Don’t be afraid to engage in activism. A critical moment in the formation of ‘my crew’ was when my community had an astroturfed rally for gun-control. It was easy to recognize others who were not just apathic to the forced liberal-leftist rally but antagonist to it. For the few dissidents, the euphemism of that week was unmatched, and we stoked it by stickered local area with retorts on gun control and some relevant takes on demographics. From this we eventually went a core of two to three guys to about a dozen guys in our local area. At the time we stated our goals where to “Get presence known and to be talked about in a positive fashion in households and among students. To make our presence known to the opposition, encourage talk among friends and push people over the edge by exposing them to the harsh reactions of teachers. All actions should be topical. For actions that stray from topicality, there must be a clear idea of intended and unintended impacts for those on the affirmative side of the act.” When doing activism, be smart, don’t be a stereotype and plan, plan, plan. Take the initiative and have fun doing activism.