hfrida v2.0 更新:
1: 合并多个模块和内置初始js
2: 现在frida的js脚本能够准确显示错误行号
3: 简化非越狱动态代码补丁流程
4: 加载gadget能够自动等待初始化完毕
5: 修复页面刷新后重载frida脚本失败的问题
复制 h5frida dylib文件到h5gg.app目录
复制 h5frida dylib 文件到 ipa 中的 .app 目录
复制目录中所有文件到 ipa 中的 .app 目录
https://frida.re/docs/javascript-api/----h5frida 新版本可能与旧版不兼容, 如果你需要升级, 请使用新版所有的文件替换, 并仔细检查新版的js示例代码.
---- jailbreak test:
Copy h5frida dylib file to
h5gg.app directory
Install frida-server jailbreak deb
(You can merge frida-server.deb and h5gg.deb when packing,
or copy frida-server.deb to h5gg.deb and add the auto-install command in postinst)
---- unjailbreak test:
Copy h5frida dylib file to .app directory in ipa
Copy all files in the directory to the .app directory in ipa
----frida's js script api documentation:
https://frida.re/docs/javascript-api/----h5frida new version may not be compatible with the old version, if you need to upgrade, please replace all files with the new version, and double check the js sample code of the new version.