Absolve to never ‘cuck’ in conversations or counter-single yourself or your beliefs. There is no ‘power level.’ Your ideas are not radical or immoral so stop believing and acting that they are. A man cannot influence the nation if he cannot sway the smaller world of his friends and family. Just don’t be autistic and say things that are extreme, preachy, irreverent or edgy- if you go too much into right field then people will reject it and will tend to never accept your dispositions. This not don’t mean be reckless, brazen and tactless but one should be above all honest. Speech and retochic and being well read as important as an understanding of dogma and a cohesive world view. Be honest. If there is a relevant thing to say in a conversation say it. It hurts no one to give out information and I personally make a point to do so whenever possible. Often other people are hesitant to say their mind on certain matters but expanding on their points puts them too ease and validates their position while also providing additional information to further those beliefs. Never be antagonistic, but if you do find yourself in such cases, remain collected and honest while trying to appeal to that person’s sentiments on issues framed from your perspective. In other words, always try validate people’s inferences and sentiments but not their beliefs.