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Do you hate grass? Me too! This is a channel dedicated to anti-lawn propoganda, in support of ecological diversity, sustainability, xeriscaping, native plants, pollinators, and good gardening. Have an anti-grass meme? Contact @SovereignCervine

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Here's another vid I was assigned today, about my home state. It's a decade old but has some worthwhile info. Skip to 5:23 for anti-lawn glory. According to this vid, 60% of residential water use in Denver is for lawns. DISGOSTING https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tzWA8gTb4og

As a side note, I like that this Ted Talk addresses that water shortages do not lie (solely, you should still take shorter showers) on personal responsibility, that only 8% of water usage is domestic, while 70% is used for agriculture and 22% for industry, and that that needs to be addressed. It straight up says that "profit is not the same thing as the common good."

But if we are talking about individual responsibility, and city/local government responsibility too, you know what takes a LOT of water?


Elon Musk is grass

Репост из: Kels (Sovereign🦌/Drummer🐎)

Репост из: Kels (Sovereign🦌/Drummer🐎)
So I'm doing hw for my enviro class and I was just about to watch a Ted Talk and I see this comment

Репост из: unironic communist memes

Shrooms 👏🏻 👏🏻 are 👏🏻 👏🏻 also hot

Репост из: cottagecore home

Moss 👏🏻 👏🏻 is 👏🏻 👏🏻 hot

Репост из: Inspirobot

Ecoanarchism? Anprim? Interpret as you will

I should also mention Inspirobot is a big part of my shitposting so expect more in the future

The deer is here
Gib me your grass

Репост из: cottagecore home

Репост из: Connor Elsea

Репост из: Inspirobot

Репост из: Anarchy, Love and Memes

Репост из: @vustex

Репост из: Connor Elsea
Destroying the bourgeois grass

Показано 20 последних публикаций.


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