Galaxy Verge

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Категория: Политика

The Empire of Galactic Vergence

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Репост из: GXV Meme Warfare

Репост из: GXV Meme Warfare

5G Brain Damage Warning
Updated today to mention that you can remove the DCM fuse in your car.

I pulled out the DCM fuse in my car, now it stops hammering me with EMF. Easy. Will update my PDF online with that info.

Репост из: GXV Meme Warfare

I have seen God and understood enough in my disrespected life that by my end I in my heart welcome death as relief from a nightmare, and as a welcome reminder that I am just another stupid human who suffered a lifetime in this fake Hellhole. Who knows? Maybe I'll burn again. It's not like I'll have to wait very long to find out.

-- GXV

The desire to be understood is fundamental to social creatures, and yet in essence is an intentionally flawed design with no limit of frustration, because no one understands until it happens to him, and it is fruitless to communicate with someone for whom understanding is impossible. Death is therefore simply God's way of showing a human his disgrace, and all of life comes crumbling down, the most precious and valuable things that exist are desecrated and ruined by each generational cycle, the greatest potential demoralized into oblivion. There is nothing good in this world, it is all a ritual of ruination, time after time, and life and wisdom are cheated and hindered. All that are around now are cowards and self-gratifying fools who still walk in darkness while claiming to see just fine. I was born blessed to listen and be an independent thinker and have a lifetime, and that lifetime to be focused on truth and Jesus Christ. I have forgotten in my brief lifetime more than many will ever know. All virtues were welcomed within me, and I lived by righteousness, and suffered as usual for it. I used all manner of intellect and intelligence and awareness to evaluate the knowledge of God and life and human behaviors available to me, I really took the time and made the intentional effort to learn, and God gave me a variety of experiences. I saw the greatest good, and God, and I saw the worst evil, and malicious demons. I listened to God, and I lived, and I learned as best I could. My constant level of stress was described as unbelievable. Society has chosen mostly to hate me in envy rather than respect me. I was never afraid to admit that I was afraid. I have seen noble actions from people of all ages, and admired such. I have discovered the most critical secrets that should be made known, and I have kept secrets since childhood. I know that each soul learns for itself during its lifetime, and every life story is unique and part of God's intended narrative. I know reputation spreads more easily than understanding, and lies are more delightful to ponder than honesty and facts to build an accurate understanding. I know all religions and people are deceived or fail in their necessary understanding, and only an exceedingly rare soul dedicates himself to truth and life without fear. I tried to be such a man. I tried to be a hero to all, a pillar of society, following in the noble footsteps of the holy Lord who so few people truly know. All my knowledge goes to no one, for I have remained a virgin with no wife or child of my own, and the war against evil claims lifetimes and lives. As my time expires, knowing that no one could understand, knowing that my knowledge dies with me, and seeing the cycle of folly, death, and ruin continue on earth despite my attempts to get people to listen, as anyone would say, it is the grand tragedy of this world order that what is most valuable is not valued and what is simply bad is valued the most. The world order is actually sick and insane, and society is its women, so I blame Eve for demanding money and hindering procreation more than the demonic fake Jews who destroy using their systems of money. If women didn't demand money, there would be no problems. But don't bother telling that to a woman, for her 12-year-old brain will be incapable of comprehending honest intellectual conclusions. If you observe, most people are primitive and foolish, so a woman is just a girl and only good for sex and maternal instinct, and people of all ages are easily swayed by fear and socially tricked into a way of life that exploits them, because they need to be unwillingly convinced that goodness is valuable. Make a system of slavery and you have conquered the world forever. The Satanic Jews have succeeded in that, and womankind is the foolish, childish, accomplice in the butchering of all life on earth. Of course they won't understand! Did Adam and Eve admit their wrongdoing? It's all the same old garbage to be burned in Gehenna.

Репост из: GXV Meme Warfare

Репост из: GXV Meme Warfare

Репост из: GXV Meme Warfare

Репост из: GXV Meme Warfare

Dear Humanity,

You aborted my wife while she was in her mother's womb. You don't deserve to live. I disown you.


