •   Movies & TV shows
  •   Videogames
  •   Televised sports
  •   Internet
10 голосов

A new species of hominid is discovered in a secluded forest. Their intelligence and disposition is equivalent to a homo erectus. Should they be legally treated as any other animal or as a higher species?
  •   Higher species — they are too close to us to be treated like fauna
  •   Animals — they are not homo sapiens therefore fauna
27 голосов

A gigantic meteor will inevitably hit Earth and you have the power to choose which city it will hit, destroying everything within a 150 mile radius.
  •   Delhi
  •   Shanghai
  •   New York
  •   Los Angeles
  •   Tokyo
  •   São Paulo
  •   Johannesburg
  •   St. Petersburg
  •   Mexico City
  •   Lagos (Nigeria)
48 голосов

You are forced to choose one of the following senses to be eliminated for all humans.
  •   Touch
  •   Taste
  •   Smell
  •   Sight
  •   Hearing
11 голосов

Репост из: Freshly Baked Polls
An evil entity captures you and forces you to choose one of the following inventions to be erased from history, and never created by anyone ever. You have no escape unless you choose.
  •   Printing press
  •   Penicillin
  •   Airplane
  •   Wheel
  •   Eletricity
  •   The computer
  •   Compass
  •   Optical lenses
  •   Gunpowder
  •   Telephone
44 голосов

Welcome to the channel. I will post interesting polls here with hypothetical questions on different topics. Please share with your contacts and groups so we can reach more people and get more varied and diverse respondants.

Показано 14 последних публикаций.


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