Gwyngarth ๋࣭ ☾ ๋࣭ Сади Гвіна

Гео и язык канала: не указан, не указан
Категория: не указана

Sketches, poems and short stories about the dark fantasy world of Duscide. Rather chaotic posting.
* * *
Нариси, вірші і короткі історії про темний всесвіт Даскрайду. Поки досить хаотично.

Связанные каналы

Гео и язык канала
не указан, не указан
не указана
Фильтр публикаций

Репост из: Camelot
Іотар та його наставниця. Робота для @tamplior.
Дякую за замовлення. 

Інформація по замовленням ось

#Iotar #Eir


Вандрівник Фелан у свою першу мандрівку через світ Наглядачів

Looks familiar, doesn't he.


Вандрівник Корвін молодим і у тутешньому стані.


Іотар на пробіжці


Маленький Санджел вчиться контролю течії х'ярти, перетворюючи воду на льодові кристали

#Igor #Iotar

В цих двох завжди був повний безлад у відносинах, але з часом стало краще

#Tamplior #Lucien

"Чому він завжди так дивиться на мене?"

#Iotar #Sangel


Iotar stood in front of the door leading to halcyon's chamber for a good minute now, rehearsing and preparing for quite a difficult talk. He chose to stop by Sangel, feeling that his mood had improved greatly since the day they all came to Mistral, and stryga was ready to gamble with fate to convince halcyon to give Sentry a chance. Yet, some part of him was still afraid of what reaction might follow. Finally, he took all his courage within his fist and landed it on the door. Not even a second after, it's open wide, with Sangel's arm reaching for stryga and bringing him inside. No way back now. He stood awkwardly, flustered by Sangel's warm and tight embrace, as if he had been gone for years. He returned the gesture, letting his face rest on Sangel's chest. He didn't need to look to know the blue drakian's ears were mercilessly slashing the air.
"You came at last," the halcyon whispered heartily, and Iotar could hear a little bird inside attempting to escape his ribcage.
"It's been only half a day..." Iotar mumbled, to his horror unable to remember a single word he prepared for the pesky halcyon.
"Longest of my life!" drakian proclaimed, his wing fingers buried in the long silver strings of Iotar's hair. They were silky and warm, and soothed him. "I never felt the passage of time to be so slow in Mistral.."
Iotar finally raised his head, escaping the warm prison. "Why, aren't you inquisitors are always busy. I don't recall ever seeing you actually do your job, you know."
Sangel bumped his nose. "Hush! Of course I work. I just have my tasks within the Mistral itself."
Iotar rubbed his nose and dared again. "Sure you do, totally not just spent day lazy on a couch." That seemed to hit too close to home, for Sangel grabbed Iotar's chin. "You ain't a hardworker yourself, stryga." For a good second, halcyon transformed into what most of Mistral saw. Or Sentry.
But not Iotar, for he showed his tongue. Which was instantly captured by Sangel's lips.

#Sangel #Klink

"Агов, виродку."

Під час подій Гадди деякі вчинки Санджела будуть переслідувати його усе життя.


#Lucien #Selene

Вандрівники Люсьен і Селіна

#gwynn_art #gwynn_ooc
#Tamplior #Sentry

Its coffee time

#gwynn_art #gwynn_ooc
#Tamplior #Sentry

The buns you cannot wind out from a wending machine

#gwynn_art #gwynn_ooc
#Tamplior #Sentry

Романтична атмосфера учбового кранчу в бібліотеці під час якого партайм прибиральник пригощає вже-недешевою кавою з автомату

#gwynn_art #gwynn_ooc
#Tamplior #Sentry
о боже мій це що, референс на тот мультик намальований однім чуваком де ромео і джульета морські котики?



злізай поки не вбився 😭

#Iotar #Sentry #Morty

- Як це сталося, Іотаре?!?
- Я cтавив чайник на вогнище. Морті, давай домовимося!

#Sangel #Morty

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