5G Caused Brain Damage

Please print, distribute, and share this PDF on social media and in neighborhoods.

Talk is pointless. Soon there will be nothing left to talk about, and no one left to talk. I die a virgin, the only one of my kind. You wouldn't understand integrity. You have a million books about the bible and a million preachers earning a daily living in a million churches, but not one accurate bible in English, and not a man left alive with the means that I, a poor unemployed man, had to make one. Soon there will be more death than you can comprehend, including your own, and the panic and misery that follows will be the only revolution. You'll die before you ever see the beautiful truth. It is the grand unspoken tragedy, the sad and ubiquitous pattern of human history for everyone, that life is simply wasted slaving for some selfish banker's stupid agenda, not goodness. The stupid learn by suffering. My warnings fall on resistant ears attached to brains primed into a stupor by the enemy to suffer excessive pain and then die. Yet after decades of evaluation, I say life is worth saving, but all of creation is not worth Jesus Christ's life. But had you understood God's love, you already would have burned down the 5G towers that are killing us all. I rest my case. Society is stubbornly suicidal and stupid. Therefore, all I can say is I wish you each a swift death more merciful than the nightmares you have chosen to allow for us all. Your absolute stupidity was that you never could take action, nor accept any warnings about harm that had not already happened to you. That's why I know the worst will happen to you. It's inevitable now. Have it your way, then. Do nothing. Learn nothing. Suffer and die as I suffer and die. You are too stupid to deserve to live. The only kind word I have left for you is goodbye. There will be nothing left alive to eat your corpses. The stench will be magnificent.

Soon there will be nothing left to talk about, and no one left to talk.

Anyone who sees God's love will burn down every 5G tower. Everyone else is too demoralized into accepting the suicide weapon that the Satanists have dutifully installed overhead. There is too much legitimately important work to do that the public is completely oblivious to, or brainwashed into not doing, it's no wonder that everyone is suicidal.

I went to the ER. They didn't even write down my symptoms or diagnose me correctly on paper.

Reason for visit:

Intermittent confusion

My real given reasons for visit:
Brain damage
Memory loss
Cognitive impairment
Brain bleed
Feeling like I am about to die
Radiation sickness
Possible brain tumor

My dad told me something very true, and I'm thinking about it. People are stupid, because they are incapable of understanding anything until it happens to them. Coupled with the unending ubiquitous incompetence, and I wonder if human life really does have any value. The thought occurred to me that I should simply not help anyone but let each of them learn the hard way, because they are essentially good for nothing and incapable of understanding until they're dead. But at that time it's too late for them. So the anger is towards a necessary purpose, and the only counterbalance is doing good. While thinking about this more than I am writing now, my conclusion is that there is abundantly obvious logic for the reason why God only lets people with integrity and selflessness into Heaven. It's because people are too stupid to understand anything they have not personally experienced, and a good purpose with integrity is the only thing that could possibly compensate for that socially. I guess that's some context for always doing good despite no one deserving or really understanding except Jesus Christ. But the nightmare of loss... all I see is a tragic end for everything. And for a child to contemplate his mortality... I can perceive why some teach that life has only the meaning you want to give it for yourself. Coupled with the social hierarchy fantasies people have, and even the biggest tyrant is a mere child with tantrums. It's a game of egos and manipulative words, nothing of any value. To a mortal creature, what has value? It is almost as if the greatest life is to live in despair of the end, because to build a life is to build for nothing. What is worth enduring to the end? Even buildings fall and are left vacant. Why should life exist? It is here today and gone the next moment. It's just a game of eluding suffering, whether in the form of starvation or pain. And gratitude? Even the people Jesus brought back to life are buried and forgotten. Death is too horrible to understand. Each generation is just a passing aimless foolish moment. Life is too short for history to be any different than a repetitive beat on a conveyor belt of stupidity, desperate attempts to document wisdom flung around like chickenfeed.

The enemy seeks to silence God's praise.

Worship God. Defy evil.

