Galaxy Verge

Гео и язык канала: Весь мир, Английский
Категория: Политика

The Empire of Galactic Vergence
Owner: @galaxy_fire

Связанные каналы

Гео и язык канала
Весь мир, Английский
Фильтр публикаций

A fool does what is wrong without fearing the consequences. A hero does what is right without fearing the consequences.

Judgment Day is coming for everyone. I would rather be a beggar in paradise than an emperor in Hell. I believe in Jesus Christ, and when I die, I will live among the best people who have ever lived. Some day, the Maker will completely destroy everyone who is completely destroying the earth. Until then, this world is going to experience terrifying things. The purpose for brave men is protecting the world of life against evil. Life needs Truth in order to survive. I will let my actions in secret worship my Maker.

-- GXV

I will be offline for several months now while I prepare my documentary.

My life at this point is sleeping and working. And I sleep so that I can think about my work. I shower maybe once a week. You get the idea.

Gotta make this one awesome. Hope I make it across the finish line. Don't want to get myself killed without trying to change the world for the better in the process. Until then.

You know what to do.

For Truth.

-- GXV

Which societal problem would you like me to fix first?

1) Diabetes
2) Autism
3) Herpes
5) Cancer
6) Financial slavery
7) Abortion
8) Human trafficking
9) Narcotics
10) Crime
11) Occultism
12) Obesity
13) Loneliness
14) Confusion
15) Divorce
16) Sugar
17) Pornography
18) Homelessness
19) Debt
20) Corruption
21) Dishonesty
22) Deceit
23) Apathy
24) Ignorance
25) Selfishness
26) Sin
27) Guilt
28) Human sacrifice
29) War
30) Chemicals in food
31) Genocide
32) Adultery
33) Chemicals in water
34) Sexual immorality
35) Chemicals in air
36) Nanotechnology synthetic DNA-transforming parasites
37) Radiation sickness
38) Geoengineering
39) Despair
40) Directed Energy Weapon attacks
41) Torture camps
42) Economic collapse
43) Infertility
44) Division
45) Hatred
46) Suicide
47) Subversion
48) Murder
49) Theft
50) Destruction of evidence
51) Cultural destruction
52) Greed
53) Propaganda
54) Meaninglessness
55) Destruction of the family
56) Distraction
57) Medication
58) Vanity
59) Arrogance
60) Folly
61) Heart disease
62) Energy industry dependence
63) (Other)
64) (All of the above)

What if I told you that I could fix all these societal problems in one step? Would you actually listen to me?

What if I made a video that gave society the solution to all these problems? Would they murder me?

-- GXV

How does the flat earth model explain this crescent moon shape, where the light is on the lower portion of the moon?

Psychological warfare hurts. What is your worldview? How do you generally feel about life?
  •   Very Positive
  •   Somewhat balanced, or teetering between Positive and Negative
  •   Very Negative
38 голосов

Happy New Year.

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