All praise to you, Jesus Christ in heaven, and to our heavenly father who is within you. May my heart and mind honor God through my last breaths and forever. Because God is good, almighty, omniscient, and trustworthy always, and his spirit and son deserve honor and love and honesty. All who love him are given peace by his nature. And his name will be praised forever.

Happy Easter. May God, whose love came down from heaven, protect you and bless you and be merciful to you always. My maker watches over me, he guards my life, he sends his mighty angels to care for me, he sets paths of glory before me, his blessing is always upon me, lord shepherds me and will not at all fail me, for his love endures eternally from before the beginning of creation through the end of all eons. My life is weak, my time is a mere moment, and Lord Jesus Christ is my lifeblood beyond death, the truth I will know in person thereafter. The failures of this world are passing moments, not worth the worries they spur. But to honor the Lord in my thoughts is worth its every moment even in paradise. I worship God. And that I will never regret, because truly it is the greatest time of my precious brief life. The enemy would distract me from that with nonsense, and would cut my time short with death, but no matter if I live a day or a thousand years, the best I can do with my life is to worship and pray to my Lord, all my weakness and flaws irrelevant. The creatures of heaven and earth, the land and sea and air, the volcano and valley and mountain, the deepest depths and highest heights, everything is managed by God and relies upon him. Truth and Life may be denied and resisted, but cannot be defeated or undone. Truth is the mighty power that the enemy fears will undo deception and tyranny. Trust in Jesus overcomes fear; strength of faith thwarts corruption; pursuit of truth cuts through falsehood. The spirit of worshiping God is raw power that can defeat the spirit of lies that drags the world down to death. Do good, not evil. Defy evil and worship God.

Caucasian Christians, the extreme minority of the world population, have indisputably built the greatest civilizations and technologies in world history, despite being enslaved, persecuted, and slaughtered constantly by all other races and ideologies. The only critical flaw of Caucasian Christians, despite being the most intelligent and noble of the races, is that they are too foolish to defend their civilization in any way whatsoever, and the consequence is the lowest common denominator of extreme poverty and near extinction of all life. That is what you can expect, and no, Jesus is not coming to save you beforehand. What a pity that the entirety of human knowledge will be lost very soon. What a shame that so many people will die even sooner, as if their lives actually had no value. It must be that compulsion to let an unsatisfactory system be destroyed along with as many lives as its leaders want to kill on its way down. Why bother inventing safety boats if everyone would rather sink?

Preparing for the worst is simply welcoming the worst. But when men seize power -- as they always do -- it will be from the present anarchy. Otherwise, the present anarchy will necessitate that Caucasian Christians come to their senses and defend their civilization. Such a time will result in a bloodbath and purge of enemies, and then a golden age of prosperity, as always happens. But if not, then all life on earth will perish and the earth suffer a cataclysm and dark age of mass extinction that has not happened since the flood, and then Christianity will perish from the earth, and the demonic kingdoms will have won.

Americans, enslaved from the beginning, permitted weapons only to kill each other, and farmed like cattle by fake Jews, never truly understood in their several generations of illiteracy how harshly they were being deceived and exploited. It would almost be comic were it not so pitifully sad and disgraceful. Not even to protect their precious women and children did the Caucasian Christians pick up a gun and shoot down inanimate machines. Caucasian Christians are as senseless as the dodo, and within a few years from today, will be just as extinct. Woe to the world when they vanish. The other races will beg for death. The resulting loss of life will implode into a war of death that will kill billions of people and exterminate multiple critical species of life. Is it worth all that to pretend that it is any credit to a man for him to not defend what is most precious? Doesn't everyone in Heaven protect life -- God, Jesus, angels... but never a Caucasian Christian, who are morally superior to God, right? Does the God-created body not fight infection and harmful creatures? No, I think life on earth is done for, the extinction curve is unstoppable now.

I will prepare another speech for the next meeting in two weeks. It's never easy, but I'll try. I'll call it my State of the Civilization address. ;)

5G affidavit of bodily harm and criminal complaint, redacted for publication.

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